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The 13 greatest love poems of all times

Quem é what, no boom da paixão, I never wanted to send a love poetry? Ou, what do you know, screver uma?

We gather here some two greatest love poems - from several decades and different countries - in hope of inspiring lovers of the world afora.

To love!by Florbela Espanca

I want to love, love madly!
Loving just for loving: Here... além ...
Mais Este e Aquele, or Outro e todos a gente
To love! To love! I don't love any!

Remember? Esquecer? Indifferent!…
Turn on or off? Is it wrong? É bem?
Quem disser that you can love someone
During life inteira é because mind!

There is a spring in every life:
É precise canta-la assim florida,
Pois se Deus give us your voice, let's sing!

E se um dia hei-de ser por, cinza e nada
That seja a minha noite uma alvorada,
That he knew how to lose me... to find me ...

Or sonnet by Florbela Espanca - one of the greatest Portuguese poets - love story from a little usual perspective. Here the eu-lyrical does not declare itself a loved one and does not promise unconditional love, or that it aspires and freedom.

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Longe to commit to love a single person, or what a poetic subject desires and experience or love in its plenitude, I know to be imprisoned to someone.

O poem also fails us about a consciousness of human finitude I want to be able to experience all kinds of conditions at maximum intensity, during or for a short time.

Die of loveby Maria Teresa Horta

Die of love
year out of your mouth

to fight
do sorriso

by prazer
com o teu corpo

Trade everything for you
be precise

Or succinct poem Die of love, published by the Portuguese writer Maria Teresa Horta na work Destination, summarize in some brief verses to feeling of rapture experienced hair lovers.

Using a very reduced number of words, the creation of a body relationship between the two people, a feeling of Urgency of satisfaction or another and the ability to place or love in first place, leaving all or rest in second flat.

Confissãoby Charles Bukowski

Waiting for death
like a cat
what am I going to do
na bed
I feel very sorry for
minha mulher
she will see this
I rule and
vai shook it maybe
shook it de novo:
and hank I am not going to answer
não é minha morte que me
she worries, she is minha mulher
deixada sozinha with this mountain
of coisa
not so much
I want her to
to sleep all the nights
by your side
the same way
discussões mais banais
eram coisas
really splendid
e as words
I always have half of
We can now be ditas:
eu te

The North American poet Charles Bukowski was known for his errant life: boêmio, or seu day by day (and also his seus poems) had marked alcoholic hair and pela gandaia. Rare are the author's poems dedicated to love - Confissão face part of the scarce list.

O own title of the poem denunciation o seu tom: numa confissão temos an intimate record, which externalizes segregated and media that we do not use partilhar generally.

Here the poetic subject foresees an approximation as a death and disbands that the senior half of him is a solidão da mulher, who will make the world come to his company of her. In some little linhas, or eu-lyrical it disassembles - já sem ties no final da vida - and finally assume or generally silent affection that carrega pela beloved.

Take advantage to read or artigo 15 poems by Charles Bukowski.

Vinte love poems and a desperate song (Excerto VIII), by Pablo Neruda

Sim no foi because teus olhos tem cor de lua,
by day with argila, with work, with fire,
and prisoner will have agility to do,
Sim no foi because it is a week of âmbar,
Sim no foi because this is the moment to love it
What do you think about it?
This is something that is fragrant
elaborates passing his farina hair céu,
oh, bem beloved, I would not love you!
Em teu abraço eu abraço or that exists,
to areia, or tempo to arvore da chuva,
E tudo lives so that eu lives:
sem ir tão longe posso see-all:
I saw in your life all or alive.

The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, who went on to be awarded a Nobel Prize, has written hundreds of love poems that have become classics in Latin American literature.

O stretch above face part of beautiful (long) Vinte love poems and a desperate song. Nessa composition we found a declaration of love to us traditional molds. São verses that exalt the beauty of a beloved woman and promise absolute dedication and devotion.

To praise the one he loves, or eu-lyrical, he runs through a series of feite metaphors based on elements of nature (or céu, a lua, or fogo, or ar).

Conheça or artigo 5 charming love poems by Pablo Neruda.

Às Vezes com Someone I Loveby Walt Whitman

Sometimes with someone I love, I get fury, hair half of extravagance love sem return;
But now I think I don't have love sem return - or payment is certain, from um jeito ou de outro;
(Eu amei certa pessoa ardently, and my love has not returned;
Not so, disso I wrote these songs.)

O North American poet Walt Whitman, as o pai do verso-livro, rare compositions dedicated to romantic love, some of the foi Às Vezes com Someone I Love.

In just four free and long verses, we find a poetic subject committed to loving in excess and not being rewarded. Muitos de nós já we experience a sensation of I have too much love to give and fear we will not be reciprocated.

But at the conclusion of the original poem, there is always a return: even though we are not loved by volta, we use this sentiment to create beautiful poetic compositions.

Sonnet 116by William Shakespeare

From sincere souls to sincere union
Nothing has impeça: love no love
I know when he encounters obstacles, he gets upset,
Ou hesitates to the slightest fear.

Love is an eternal, dominant frame,
That faces a storm with bravery;
This star that wandered sailing,
Whose value is ignored, at height.

Love does not fear or tempo, much embora
Seu alfange não poupe a mocidade;
Love does not transform from hour to hour,

Before it is affirmed for eternity.
It is so false, and that it is false some provou,
I am not a poet, and I never love.

Perhaps the author who, immediately, we more associated with the theme of romantic love is William Shakespeare. Or English, author of classics like Romeu and Juliet, I created remarkable verses dedicated to years of dullness.

OR Sonnet 116 Fala do amor as a highly idealized sentiment. O love here, seen Shakespeare's olhar hair, e able to overcome all the barriersTo face any challenge, to overcome the limits of time and all the difficulties that lovers face.

When you do not feel like itby Alberto Caeiro

When you do not feel like it
Love Natureza like a monge calm Christ.
Agora I love Natureza
As a monge calm Virgem Maria,
Religiously, a meu way, like Dantes,
More of another maneira, more like life and next ...
Vejo melhor os laughs when I go with you
Pelos fields attached to beira dos rios;
Sitting by your side repairing nas nuvens
Reparo nelas melhor -
You didn't throw me at Natureza ...
You moved to Natureza ...
Trouxeste-me a Natureza para o pé de mim,
For your existence, old man, more to the same,
Because of you you will love me, I love-in the same way, more more,
For you escort me to love you,
Os meus olhos fitaram-na more delayed
Above all couses.
I do not regret that I was outrora
Because ainda o sou.

I only regret that I have not loved you.

Or heterônimo Alberto Caeiro, by Fernando Pessoa, usually composes verses dedicated to a quiet life in the countryside and to a community with nature.

When you do not feel like it There are two few verses dedicated to romantic love, where we see a eu-lyrical rapture and, at the same time, repented of not having lived or sentiment before its plenitude.

Here the poetic subject still praises nature, but shows how the feeling gives paixão or fez olhar to paisagem differently. He attributed to beloved this revolution of the olhar and externalizes how the sentiment lived to dois allows him to experience life in a unique way.

It gosta da lrica do mestre português então no perca or artigo Fernando Pessoa: 10 fundamental poems.

Love meby Hilda Hilst

Aos lovers and lawful with a faint voice.
When you agree, um only murmured about or teu ouvido:
Love me. Someone inside of me will say: não é tempo, senhora,
Recolhe tuas papoulas, teus daffodils. Don't you see
That on or wall two dead people at the throat of the world
Darkened round?

Não é tempo, senhora. Ave, moinho e vento
Num shadow vortex. You can sing of love
When does it get dark? Before regrets
That silk fabric that makes your throat feel.

Love me. Fainting and pleading. Years lovers and lawful
Vertigens and orders. E é tão grande a minha fome
So intense meu song, so brand new meu preclear tecido
That the world inside, love, has to sing with me.

Dull verses, of delivery, many times as I take more languid - Brazilian Hilda Hilst has composed a series of love poems, of more varied facets, all of high poetic quality.

Love me é um exemplar dessa powerful lyrical. Here, a part of the poetic subject wants to surrender to the paixão and to the intensity of the desire - on the other hand, he wants to protect himself and keep the soul of the voracious sentiment.

Finally, in the last verses, it seems that the side that wishes to venture overcomes your fears.

Teus olhosby Octavio Paz

Teus olhos são a pátria do lâmpago e da tears,
silence that fails,
storms are wind, sea is waves,
Pass you prisoners, dormant feras douradas,
clean topázios as true,
outono numa clareira de forest onde a luz sings no ombro
duma arvore e são pass you all the folhas,
praia that manhã finds constellated with olhos,
basket of firewood fruits,
lie that feeds,
spelhos of this world, portas do além,
quiet pulsation of the sea ao midday,
universe that shakes,
solitary landscape.

Or Mexican Octavio Paz ganhou or Nobel Prize in Literature and passeou hairs plus various literary genres, including poetry, and, in any case, how romantic.

Compost from free verses, not acima poem - Teus olhos - or eu-lyrical praises woman beloved from a series of beautiful comparisons with elements of nature (or lightning, waves, trees and passes).

Sonnet gives twelve queixaby Federico Garcia Lorca

Assusta-lose me wonder
de teus olhos de estatua e o accent
que pela noite a face polvilha me
Erma Rosa, who has not encouraged you.

I'm sorry to be on this shore
We see branches trunk, and what sustenance
é não ter eu a flor, polpa ou argila
to see me as my own sauce

I know my hidden treasure, what a place,
it is minha cruz and meu sofrer molhado
e eu o cão prisoner de teu senhorio,

Don't let me lose or what has been given to me:
Vem decorar as Águas do Teu Rio
com folhas de meu outono disturbed

O espanhol Federico Garcia Lorca deu à la luz to that beautiful poem that is beaten out, which transshipments affection and delivers.

Facing the use of a traditional form - or sonnet - Lorca presents an original point of view: at the same time that the eu-lyrical praises the contours of the beloved, he fears him to lose.

Or register here it is reversed in two perspectives: on the one hand, I believe that privilege is that this is a beloved so bela and that we think that and imagine what life would be like.

Sonnet à maneira by Camõesby Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Hope and despair of food
Serve me this day that I wait for you
E já não sei se quero ou se no quero
Tão longe de reasons is my torment.
More how to use understanding love?
Daquilo, I despair of you
Ainda que mo dês - pois o que eu quero
No sign for a moment.
But how is it beautiful, love, de não durares,
If it is so brief and fundo or teu deceit,
E de eu you will be able to give yourself.
Perfect love given to a human being:
Também morre or florir de a thousand pomares
E was broken as waves not ocean.

A Portuguese poetess Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen has compôs a series of unpaixed verses and or Sonnet à maneira by Camões é um exemplar dessas amorous criações.

Or poem, declared inspired by no master of Portuguese literature, tem forma fixa (é um sonnet) e fala das dualities of love: same time that awakens hope, also causes despair.

Between or wanting and or not wanting, with lucidity and or torment, for brief and eternal duration, or lover is simultaneously lost and enchanted.

One day, when tenderness for a single regra da manhãby José Luís Peixoto

One day, when tenderness for a single regra da manhã,
I will agree between you braços. your pele may be too beautiful.
e birth will understand an impossível understanding of love.
One day, when to dry in memory, when or winter for
tão distant, when or cold to respond wander with a bored voice
of um velho, I will be with you and sing, pass you no parapeito da
nossa janela. Sim, sing pass, there will be flowers, but nothing disso
It will be my fault, because we will remember your braços e não direi
nem uma palavra, nem or principle of a palavra, to not ravage
to perfeição gives happiness.

The poem acima, by the contemporary Portuguese writer José Luís Peixoto, is included, but not book To Criança in Ruins.

Compost in free verse, with long verses, or eu-lyrical fala of an idealized future, where it will be possible to be next to the beloved absorbing to the maximum the simple joys gives life.

Or fala poem of a reconciliation, of deixar or past and sad memories behind. You verses, based on numa overcoming a dois, sing melhores days, envelopes numa felicidade full.

In all sorts I found youby Mário Cesariny

In all sorts I found you
I see you all the way
conheço tão bem o teu corpo
sonhei so much to your figure
What are the dates that I am?
to limit to your height
and I drink water and sorvo or ar
that pierced you at the waist
So much so much too much real
that or meu corpo is transfigured
touch or your own item
num corpo that já não é seu
number that disappears
where um braço teu procures me

In all sorts I found you
I see you all the way

The Portuguese poet Mário Cesariny and the author of the paper extracted from the book Capital punishment. For two verses, we are invited to express from the perspective of the lover, who is also or eu-lyrical, and reveals his absolute adoration for that which he roubou or heart and or thought.

We read here a process of idealization of the beloved woman, who happens to live within the poetic subject, being able to see the same as she is through two serious olhos of her.

In spite of the most strong sign, the poem is not or is absent because it is louvada, or that we find a written record of the presence.

Conheça also

  • The best love poems from Brazilian literature
  • The most romantic poems of literature
  • Love poems by Fernando Pessoa
  • The enchanting love poems of Pablo Neruda
  • Poem All the love letters are ridiculous by Álvaro de Campos
  • Love poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Os melhores love poems by Hilda Hilst
  • Os melhores authors of livros de semper
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