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12 poems about life written by famous authors

Apart from inspiring us with its beauty and sensitivity, poetry can also help us to reflect on the more varied issues. As I could not cease to be, a two themes more involved in poetic art is that great mystery that we live.

Confira, below, 12 compositions about life written by great names of Portuguese language literature:

1. O Tempo, by Mario Quintana

A vida é uns deveres that we trouxe to do at home.

When you see, já são 6 hours: there is time ...
When you see, já é 6th-fair ...
When he sees himself, he will spend 60 years!
Agora, it's too late to be reproached ...
E se me dessem - um dia - uma outra oportunidade,
eu nem olhava or relógio
I was always in front ...

And I would go playing hair I walk to a golden and useless casca for hours.

Mario Quintana (1906 - 1994) was an important Brazilian poet, born from Rio Grande do Sul, who conquered the love of the national public with his short and wise compositions of wisdom.

This is two of his most popular poems and his career is a great life: many times,

instagram story viewer
let's go bye What we want or what we need to do, because we want you to have more availability.

Not so much, or subject alert the readers to either way how or tempo passes quickly for us and not wait for any. For isso, it is necessary to take advantage of and value every second in which we are alive.

Take the opportunity to confer on complete analysis of the poem.

2. Não Discuso, by Paulo Leminski

I don't argue
as destination
or what to paint
eu assino

Paulo Leminski (1944 - 1989) was a writer, critic and professor born in Curitiba who knew about all his poetry of avant-garde character.

Inspired by a popular language in a traditional Japanese way of haicai, Leminski was a specialist in conveying complex messages through short verses.

Nesta composição, or eu-lyrical stands out to the importance of mantermos um open spirit to the possibilities that life reserves for us.

Instead of limiting ourselves, building expectations about the future, or at the same time, we will be flexible and learn to face our destiny as curiosity and self.

3. Dialectics, by Vinicius de Moraes

Of course, life is boa
E a joy, a sole indizível emoção
Of course I love you pretty
I bless you or love you give simple things
Of course I love you
I have everything to be happy
But it happens that I am sad ...

Lovingly known as "Poetinha", Vinicius de Moraes (1913 - 1980) was two more remarkable names (and most loved) of poetry and Brazilian music.

The verses of Rio de Janeiro are crossed by beauty and delicacy, capable of expressing many human emotions. No poem, we find a little guy who is being mastered stripping melancholy.

As much as he is aware of all the things that exist in the world and tries to plant them, he continues to face moments of sadness that he cannot avoid.

Vinicius De Moraes - Dialectics

4. Assim eu vejo a vida, by Cora Coralina

A vida tem duas faces:
Positive and negative
O passedado was hard
more deixou or seu legacy
Knowing viver é a great wisdom
That eu possa dignify
Minha condição de mulher,
Oil your limitations
And me fazer Pedra de Segurança
two values ​​that are falling apart.
I was born in rude times
Oil contradictions
lutas e pedras
as lições de vida
and of them I serve myself
I learned to live.

Ana Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto (1889 - 1985), who became famous as a literary pseudonym Cora Coralina, was a notorious Goian writer who published her first free life for two 70 years.

Na composição acima, or eu-lyrical face a species of balanço on life, weighing or learning how to live and what lições you can pass through.

In your opinion of him, we must understand that or our course will be perfect. Na vision of this little subject, or segredo é we will learn to cope with difficulties and we grow thanks to them.

5. Brisa, by Manuel Bandeira

Let's go to the Northeast, Anarina.
Deixarei here my friends, my books, my wealth, my shame.
You will leave here your filha, your love, your husband, your lover.
Here I look very hot.
No Northeast face heat too.
More the breeze:
Let's go live for a breeze, Anarina.

Manuel Bandeira (1886 - 1968), or poet, translator and critic born in Recife, is another uncontrollable Brazilian literature.

Besides addressing everyday issues and being traversed by humor (like the "poems-piada"), his lyrical production of him is also marked by hair. dreams, fantasies I'm feeling like a human being.

This poem, or subject is addressed to beloved and shows ter uma idyllic and deeply romantic view gives life. Hand over to the overbearing paixão who sat, who wanted to leave everything behind and run away with Anarina, because he accredits that nothing is more important than love.

Escute or musical poem in the voice of Maria Bethânia:


6. Dorme, que a vida é nada, by Fernando Pessoa

Sleep, that life is nothing!
Sleep, what are you doing!
Someone achou a estrada,
Achou-a em confusão,
Eat a deceived soul.

There is no place for a day
For what do you want to do,
Nem peace nem joy
To burn, to love,
I love you, trust me.

Melhor between where we go
Tecem dosséis sem ser
Ficar like we fica,
Sem think nem want.
Giving or we never give.

One of the two most brilliant authors of all Portuguese language literature, Fernando Pessoa (1888 -1935) I was a writer and literary critic born in Lisbon who grew over all over the vastidão da sua poetry.

A large part of his compositions were assimilated by heterônimos, reproducing various literary influences, notably for modernism. His lyrics were also frequently traversed by existential reflections pessimistic and dysphoric.

Here, or eu-lyrical and some hope, surrendered to absurd and fragile gives life. Na your opinion of him, já não it is worth to tempt more nothing, nem dry or love, because you are doomed to leave.

7. Viver, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade

But it was just isso,
Was it isso, but nothing?
It was just a beat
numa dated portal?

I'm not answering,
nenhum open gesture:
It was, sem dating,
a lost key?

Isso, ou less than isso
uma noção de porta,
or project of abri-la
Do you see another side?

Or project of escuta
à procure of som?
Or answer what offer
or dom de uma recusa?

As a nursery or world
in terms of hope?
What word is that?
What life is not enough?

One of the two greatest poets of the national scene, Drummond (1902 - 1987) was a writer from Minas Gerais who belongs to the second generation of Brazilian modernism.

As his compositions of him stand out because of the use of everyday themes and vocabulary, as well as intimacy and reflections on the subject of the world.

O poem acima transmits to impressão that a life and, at the end, uma wait, um ato I was paid little hair, more than ever it really came to fruition.

Analyzing or his course até ali, Eu-lrico appears to be discouraged and confesses that he cannot find hope and understands how he supposed he fazê-lo.

8. Desenho, by Cecília Meireles

Traça a challenge and a curve,
a ravine and a sinuous
All is precise.
From all of you you will live.

Take care with perpendicular exhaustion
e perfect parallel days.
Com hurried rigor.
Sem squad, sem nível, sem fio de prumo,
You will draw perspectives, you will project structures.
Number, rhythm, distance, size.
Tens os teus olhos, or your pulse, to your memory.

You will build the impermanent labia
that you will subsequently inhabit.
Every day you will be refazendo or teu desho.
Don't get tired logo. Tens work for life.
E nem para o teu sepulcher terás to measure certain.

We are always a little less than we think.
Rarely, um little more.

Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964) was a writer, educator and visual artist born in Rio de Janeiro. She continues to be a favorite of two Brazilian readers, due to her confessional poetry that covers universal themes such as solidão and passagem do tempo.

This poem seems to establish a link between life and development: each painting, then, or its own destiny and its way of being in the world.

In the image you will see several types of lines and curves, because life is multiple In its transitory circumstances, nothing is really permanent. For isso, or subject, he defends that we should not think of ourselves as static developments, but as figures that are altering as tempo, being in eternal construction.

9. Alcoholics, by Hilda Hilst


It is raw to life. Alça of gut and metal.
Nela despenco: pedra morula ferida.
It is cruel and lasts for life. Like a snake's naco.
How-to do not livro da lngua
Ink, wash your forearms, Life, wash me
No estito-pouco
Do meu corpo, I wash the beams two ossos, minha vida
You unha púmblea, I get married rosso
E perambulamos de coturno pela rua
Rubras, gothic, tall of corpo and copos.
To life is cruel. Faminta como o bico dos corvos.
And it can be so generous and mythical: arroio, tear
Olho d’agua, drink. To life is liquid.


Also they are cruasy and hard words and expensive
Before we sit down at the table, you and us, Life
Diante do coruscante ouro gives drink. Little years
Vão se fazendo backwaters, lentilhas d’água, diamonds
On the insults of the past and the past. Little years
We are two hours, flooded with riso, pink
Of um love, um that I glimpsed, I did not breathe you, friend
When you allowed me or paradise. O sinistro you give hours
Vai is fazendo oblivion. Depois deitas, to die
He is a king who visits us and charges us with myrrh.
Sussurras: ah, to life and liquid.

Hilda Hilst (1930 - 2004) was a writer born in the state of São Paulo who was eternalized mainly hairs on his irreverent verses, which focus on topics considered taboo, like or wish feminine.

In this poem, the author was revealed about a complex of life, here referred to as something in a liquid state, similar to water and alcohol. Not understanding this little guy, life flowed, but it can also be heavy, difficult, can bruise.

A solidão e o depressive state of this eu-lyric seems to result in an attempt to a state of intoxication as a way to tempt skewer or sauce.

Hilda Hilst - Alcóolicas I

10. Canção do dia de semper, by Mario Quintana

Tão bom viver day by day ...
To life assim, jamais tires ...
Viver tão only of moments
How are you nuvens no ceu ...
E só ganhar, all of life,
Inexperience... hope ...
E a rosa louca dos ventos
Presa à copa do chapéu.
Never give um nome a um rio:
Semper é another river to pass.
Nothing ever continues,
You will recommend it!
E sem nenhuma lembrança
Days other times you are lost,
Atiro a rosa do sonho
You were more distracted ...

Quintana has not been mentioned in this list, but when or if he is in his own life, it seems impossible to select just a composition of two more wise authors from our literature.

This poem, or subject, affirms that we devemos I live in a mild and harmonious way. Assim as suggested to Latin philosophy "Carpe Diem"(" Take advantage of the day "), we have to enjoy this present moment of great concern as to what you will see.

The sublinha verses that there is no sense to seek or eternal or here that and imutável: it is necessary oil shortly to give life and celebrate their own existence daily.

11. Pedra Filosofal, by António Gedeão

They don't know what or dream
it is a constant gives life
concrete and defined
as another coisa qualquer,
how is this pedra cinzenta
em that I sit and rest,
like this meek ribeiro
in serene on high,
how are you tall pinheiros
that I'm green and I hear it shakes,
like these birds that scream
em drinkers of blue.

They don't know what or dream
é wine, é foam, é ferment,
bichinho álacre and sedentary,
of focinho pontiagudo,
what fossa through tudo
num perpetual movement.

They don't know what or dream
é cloth, é cor, é brush,
base, shaft, capital,
em ogive arch, stained glass window,
cathedral pinnacle,
contraponto, symphony,
Greek mask, magic,
what an alchemist's retort,
map of the distant world,
Rosa-dos-ventos, Infante,
quinhentista caravel,
that is Cabo da Boa Esperança,
ouro, cinnamon, marfim,
swordsman's foil,
frame, passo de dança,
Colombina and Arlequim,
flying passarola,
para-raios, locomotive,
festive bow ship,
tall-forno, geradora,
cisão do atom, radar,
ultra-som, television,
disembarkation in foguetão
na lunar surface.

They don't know, nem sonham,
that or sonho commands life.
That always um homem sonha
o world pula e progress
like colorful ball
between as many of a child.

Rómulo Vasco da Gama de Carvalho (1906 -1997), known as António Gedeão, was a poet and educator born in Lisbon who stood out in the Portuguese literary scene.

No poem presented above, or eu-lyrical declares that you sonhos são o grande motor gives life. When we give handles to our imagination, we can start new paths for ourselves and ourselves, who know, move or world em redor.

Assim, the verses of Gedeão encourage us to sonhar, it does not matter what seja to nossa idade, com or enthusiasm and curiosity of a girl jumping.

12. Sendo eu um apprentice, by Bráulio Bessa

I am an apprentice
To life, he told me that it was best
He lives sad
Lembrando or missing

Wizarding scar
E skece to be happy
For all that I conquered
At the end, nem every tear is dor
Nem all graça é sorriso
Nem every curve gives life
Tem uma notice plate
E nem always or that you lose
É de fato um prejudízo

O meu ou o seu caminho
I am not very different
Tem espinho, pedra, buraco
Pra mode slow people down

But do not be discouraged by anything
Pois I ate a bump
Empurra você pra front

So many times it seems that it or it
But I do not fund, it is only recommended
At the end, to be able to get up
It is necessary to sofrer some stumble

É a vida insisting that we charge
Uma conta difficult to pay
Quase semper, for a high price

Accredit not being able to give up the word
Pull or D, place or R
That you want to resist

A small move
At the same time, hope
E face people follow

Continue being forte
Have faith no Criador
Fé também em você mesmo
I have not had half a day

Follow em in front of the road
I knew that a heavy cross
O filho de Deus carregou

Bráulio Bessa (1985) was born in the state of Ceará and is defined as a "fazedor de poesias". The Northeastern stringist and declaimer became a successful Brazilian popular literature when he began to disseminate his work through videos that he published on the internet.

Nos verses acima, or poet uses a simple and everyday linguagem to convey a message of hope and improvement for all those who scout. Embora to life seja, sim, cheia of difficulties, she also keeps things boas for us.

By isso, it's important to be resilient and we will never get off your arms, we will continue our journey with strength and faith, because only then will we be able to overcome the challenges that arise.

Or poem was recited during the program Encontro with Fatima Bernardes, exhibited on TV Globo, and conquered the heart of the national public. Check out or video:

Bráulio Bessa recites poetry about overcoming 03/03/17

Take the opportunity to know also:

  • The melhores poems of Leminski
  • Os melhores poems by Bráulio Bessa
  • Imperdíveis poems by Cecília Meireles
  • Essenciais poems by Cora Coralina
  • Os melhores poems by Mario Quintana
  • Os melhores poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poeminho do Contra, by Mario Quintana, analyzed
  • You write short poems
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