As Sem-Razões do Amor, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade: analysis and explanation of the poem
Quando or afunto é amor, é quase impossível we do not re-embed the words of Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Na verdade, são several as composições nas quais o Brazilian poet dedicated himself, in a sublime way, to disbelieving or loving sentiment with more diverse facets.
As Sem-Razões do Amor, poem published in the work Corpo (1984), was written in the final phase of the life of the author, who died in 1987. Apparently simple, a composition carries complex messages about two more unexplained feelings that exist.
Poem As Sem-Razões do Amor
Eu I love you because I love you.
You don't need to be a lover
e nem you always know I know.
Eu I love you because I love you.
Love and state of grace
e com amor is not paid.Love is given of grace,
I do not sell,
na cachoeira, do not eclipse.
Love foge to dicionários
e to various regulations.I love you because I don't love you
quite ou de mais a mim.
Because love does not change,
não is conjugated nem is loved.
Because love is love to nothing,
happy e forte em if same.Love and cousin gives death,
and death is victorious,
for more than or math (e matam)
at every moment of love.
Analysis of the poem
First stanza
Eu I love you because I love you.
You don't need to be a lover
e nem you always know I know.
Eu I love you because I love you.
Love and state of grace
e com amor is not paid.
The initial verse of the poem, which is repeated below, seems to summarize what the subject tries to transmit throughout the entire composition. "Eu I love you because I love you", ou seja, or love is presented as something that cannot be explained ou justify.
On the contrary, it is about a feeling that or little subject can not rationalize, he hardly knows that he is there. I do not understand him, or love does not demand that another person behave in a certain way, he does not expect anything from another.
Mais do que isso, faz como que o batixado oil as suas falhas, os seus defeitos. Described as a form of enchantment, of "state of grace", it appears um transforming power na vida do subject.
Drummond deconstructed or popular dite who determines that "love as love is paid." From his perspective of him, he does not need to be reciprocated to be true, he does not have to collect retribution.
Second stanza
Love is given of grace,
I do not sell,
na cachoeira, do not eclipse.
Love foge to dicionários
e to various regulations.
In the second verse, keep the same line of thought, affirming that love cannot be sold without being bought, it is something that we give without waiting for some form of compensation.
I am not focusing just not casually, or feeling seems like a lens capable of modifying everything, being present in all things: "no vento / na cachoeira, no eclipse".
Likewise, the "foge a dicionários" because no definition will be adequate or comprehensive or sufficient to explain it. In the same way, we do not follow a defined set of rules: we cannot guess what is going to happen, we are bound by or loving feelings that will lead us.
Third stanza
I love you because I don't love you
quite ou de mais a mim.
Because love does not change,
não is conjugated nem is loved.
Because love is love to nothing,
happy e forte em if same.
In order to love somebody in that way, or subject, he affirms that he cannot love "enough ou de mais" himself, since another person becomes a priority, ficando many times on his forehead.
This is because the lyric shows that love cannot be exchanged, and that it is not trying to convince another person to love volta. It defends that "love is love to nothing", ou seja, or sentiment exists and is worth it, "feliz e forte".
Assim, we can believe that it is only the fate of loving someone that alters the way they live and face reality.
Fourth verse
Love and cousin gives death,
and death is victorious,
for more than or math (e matam)
at every moment of love.
The final verses of the poem define love as something that belongs to the family of death, that resembles it. However, it ends up being more forte, because it achieves surpassing it, existing for the other.
Nesta stanza, Drummond explains o paradoxical character do love. I know for one thing, it can be eternal, indestructible, for another, it is extremely fragile, and many times it is ephemeral, something that can last forever or disappear num second.
Meaning of the poem As Sem-Razões do Amor
OR word game present no title The poem (assonância between "sem" and "cem") is directly related to its meaning. Even if he tries to list a hundred reasons for his paixão, he will never be able to explain it.
Numa visão quite mature, or unbelievable poem or love with something that happens in us and modifies everything. Anyway, you must be generous, do not make collections, do not expect anything in exchange.
Lembiendo that sentiment can live eternally or die in an instant, sublime or character contradictory and volatile love, where it seems to reside also to its magic.
On Corpo (1984)
Or free Corpo - Novos Poemas It was launched in 1984, by Editora Record. The 124 pages of poetry are accompanied by illustrations by the artist and architect Carlos Leão. Na layer also features a watercolor of the painter.

Na work, do alto da sabedoria two seus 82 years, or poet reflects on universal themes such as death, or love, as human relationships and love, among others.
This period gives his lyric, appointing theoretical hairs as "phase of memory", it seals quite nas lembranças do autor. Assim, as his words of he ended up translating a kind of balance that faced over to life, enumerating the conclusions (and as nova duvidas) to which he went.
About Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Carlos Drummond de Andrade (October 31, 1902 - August 17, 1987) was appointed as the greatest national poet of the 20th century. A number of main figures in the second phase of Brazilian Modernism, due to its influence on our literature and incalculable.
His poetry is full of social and political commentaries, also reflecting on metaphysical questões and daily anguish of the common subject.

Among you various themes on you quais Drummond versou, or love é, sem dúvida, um dos principais. His words will survive in time and remain relevant and relevant to lovers of all ages. Also because of isso, his love poems continue to be so popular.
Confira to leitura of Bruna Arantes, integrated not project All poetry:
Assim as other composições do autor, As Sem-Razões do Amor I was also transformed into song. No year 2000, during a show, Tunai and Milton Nascimento will present a musical version of the poem, integrated not disco Certas Canções.
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Conheça also
- Love poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Melhores poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
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- Poema de sete faces, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Livro Sentimento do Mundo, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Livro Claro enigma, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade