What is a GROWING diphthong
![Increasing diphthong - examples](/f/631b1c74297bb03f131742e745cc97cf.jpg)
The diphthongs and hiatuses They are one of those linguistic characteristics that we have been studying from the earliest educational stages and that continue to squeeze our heads. And it is that they do not only suppose a phonic trait, but also affect with regard to the division of syllables of the words. In fact, it is precisely in this last aspect that we can find the most headaches when it comes to differentiating one from the other.
In addition, only within diphthongs do we find different types depending on the order of the vowels that compose it and what they are. Knowing this, in a teacher we will explain what is a growing diphthong with examples. You follow us?
Before explaining what an increasing diphthong is we should, just in case, remember what is a diphthong. Well, a diphthong is a conjunction of two different vowels that are united in a single syllable (for instance, my-le-nio).
While in a hiatus the vowels that compose it should be separated when dividing a word into syllables, in a diphthong they should not. On the other hand, and underlining what has been said above, a diphthong, as its name indicates, is
composed of two vowels and we should not confuse it with triphthongs, which would be composed of three contiguous vowels.Definition of increasing diphthong
Knowing what a diphthong is, we should now go on to know what a diphthong is. increasing diphthong. Unlike decreasing diphthongs, increasing diphthongs are composed of a weak or closed vowel (which would be the i and the or) that precedes a strong or open vowel (which would be the to, the and and the or).
Counting all these possible combinations, we find six types of words with increasing vowels depending on the diphthong they contain: ia, ie, io, ua, ue, uo.
So that you finish understanding this lesson well, here is a list with examples of increasing diphthongs that will help you better understand what we have explained:
Increasing diphthong with ia
- -Agobia (a-go-bia)
- -Germany, Germania)
- -Alicia (A-li-cia)
- -Bean (a-lu-bia)
- -Amnesia (am-ne-sia)
- -Arabia (a-ra-bia)
- -Change (cam-bia)
- -Comedy (co-me-dia)
- -Commercial (com-mer-cial)
- -Criar (criar)
- -Too much (de-ma-sia-do)
- -Dialect (dia-lec-to)
- -Distance (dis-tan-cia)
- -Space (es-pa-cial)
- -Special (es-pe-cial)
- -Phobia (fo-bia)
- -Initial (i-ni-cial)
- -Italy (i-ta-lia)
- - Libya (Li-bia)
- -Marciano (mar-cia-no)
- -Piano (pia-no)
- -Rage (ra-bia)
- -Blonde (ru-bia
- Gives me rabiathat he Marciano not from the movie viaheh to another place like Italia or Germania.
- Alicia Yes a little speciahe changediaa lot of hair.
- its diaread was the restiado complicated to understand.
Increasing diphthong with ie
- -Open (a-bier-to)
- -Environment (am-bien-te)
- -Good Bien)
- -Biennial (bie-nal)
- -Scienceien)
- -Science (cien-cia)
- -Deer (cier-vo)
- -Increasing (cre-cien-te)
- -Any (any-whatie-ra)
- -Diego (Die-go)
- -Diet (die-ta)
- -Efficient (e-fi-cien-te)
- -Fiel (fiel)
- -History (his-to-rie-ta)
- -Winter (in-vier-no)
- -Merienda (me-rien-da)
- -Bat (bat-cie-lake)
- -Patience (pa-cien-cia)
- -Skin (piel)
- -I think (pien-so)
- -Property (pro-pie-dad)
- -Risk (ries-go)
- -You have (tie-nes)
- -Earth (tie-rra)
- -Friday (vier-nes)
- The tierra it is not ours propiedad, but anyiera he can sleep there in invierno.
- TO riesgo of being a heavy, whatiero remind you that viernes my field will be abierto for whom whatiera come with your merienda.
- Me pienso that paciencia the tienes to have siempre and you must be Fiel to yours sentimients.
Increasing diphthong with io
- -Acquired (ac-qui-rio)
- -Warned (ad-vir-tio)
- -Ambitious (am-bi-cio-SW)
- -Previous (an-te-rior)
- -Balneario (bal-ne-a-rio)
- -Biochip (bio-chip)
- -Biomass (bio-mass)
- -School (co-le-gio)
- -Contemplation (con-tem-pla-cion)
- -Daily (dia-rio)
- -Dinosaur (di-no-sau-rio)
- -Dio (dio)
- -Scenario (es-ce-na-rio)
- -Irguió (go-guio)
- -Irrupted (i-rrum-pio)
- -Lip (la-bio)
- -Libio (li-bio)
- -Clean (lim-pio)
- -Milenio (mi-le-nio)
- -Boyfriend (no-vio)
- -Proverb (pro-ver-bio)
- -Blonde (ru-bio)
- -Sabio (sa-bio)
- -Tibio (ti-bio)
- -Turb (tur-bio)
- Surely there is some proverbio of a satio previor ours mileniosay that the contemplateion of the dinosaurios it was not very ambiciosa.
Increasing diphthong with ua
- -Current (ac-tual)
- -Aquarius (a-cua-River)
- -Water (a-gua)
- -Ajuar (a-juar)
- -Embers (as-cuas)
- -Find out (a-ve-ri-guar)
- -Car (ca-rrua-je)
- -Box (cua-dro)
- -Cuajar (cua-jar)
- -How much Cuan-to)
- -Room (cuar-to)
- -Four (cua-tro)
- -Ecuador (e-cua-dor)
- -Evacuate (e-va-cuar)
- -Evaluation (e-va-lua-tion)
- -Guardia (guar-day)
- -Locuaz (lo-cuaz)
- -Easter (pas-cua)
- -Resguardo (res-guaRev)
- -Ritual (ri-tual)
- -Virtual (vir-tual)
- Me acuaRiver from cuanot fish has almost no aguasince I had to evacuar them.
- We have to I found outuar where does that come from cuadro of the carruaheh as soon as the guardia.
Growing diphthong co EU
- -Grandmother (a-bEU-the)
- -Good (bEUn)
- -Well (bEU-no)
- -Plum (ci-rEU-the)
- -Consuelo (con-sEU-it)
- -Account (cEUn-ta)
- -Leather (cEU-ro)
- -Cave (cEU-he)
- -Find (en-cEUOur)
- -Raspberry (fram-bEU-sa)
- -Fire (fEU-go)
- -Strong (fEUr-te)
- -Orphan (hEUr-fa-no)
- -Muela (mEU-the)
- -Pier (mEU-lle)
- -Nuts (nEU-ces)
- -Nine (nEU-go)
- -Opposite (o-pEUs-to)
- -Can pEU-from)
- -Door (pEUr-ta)
- - Hound (sa-bEU-SW)
- -Floor (sEU-it)
- -Dream (sEU-no)
- I had a bEUnsEUno where i ate nnine nEUces,nEUgo frambEUsas and nEUgo cirEUthe within a cEUhe.
Increasing diphthong with uo
- -Aqueous (a-cuo-SW)
- -Old (an-ti-guo)
- -Hard (ar-duo)
- -Continuous (with-ti-nuo)
- -Quota (cuo-ta)
- -Duodenum (duo-not)
- -Individual (in-di-vi-duo)
- -Innocuous (i-no-cuo)
- -Mutuo (mu-tuo)
- -Oblique (o-bli-cuo)
- -Residue (re-si-duo)
- -Sequoia (se-cuo-already)
- -Sinuous (si-nuo-SW)
- -Virtuous (vir-tuo-SW)
- It's a arduoI walk the one individuovirtuoSW you want to make a living out of it.
- The secuoalready it is a very tree olduo that reaches very impressive heights.
![Increasing diphthong - examples - Examples of words with increasing diphthongs](/f/69a2f6ab4e04924978bad2cc6f84c687.jpg)