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CHARACTERISTICS of the plant cell and its functions

Characteristics of the plant cell

Cells are classified into prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cells are the typical cells of microorganisms and within eukaryotic cells, we identify animal and plant cells. Animal and plant cells consist of practically the same structures, but the cell plant consists of some organelles that allow them to carry out some of their functions specific.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we talk about the characteristics of the plant cell. If you want to find out more, we will tell you about them below!

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  1. What is the plant cell
  2. What are the characteristics of a plant cell?
  3. Cellular organelles of the plant cell

What is the plant cell.

The plant cell is the functional and structural unit of the entire plant kingdom and, as happens in animals, their cells are eukaryotes.

Plant cells have almost the same organelles as animal cells, but differ from them by the presence of a cell wall surrounding the cell, the presence of plastids and large vacuoles. These differences give them their special characteristics, because unlike animals, they are autotrophs (capable of making their food).

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Plant cells form multicellular organisms. There is no relationship between the size of plants and their cells, but there is in their number.

What are the characteristics of a plant cell?

We are going to learn about the characteristics of the plant cell so that you can better understand this type of cell so abundant on our planet.

Cellular wall

The presence of a thick, semi-rigid cell wall is a specific characteristic of plant cells (although bacteria also have a wall, although it is different) and gives vegetables some of their differential characteristics, such as the inability to move.

This cell wall is composed of three types of fibrillar polysaccharides (cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin) and different glycoproteins. Sometimes it can have other proteins deposited such as lignin, cutin or suberin and are embedded in a gelatinous matrix composed mainly of water and calcium.

The plant cell wall is made up of several layers that are secreted by the plant cell itself as it grows. It is made up of a middle lamina (which separates two adjacent cells), a primary and a secondary wall. Plasmodesmata are cytoplasmic perforations in the cell wall that communicate with neighboring cells.

Plasma membrane

Another characteristic of the plant cell is that it has a plasma membrane. Below the plant cell wall is this membrane, separating the cytoplasm from the cells of the extracellular environment. The plant plasma membrane is the same as that of animal cells and consists of a double layer of lipids and proteins, which allows the passage of water and small molecules.

Cytoplasm and nucleus

We finish the characteristics of the plant cell talking about this part of the cell. Bounded by the plasma membrane is the cell cytoplasm and nucleus.

  • The cytoplasm, also called cytosol, is an aqueous material composed mainly of water, cations, RNA and cell organelles, including chloroplasts.
  • The cell nucleus is in a more or less central position and houses the genetic material of the cell, which constitutes the genome. All cells in a plant contain the same genome. The cell nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane perforated by some pores, which allow exchange with the cytoplasm.
Plant cell characteristics - What are the characteristics of a plant cell?

Cellular organelles of the plant cell.

In plant cells the following organelles are found in the cytoplasm:

Vegetable Vacuole

The vacuole is an element unique to plant cells and is found in all plants. It is an organelle that stores water, enzymes, sugars, salts, proteins and other nutrients surrounded by a plasma membrane known as the tonoplast. Plant vacuoles are formed by the fusion of several vesicles and do not have a defined shape, but varies according to cellular needs.


They are small complexes of proteins and RNAs (not considered organelles as such) that are found in multiple copies in the cytoplasm of the plant cell. Its function is to read the information contained in the messenger RNA and translate it into proteins.

Endoplasmic reticulum

The reticulum is a complex cellular organelle composed of interconnected tubules and sacs surrounded by a membrane. They differ in smooth or rough by the presence of ribosomes on their surface. Its function is the production of proteins, lipids and cell detoxification.

Golgi apparatus

The Golgi apparatus It is made up of a network of flattened and stacked saccules called membrane-bound dichthyosomes. The golgi apparatus receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, modifies them, and exports them to other locations in the cell.


Mitochondria are the energy apparatus of the cell, as they are responsible for producing ATP from glucose and various molecules in a process known as oxidative phosphorylation.


They are organelles homologous to the peroxisomes of plant cells and are responsible for producing carbohydrates from lipids, important for the seed germination process.


It is a specific organelle of plant cells and very important for developing its function of photosynthesis and storage of substances used by the cells. The most widespread are chloroplasts (found in all plants), which are made up of double membranes with vesicles inside called thylakoids, which capture light and allow the photophosphorylation. In their membranes are photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll, carotenoids or xanthophylls.

Other types are leukoplasts, which store colorless substances and proteins, chromoplasts, which store corotenes and colored substances and are typical of flowers and fruits or amyloplasts, which store the starch.

If you want to read more articles similar to Characteristics of the plant cell, we recommend that you enter our category of biology.


Cooper, G. M., Hausman, R. E., & Wright, N. (2014). The cell (6th. ed .--.). Madrid: Marbán.

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