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Parts of the digestive system

Image: Vikidia

The digestive system It is the set of organs that allows us to extract the nutrients from the food we eat and thus create and maintain all the cells in our body. This task is important and, therefore, also somewhat complex, which is why you will need many different organs to intervene. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to list the different parts that make up the digestive system, from organs that you will know very well such as the mouth to other more unknown ones such as the pharynx or the rectum. If you want to know more about parts of the digestive system, the organs and their functions, read on!

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  1. Definition and functions of the digestive system
  2. Mouth, one of the parts of the digestive system
  3. Pharynx
  4. Esophagus
  5. Stomach
  6. Liver, important for the digestive system
  7. Pancreas, another important part of the digestive system
  8. Small intestine
  9. Large intestine
  10. Straight and Anus

Definition and functions of the digestive system.

Thedigestive system

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is the set of bodies in charge of digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food we eat every day. These organs are capable of extracting nutrients from food, which are found in complex form, and transforming them into simpler substances. These simple substances are able to travel through the blood and enter the cells of our body and give them the energy necessary for them to function.

Functions of the digestive system

In addition to this main function, the digestive system performs other secondary functions:

  • Immune. Some organs of the digestive system are protected from organisms such as viruses or bacteria, which try to enter our body with the food we eat. Thanks to the barriers of the digestive system and the cells of the immune system we can feed ourselves without danger of suffering infections, except when there are failures or the system is overwhelmed.
  • Drug assimilation. In addition to eating food, human beings can ingest other substances such as drugs that help us improve our health. Along with food, we can take medicines that the digestive system can transform into simpler substances and enter our body to help it be healthy.
  • Eliminate harmful substances. Finally, living beings can ingest harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs or poisons, either voluntarily or involuntarily. In this case, the organs of the digestive system try to prevent these substances from entering our body or, once they have done so, eliminate them in the least harmful way through phenomena such as threw up.
Parts of the digestive system - Definition and functions of the digestive system

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Mouth, one of the parts of the digestive system.

One of the parts of the digestive system is the mouth, a structure made up of different organs: lips, tongue, teeth and salivary glands. All these structures allow us to introduce food into the digestive tract, chew and mash them into smaller pieces and mix them with the saliva.

This whole process, which for us is so normal, is the principle of digestion and allows us substances to enter the following parts of the digestive tract small enough to not to produce obstructions in the following parts (which would produce choking that can even lead to death). In addition, the taste buds of the tongue allow us to perceive the bitter taste of some dangerous substances so that we eliminate them before they reach the stomach.


The pharynx It is a tube that connects the mouth with the esophagus. The pharynx is a more or less rigid structure, common to the digestive and respiratory systems, whose function is, in addition to drive the food, close the passage to the respiratory system by lowering the glottis while we are swallowing food.

Parts of the digestive system - Pharynx

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The esophagus It is a tube that connects the pharynx with the stomach. In this case, it is a muscular tube, which she drives the food but produces movements that help the bolus to reach the stomach. These movements are called peristaltic movements.


The stomach It is one of the main organs of the digestive system. The stomach is an enlarged, sac-like shape that receives food from the esophagus through a sphincter, a circular muscular structure that opens and closes like a stopcock to the stomach. Through that sphincter, called cardiac, the food passes into the stomach proper, which is made up of different parts (background, body and den).

In it, the food is mixed with very chemical substances acidic like hydrochloric acid and it goes moving and beating the food until it forms a fairly liquid mass that passes through another sphincter (pylorus) to the small intestine. The mixture of nutrients, water and gastric juices is called chyme.

In cases of disease, consumption of a poison or for other causes, the contents of the esophagus can travel the opposite direction and, instead of passing to the stomach, back out through the pharynx to the mouth. In this case, the threw up.

Parts of the digestive system - Stomach

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Liver, important for the digestive system.

The liver It is a large gland, approximately one and a half kilograms in weight, with a triangular shape that is located in the right part of the abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm. The liver is a digestive gland with many and very important functions: metabolism of nutrients, manufacture of enzymes, manufacture and conduction of bile, storage of nutrients (vitamin A, D, iron, etc.) and storage of energy in the form of glycogen.

Everything we ingest, whether it is nutrients, toxins or drugs, passes through the liver (hepatic passage), so the liver is a great barrier defensive against toxic substances and therefore is especially affected by excessive and continued consumption of alcohol, medications or other toxic.

The gallbladder it is an annex that allows to store the bile created and conducted by the liver. Sometimes, grit or small stones (gallstones) appear, which can obstruct the duct that connects to the liver, causing great pain.

Parts of the digestive system - Liver, important for the digestive system

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Pancreas, another important part of the digestive system.

The pancreas It is an elongated organ, about twenty centimeters, which is located behind the stomach and whose functions are mainly: to generate acids to digest food and control glucose levels in our body by making insulin).

The acids generated by the pancreas are called pancreatic juice and are poured into duodenum, where the food with which they are mixed to digest it is found.

Parts of the digestive system - Pancreas, another important part of the digestive system

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Small intestine.

The small intestine is a tube up to 8 meters long, in which most of the digestion is carried out and absorb the nutrients and the Water. This tube is divided into different areas (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) that have different properties adapted to their functions. The mixture of nutrients and other substances that are produced in the small intestine is called kilo.

Parts of the digestive system - Small intestine


Large intestine.

The large intestine It is a muscular tube, shorter and wider than the previous one, which also has several parts and connects the small intestine with the rectum. Its main function is to prepare the waste elements of digestion so that they are eliminated and absorb the rest of the water that is present in the chyme, compacting it to form the feces. In some animals, in addition to water in the large intestine, other nutrients such as vitamins or minerals can be absorbed.

Parts of the digestive system - Large intestine


Straight and Ano.

The right It is a sac-shaped tube that connects the large intestine, where stool is generated, with the anus, which is responsible for its expulsion. Its function is to stock stool until it is eliminated through the anus.

And the last of the parts of the digestive system is the year which is responsible for transport to the outside the feces, produced in the large intestine and stored in the rectum. The anus is made up of a short tube of less than one centimeter (anal canal) with two sphincters, one more internal and involuntary and the other more external and voluntary.

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