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The 70 most famous phrases of Marco Aurelio

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus was an important Roman emperor born in AD 121. C. and whose successor was his own son, Commodus. Many of you will be familiar with these names, as they were depicted in the famous Hollywood movie Gladiator.

With the death of this emperor, many historians agree that the longest period of peace that the Roman Empire experienced ended, a period also known as “Pax Romana”. When Marcus Aurelius passed away he was largely mythologized and his ashes resided in the so-called “Hadrian's Mausoleum”, until a sack perpetrated by the Visigoths in 410 AD. C.

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Phrases and thoughts of Marco Aurelio

Do you want to know a little more about the person that this famous emperor was? Below you can discover the 70 most famous phrases of Marcus Aurelius, from which you can receive great teachings.

1. The best revenge is to be different from the one who caused the damage.

We must always be faithful to our way of being, with it we can achieve everything we set out to do.

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2. Do everything in life as if it were the last thing you do.

We must live our life to the fullest and put all our effort into what we do.

3. When you get up in the morning, think about the privilege of living: breathing, thinking, enjoying, loving.

We are very fortunate to enjoy the life we ​​have, we must know how to give thanks for it.

4. It takes very little to have a happy life; it's all inside of you, in your way of thinking.

We can be happy or unhappy, that depends only on ourselves and our own attitude.

5. All we hear is an opinion, not a fact. All we see is a perspective, not the truth.

The absolute truth is very difficult to find, there can always be nuances about which we know nothing.

6. Calm while resolute, cheerful as well as consistent, he is the man who follows reason in everything.

Our mind can be our great ally or our great detractor, we must know how to use it correctly.

7. That which is not good for the hive cannot be good for the bees.

If something is not good for society, it will not be good for us either.

8. Don't spend any more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

With our own actions we can begin to change the society in which we find ourselves.

9. Loss is nothing but change, and change is nature's delight.

Nature always changes and evolves, it does not stop for anything or anyone.

10. How much time saves he who does not turn around to see what his neighbor says, does or thinks.

Indeed, we should not care about the thoughts of our neighbors, we should only care about our own.

11. Nowhere can a man find a calmer and more unflappable retreat than in his own soul.

In order to understand the world around us, we must know ourselves. Meditation can help us connect with our thoughts.

12. The universal order and the personal order are nothing other than different expressions and manifestations of a fundamental common principle.

We all live our lives under the same universal standards, these are common to all living beings.

13. A noble man compares and esteems himself for an idea that is superior to him; a mean man, for one inferior to himself. The first produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is what a common man aspires to.

Our ideas largely dictate the person we will become, we are subjects of our own ideas.

14. Constantly observe all those things that take place because of change, and get used to thinking that nothing loves the nature of the universe so much as changing existing things and creating new things similar.

As time goes by, everything around us changes and we must also change, knowing how to adapt to the moment.

15. Getting started is half the job, start over with the remaining half, and you're done.

This quote reminds us a lot of the famous saying: walking is all beginning.

16. He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the Universe.

When we are at peace with ourselves, we will inevitably also be at peace with what surrounds us.

17. You must become an old man well in advance if you want to be an old man for a long time.

As Marco Aurelio tells us in this quote, the sooner we mature, the sooner we will make better decisions in our lives.

18. Many times I have wondered how it is that each man loves himself more than the rest of the men, but nevertheless he places less value on his own opinions of himself than on the opinions of others.

We must defend our own ideas and not underestimate them, we are as smart as anyone else.

19. Do not allow your mind to stray from the things you have, but from the things you lack.

In order to advance in life we ​​must have clear objectives, these must guide our actions.

20. A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions.

Ambition can take us very far in life, with it we can have the necessary motivation to achieve great achievements. On the contrary, excessive ambition can also have serious consequences.

21. If you are upset by an external cause, the pain is not due to the cause itself, but to the value that you place on it. And you have the power to revoke that value.

We should not give too much importance to external situations that have little or nothing to do with us.

22. If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not correct, I will gladly change, since I seek the truth and no one has ever been hurt by the truth. The person who becomes stuck in ignorance is the one who gets hurt.

Effectively valuing the opinions of others can help us a lot in our lives.

23. If it is not right, then do not do it. If it's not true, do not tell.

A great advice that the emperor Marcus Aurelius leaves us for posterity.

24. Every time you are about to point out a flaw in another person, ask yourself the following question: Which flaw in me is like the one I'm about to criticize?

He who is free from sin casts the first stone, we all have some flaws.

25. The first rule is to keep your spirit calm. The second is to see things face to face and know what they are.

When we face any situation calmly, we will be able to value our response action much better.

26. Start each day by telling yourself: Today I will find interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill will and selfishness, all due to the ignorance of the offenders, who do not distinguish good from wrong. But I have seen the beauty of good and the ugliness of evil, and I recognize that the wrongdoer has a nature similar to mine, not the same blood but the same mind. Therefore, he cannot hurt me.

Dealing with our daily life can sometimes be complicated, but by following the instructions in this appointment we can do much better.

27. Look into the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you will be able to foresee the future.

History teaches us what mistakes we should not make, we can learn great lessons from it.

28. Don't dream of the things you don't have, rather acknowledge the blessings of the things you do have. Then, gratefully remind yourself how anxious you would be if your possessions weren't yours.

Knowing how to value everything we have can help us to be much happier.

29. Character perfection is this: living each day as if it were your last, without rushing, without apathy, without pretense.

A great lesson from Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who encourages us to live our life to the fullest.

30. People are naturally trained to withstand everything that happens to us.

We are able to face everything that life hits us with, we are strong and we can carry out everything we set out to do.

31. Lead a good life. If there are gods and they are righteous, they will not care how devoted you were. Instead, they will welcome you based on the virtues you have had in life. If there are gods but they are unfair, then you would not like to praise them. If there are no gods, then simply your life will have ended but it will have been noble and your memory will live on in the memories of those you love.

We must govern our lives according to our own values ​​and principles, because if we live in this way we will be able to die with a clear conscience in the future.

32. Humans exist for the sake of others. So you either teach them or learn to endure them.

Knowing how to understand ourselves with those around us can sometimes be difficult, but it is something that we must certainly do.

33. Do what you have to do. Even if you disarm, most people will still do the same things.

As Marco Aurelio tells us in this quote, we must be consistent with our principles.

34. Accept whatever comes woven into the pattern of your destiny, well... What could be more suitable to meet your needs?

Believing in destiny is something that we can do or not do in our life, it is up to us to adopt this belief.

35. If any man hates me, that's his problem. My only concern is not doing or saying anything worthy of that hatred.

We cannot change how others feel about us, but we can act in a more positive way to make our interactions more enjoyable.

36. Our life is what our thoughts create.

Our thoughts largely determine our actions, and those actions direct our future.

37. What is really beautiful does not need anything else.

When something is beautiful in itself, we should not try to change it.

38. The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others. The happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with the mood that is beyond their control. However, the happiness of the wise comes from their actions.

Achieving happiness depends on ourselves and the decisions we make in life.

39. Life is an opinion.

Everything in life starts from our own opinion. Our opinion tells us who we are in society.

40. Your days are numbered. Use them to open the windows of your soul and let the sun in. If you don't, the sun will set on the horizon and you with it.

We only have one chance to live our life, we must not stop doing anything that we are passionate about.

41. Is it your reputation that bothers you? But look how quickly we are forgotten. The abyss of eternal time swallows everything. The emptiness of those clapping hands. The people who applaud us, how capricious they are, how arbitrary.

Our actions should be directed by our principles, not the congratulations of third parties that really do little for us.

42. Just because something seems difficult to you does not mean that no one else is capable of achieving it.

There is always someone stronger and faster than you, the human being is wonderful and capable of achieving great goals.

43. Don't waste time speculating about what your neighbors are up to, unless it's for mutual benefit. Wondering what they are doing and why they are doing it, what they say, think or plan distracts you and symbolizes losing the opportunity to do other tasks.

We should not care about the actions of third parties, we should be concerned about what we will do.

44. It is in your power to withdraw whenever you want. Perfect tranquility consists of the order of mind, the realm that belongs to you.

Immersing ourselves in our mind can help us organize our ideas, we must know how to take our time when we really need it.

45. Come back to your senses, come back, wake up again. Now that you have realized that what bothered you was only a dream, look at "reality" as you see your dreams.

The world of dreams can be very different from our reality and knowing how to live our day to day is extremely important. With effort we will make our dreams come true.

46. How ridiculous and how strange it is to be surprised at the things that happen in life.

Each new day is a new opportunity to surprise ourselves, life always teaches us new things.

47. Just do the right thing. The rest does not matter. Hot or cold. Tired or rested. Despised and honored. Dead or busy with other tasks. Because dying is also one of the tasks that we must fulfill in life.

We must live our life in the most correct and honest way possible, because our actions will be what they will remember about us when we are gone.

48. You always have the option of not commenting on it. There is no need to bother your soul for things you cannot control. Those things are not asking you to judge them. Leave them alone.

Those issues that we cannot change should not waste our time, worry about what you can change.

49. Think you are dead. You have already lived your life. Now take advantage of what you have left of it and live it as it should. What does not transmit light creates its own darkness.

The life we ​​own is a very valuable asset, truly the most valuable asset we will ever have.

50. The echo of what we do now, resonates in eternity.

A quote that reminds us of the movie Gladiator, a movie in which we talk about this great Roman emperor.

51. You are only a soul carrying a corpse on its back.

For almost all believers the soul is really what we are, our body is only the container of our soul.

52. Don't act like you're going to live for ten thousand years. Death stalks you. As long as you live, as long as possible, be good.

Live life as you would like to be remembered, we must leave the world in a better state than when we arrived.

53. When someone else blames you or hates you, or people criticize you, he looks into their souls, penetrates the depths, and sees what kind of people they are. You will realize that you should not torment yourself thinking about what others think of you.

When you know in depth the one who criticizes you, you realize that you should not worry about his opinion.

54. The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape from being part of the foolish.

We must not get carried away by ideological currents that are not positive for society.

55. Don't let the future bother you. You will meet him, if you must, with the same rational weapons with which you are armed to fight the present.

Facing problems when they come is what we should all do, many future problems may never come.

56. Accept the things that destiny binds you to and love the people that destiny brings you, but do it with all your heart.

Being honest with our feelings will allow us to live life much more fully.

57. Think of the beauty of life. Look at the stars and see yourself running behind them.

The world around us and nature in general, bring us many wonderful experiences that we must appreciate.

58. Everything is in a certain way, beautiful, it is beautiful in itself and does not ask for anything beyond itself. The praise is not part of itself, consequently, what is praised is neither worsened nor improved.

The beauty of something is found in the interpretation that we give it, because beauty is always in the eyes of the one who looks at it.

59. Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.

Education provides us with a series of tools that we must necessarily learn, no one is born educated alone.

60. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts; therefore act accordingly, and be careful not to dwell on notions inappropriate for virtue and reasonable nature.

Our thoughts will or will not lead us to our happiness, negative thoughts will undoubtedly lead us to misery.

61. The art of life is more like fighting than dancing.

In life we ​​will always have to fight to achieve our objectives and goals.

62. Time is a kind of river of events and its flow is strong; as soon as something is brought into view, it is swept away and something else takes its place, and this in turn will also be swept away.

Time influences everyone and everything, passing this always puts things in their place.

63. Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you watch carefully, you will find that this is so.

Life always follows its own natural course and the events in it always happen because of something.

64. Nothing has so much power to broaden the mind than the ability to systematically and realistically investigate all that is observable in life.

Through experimentation and study, we reach a greater understanding of life itself. Science answers the questions we can ask ourselves about life.

65. We are too used to attributing to a single cause what is the product of several, and most of our controversies proceed from that.

When an important event happens, it always happens as a result of many and varied circumstances.

66. Reject your sense of prejudice and the prejudice will disappear on its own.

Prejudices can lead us to make wrong decisions, we must judge only proven facts or acts.

67. Life is neither good nor bad, but a place for good and evil.

We make our life good or bad, with our own actions.

68. The only wealth that you will keep forever is the wealth that you have given away.

Giving can be much more rewarding than receiving, we must be generous with our friends and family.

69. To understand the true quality of people, you must look into their minds, examine their occupations and aversions.

Knowing a person can be quite complicated, we must investigate a lot in their thoughts to get to know them.

70. We should do good to others as naturally as a horse runs, a bee makes honey, or a vineyard produces grapes.

A great quote from Marco Aurelio that encourages us to do good to others, the society in which we live is a reflection of ourselves.

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