Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in Lo Barnechea

Clinical Hypnosis Therapist

The combination and integration of different studies carried out over the years led me to extract what I consider important from each of them in order to give people a path of connection, construction, understanding, expansion, liberation among other words so that they can be better people, well on their way, free from poorly constructed words or wrong, so that they can change course freely, so that they can decide from a positive perspective without guilt, without fear, without punishments that do not exist, among other things plus.


I am a psychologist graduated from the University of Chile, with professional experience both in the public and private spheres, attending and advising both adults and young people as well as couples and families. I have reimbursement with Isapres and differentiated costs I offer virtual attention


I am a licensed Clinical Psychologist from the Universidad de Los Andes, with a diploma in acceptance and commitment therapy, and another in third generation therapy models (both in progress). I offer the option of care online. I have professional experience in the public sector. I have been dedicated primarily to patients with problems related to personality disorders, grief, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. The skills that stand out the most in my care for patients are: use of assertive communication, empathy, resilience, and a good capacity to face and resolve conflicts.

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Edilia Elena Rinaldy Socarras

To the extent that we are able to address presumed impossibilities and transform them into great ...

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Diego Andrés Astorquiza Lawn

I am a Clinical Psychologist from Universidad Diego Portales. I have a Postgraduate Degree in Psy...

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Catalina Andrea Uauy Anania

Hi! I am a clinical psychologist, with a master's degree in clinical psychology, in personnel sel...

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