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The 5 functions of society: how does it influence our lives?

In psychology and other social sciences we usually talk a lot about "society." We discuss how it affects us, about the types of societies we have built, we talk about the changes our societies have gone through, and so on. We even differentiate between western, non-western, individualistic, collectivist, knowledge societies, developed, undeveloped, and many others. However, we rarely ask ourselves what exactly we mean when we speak of "society."

Considering that there is no single definition, and that it is an issue that we could approach from very different perspectives, in In this article we will do a brief review of the psychosocial approach on what society is and what are some of its elements. Specifically we will see several of the main functions of life in society.

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What is society and what elements does it have?

From the most classical traditions of the social sciences, society has presented itself as the opposite element to the individual

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, that is, as an entity that is external to the subjects and that affects us, molds us, oppresses us, or vice versa: it liberates us, strengthens us or drives us. That is, society is usually thought of as something that exists outside the subject, but in relation to it: it supports it and at the same time limits it.

However, society can also be understood as the result of human activity itself; an activity that, when shared, also generates a set of norms. In other words, society can also be understood as the result of our interaction.

And, by interacting, we produce and share a series of codes that allow us to organize ourselves in different ways. These codes are translated into elements that promote socialization (the process by which an individual becomes a competent subject for society).

Examples of these elements are institutions (family, marriage, school, science, religion, etc.), which depends on the geographical, economic, political situation, traditions, the values and the history of each set of individuals.

In other words, there is no single way of doing society; The same dynamics and minimal processes are not generated everywhere, just as they have not been the same at all times. And beyond being a different entity from the subject, society is the result of the activity and interaction of the same subjects.

5 functions of society

Based on the above, we could ask ourselves: why do we live in society? What good is it? Could we live without society or outside of it?

No doubt the functions of society are, to say the least, problematic. Regardless of whether society itself is good or bad, harmful or beneficial, the whole of our own activity is usually uncertain, with which, the effects and functions of society also become ambiguous.

If we also think about society in pragmatic terms, we can say that it is not only responsible for influencing our lives or our activity, but it is through society itself that we are able to maintain our own life (physical and mental). However, and depending on what dynamics are generated, the opposite effect can also be had.

Broadly speaking, we can describe the functions of society in different processes that are generated through shared human activity: identity, social norms, care-related practices, provision-related activities, and environmental management environment.

1. Generate identity

Identity is a psychosocial process by means of which a person recognizes himself in relation to a series of characteristics, traits, interests, desires, abilities, and so on. Such recognition occurs largely through other people. And this is so because only through others can we recognize ourselves as "equal to ..." or "different from ...", that is, as unique individuals and at the same time part of a group.

In other words, if an individual recognizes himself as such, it is because there are other individuals who have recognized him as well. Thus, one of the functions of life in society is shaping the subject and small groups: society generates both psychic structures and social groups, without which we could hardly relate to the world.

2. Produce social norms

Social norms are the set of implicit or explicit guidelines that tell us how we should behave. Not only that, but they also tell us what interests, desires, habits or expectations are appropriate or possible. Through social norms we interact with the world and with other members of society.

We generate and reproduce them through that same relationship, and when it is transformed, social norms also change. For example, the interaction and norms of behavior between human beings (and between human beings and nature), were not the same before that we develop technology, and this is because by introducing small material and discursive changes, social norms also they change.

In short, another of the main functions of society is to generate and transform the norms of behavior that distinguish us as part of a social group. Thanks to this, we can make our interests fit together without causing too many conflicts to live close to each other.

3. Ensuring care and parentage practices

Another function of life in society is to generate practices that ensure the satisfaction of our human needs. To ensure this satisfaction, it is also necessary that the practices generated correspond to the needs and values ​​of a geographical and historical moment concrete. For example, a need that we human beings share is filiation, which is related to affective interdependence and care practices.

The latter is a value shared by some societies, and to a lesser extent others. It is also related to the sexual division of labor and gender socialization, which can be different between human groups. For example, in some more affluent Western societies, practices related to caregiving and parentage are different from other societies in which, having fewer resources, also generates a significant need for support and care among the individuals.

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4. Generate activities related to the provision

Related to the previous point, another of the functions of life in society is to ensure that practices related to provision are generated, that is, activities that ensure the supply of basic necessities, which we do through exchange and relationship with other people.

In other words, the interaction and shared activity between human beings has among its objectives to ensure that we survive. In this case, such as activities related to care, provision is a practice that in the history of western societies tends to be socialized in relation to masculine values and based on the sexual division of labor.

5. Manage the environment in which we develop

Organizing ourselves as a society, and becoming competent members of it, has among its effects the management and manipulation of the environment where our interaction occurs. That is, the manipulation of the environment. Life in society allows us not only to take from the environment what we need to survive, but, by the same norms and identities that are generated, social activity can have as a consequence the excessive wear and tear of the environment due to the constant use of its resources.

Thus, society many times not only has the function of satisfying basic needs, but also generates other needs and other forms of satisfaction that lead to the massive exploitation of the environment where society itself emerges. For this, another of the functions that our societies have generated have been knowledge production and technology developmentDevices that have had an important influence, not only in the management of the environment but also in the same interpersonal relationships.

In short, rather than having specific functions, life in society has a series of effects that are not precisely external to the subjects, but are the result of our interaction. Likewise, they can be problematic, so it is important to take into account to ensure that said interaction translates into coexistence and quality of life.

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