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10 signs you're working too hard

Work is something we cannot complain about, much less in a time when everything seems to be so uncertain. Having a salary is a blessing, and we must do everything possible to keep it (or increase it).

However, it is one thing to be a professional, hard-working and responsible person who does everything that corresponds to him, and another is to work in excess, putting our physical and mental health, our social relationships and even the quality of our work at risk.

This may be your case, so you may be interested in seeing what they are 10 signs you're working too hard And, if you do, open your eyes and seriously consider taking a break.

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10 signs you're working too hard (and what causes it)

The life of the worker is not a bed of roses. While we may like our work a lot, it is true that sometimes we have to do more than we planned and we do not have the freedom to complain. At the end of the day, seeing as the current situation is, that we have a job is almost a fallen gift from heaven and complaining about having a salary, we could classify it as a problem of the first world.

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However, it often happens that our job absorbs us, taking hours away from us to dedicate ourselves to doing more pleasant activities such as being with family, friends or dedicating them to our care and leisure. Having overtime from time to time is usually a bad drinkBut if it only happens a couple of times a month or at most a week, it is something we can handle quite well.

Unfortunately, many people have the problem that tasks pile up, they start to take care of obligations that do not correspond to them and their boss begins to abuse them by sending them more workload than they are touch. As a consequence of all this, the health of the workers begins to suffer and their social life is also damaged.

But despite this, sometimes workers themselves find it difficult to know that they are working too hard. Either motivated by the idea that the more they work the more efficient they are being or that it is totally normal to have to work hours extras frequently, many people are not able to see that they are in a situation that poses a problem for their social life and personal. So that this does not happen to you, below we are going to see 10 signs that you are working too much.

1. You feel like you never have time for yourself

It is common that, when you work too much, you feel that you have less time for yourself. This often happens without you realizing it at first, either because you are so committed to your work or because you use it as a refuge from problems in your life.

Nevertheless, over time you make commitments that go beyond what corresponds to you, doing overtime. It is that moment in which you see that you do not have time for yourself, or to spend it with family, with friends, dedicate it to leisure or, not even, relieve yourself.

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2. You are more irritable and moody

One of the signs that you are working too hard is that you have become irritable. Tiredness, stress, the frustration of not being able to enjoy your free time and the burden of seeing a lot of pending reports do not sit well with anyone. Added to the bad mood, to all this is added the clumsiness, since the worse we are in a worse mood, the worse our efficiency and care when working.

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3. You can't relax

You may have a small space of time in your work hours in which you can dedicate yourself. Yet you are so stressed and worried about how much you have to do that you are unable to relax, as if you were all the time on the go, prepared for the next batch of reports to write.

This is not only a problem that manifests itself in your breaks in the office, but also outside working hours. You come home and, even though you try to clear your mind, rest on the couch or fall asleep comfortably on your bed, you are not able to rest at all. You have your button "on" and there is no way to turn it "off".

4. You don't rest well

Another sign that you're working too hard is that you wake up tired, even with the recommended 8 hours of sleep. This is common when you have a workload so great that even asleep you are in tension And, of course, this affects the quality of sleep.

In other cases it has more to do with the time you go to sleep, the result of having many pending tasks and that make you stay until late at work. It is not the same to go to sleep at 10 p.m. than to do it at 2 in the morning. No matter how many hours we get to sleep, the body is not made for us to go to bed so late.

I work too much
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5. Your body aches

You are so stressed that Not only are you in a bad mood and you notice how you burn out emotionally, but your body is also affected physically. Your back, neck and joints hurt, and you don't really know why but, from the outside, it's easy to know why Your body hurts so much: you have such a workload that your stress and anxiety are psychosomatized into physical discomfort.

But it's not just your muscles and joints that hurt. It is common that as a result of working too much you notice gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion and heartburn, as well as headaches, migraines and dizziness. And while it is not certain that you are going to have a heart attack, you notice that it is pumping so hard because of the stress that you are afraid it will explode in your chest.

6. Not a trace of fun in your life

The worker absorbed by his work is a being who no longer knows what fun means. You do so many things that, when you finish them, you see that it is very late and you no longer have time to even make plans with your family or friends or for fun on your own, be it reading a book, watching TV or playing games. video game.

Your life is getting boring. Everything is working, working and working and you put aside hobbies and other forms of leisure that are what give you life. You are working too hard when your life becomes one-dimensional and flat, simple and tedious.

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7. Your topic of conversation is work

In direct relation to the previous point, since all you do is work and more work you have absolutely no topic to talk about anymore. You may defend yourself quite well in your office by telling a joke to your partner about something from a report or project, but that work humor does not make sense outside of your workplace. For your friends, partner, children and other acquaintances you have become monothematic.

8. You feel like there aren't enough hours in the day

Either because your bosses have put too much work on you or because you have simply organized yourself a little badly, you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to finish your obligations.

Overtime has become a regular part of your job, and even though you should talk to someone to take off so much workload, that already borders on the abusive, you prefer to continue doing everything that you are commissioned, even if it causes you stress when seeing that it takes longer than you had thought-out.

9. Your to-do list keeps growing

Regardless of whether you are an organized person or not, accepting everything that is assigned to you at work makes your to-do list continue to grow, logically. At the beginning of the working day, everything is seen as affordable, as all the obligations and tasks that you are committing to perform will be able to be done.

Then the hours go by and you discover that it is humanly impossible to finish everything on your to-do list in one day, so you save something for the next day. The problem comes that they will give you tasks, both mandatory and extra, making the heap of tasks that was already large before now is even more so. If this does not make you see that you work too much I do not know very well what will make you see ...

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10. You feel like you'll never catch up

Finally, as a sign that you are working too hard is that you feel like you will never catch up, despite the fact that you dedicate a lot of overtime to your job, you sacrifice part of your rest, you are stressed and you notice how you do many things every day.

Added to all the previous points, this may be the last straw and make you understand that you need a break or even ask your boss to slow down and give us less work. You may even urgently need a vacation, because not only is it that you have too much work but if you do not regain strength, you will hardly catch up.

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