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The 9 best Psychologists who are experts in Gaming and eSports

The Health Psychologist Álvaro Fernández Cencerrado He has a Master's degree from the Francisco de Vitoria University and throughout his career he has specialized in successfully treating addiction to new technologies, especially video games.

This professional won the Spanish League of Heroes of the Storm in 2018 and in recent years has combined the practice of professional psychotherapy with psychological dissemination, the publication of a book on video games and psychology, and also with the development of educational courses aimed at gamers, parents and educators.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending to internet addiction and video games, drug addiction, substance abuse, stress, or deficits in skills coping.

The center UPAD of Psychology and Coaching It is one of the most prestigious in the Community of Madrid and a team of professionals works there multidisciplinary specialized in Clinical, Educational, Sports, Coaching and Development Psychology Personal.

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The intervention of the center is totally individualized and offered both online and in person in its Madrid consultation, in whose sessions its professionals apply the best therapies adapted to the needs of each customer.

The main specialties of the center are relationship crises, emotional difficulties, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, life crises, and deficits in coping skills coping.

The psychologist Francisco Hidalgo He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, he has a Master's Degree in Family Mediation and Intervention from the same University, a Master's Degree in Psychological Expertise and Forensic Psychology from UEMC and also has a Postgraduate Degree in Resolution of Labor disputes.

Her intervention is offered online with all possible comforts and in her consultation she attends to children, adolescents, adults, elderly people, couples and also families who may present a case of addiction to video game.

This professional works through the cognitive-behavioral approach, an orientation that he integrates together with EMDR Therapy and other effective guidance with which she deals with behavior problems, plots, relationship crises and conflicts relatives.

Fromm Wellness is a Therapeutic Center specialized in treating addictions in adolescents, adults, elderly people, families and also women who may be going through a bad time at the moment.

The intervention of the center is offered both online and in person and in its sessions it deals with cases of addiction to internet or video games, drug addiction, gambling, family conflicts, bullying and failure or absenteeism school.

Fromm Bienestar professionals apply Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals from all over the world, along with other effective guidelines such as Mindfulness or Humanist Therapy.

The Psychiatrist Jose Maria Fabregas Pedrell She has more than 40 years of professional experience behind her and today she is a specialist in dealing with addictive behaviors of all kinds.

As a member of the CITA Clinic, this therapist provides a professional care service aimed at adolescents and adults who may present cases of addiction to internet or video games, as well as gambling, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, personality disorders or disorder obsessive-compulsive.

Her intervention is individualized at all times and is based on the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals from all over the world and that it integrates together with other effective orientations such as Mindfulness or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

The psychologist Sara Meca Zapatero She has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, has a Master's degree in Prevention and Rehabilitation of Behaviors Addictive and also has Masters in Clinical Psychology, Serious Dual Pathology and in Addiction to Pathological Grief and Addictions Behavioral.

This professional runs the G.SINadicciones psychology clinic, one of the most recommended in the city of Valencia, from where He attends both online and in person to adolescents, adults and also couples who may present cases of addiction.

His intervention integrates various therapies based on scientific evidence, with which he attends the cases of internet addiction, video game addiction, relationship crises, relational deficits, alcoholism or gambling.

The Forum Terapeutic Madrid It also offers a specialized service in the treatment of addictions and its team of professionals is made up of expert therapists in Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry.

The intervention of the center is adapted from the first session to the specificities of each client and is based in the joint application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with other highly effective guidelines proven.

Some of the main alterations attended by the professionals of the Forum Terapeutic Madrid are the cases of gambling, internet addiction, video game addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction and diagnosis dual.

The psychologist Luis Miguel Real Kotbani He is Graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, has a Master in Clinical Psychology, a Master of Research, Treatment and Associated Pathology in Drug Addiction and also has Training Courses in Coaching and Gestalt therapy.

This professional is also a specialist in addictions and in his consultation he attends online adolescents, adults, adults, people older people and also couples with cases of anxiety, depression, gambling, video game addiction, internet addiction, substance abuse or drug addiction.

The clinic Addiction Treatment Board offers a residential treatment service for adolescents, adults, families and couples who may be experiencing an internet or video game addiction disorder.

The center's intervention is comprehensive and based on the joint application of various highly effective therapies, such as EMDR therapy, Mindfulness or Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, all of them adapted to each of the needs of the customer.

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