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The 9 best Mental Health Centers in Pamplona

Forum Terapeutic Pamplona It is one of the most prestigious centers in the city of Pamplona and currently has a Psychology and Psychiatry offered by highly qualified professionals and experts in their areas of intervention.

The center's intervention is offered both online and in person and its therapists are specialized in provide a comprehensive and totally individualized treatment, based on the application of various therapies based on scientific evidence proven.

Besides that, the main specialties of the Forum Terapeutic Pamplona are anxiety problems, low self-esteem, alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, sex addiction, and addiction to new technologies.

Vitalizes Health Psychology is a therapeutic center located in the city of Pamplona specialized in treating a wide variety of difficulties.

It is important to mention that in this center we can find a great multidisciplinary team of psychologists who, as we will discover later, are highly specialized in the use of some therapeutic techniques such as the Mindfulness meditation technique or the Neurofeedback.

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In this place they tend to treat very frequently some difficulties such as the consumption in excess of alcohol, addiction to video games, very low self-esteem or complicated situations of adoption.

Monica Tanco Crespo She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country and also has a training course specialized in the use of Gestalt Psychotherapy awarded by the Center for Humanist Therapy of San Sebastian.

Where this psychology professional undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, codependency or conflicts between relatives.

Maria Paz Mora She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a Master's degree, also issued by this same university, which formally accredits her as an expert in the field of General Psychology Sanitary

Currently this mental health professional can help us greatly if we find ourselves suffering from any difficulties such as social phobia, very high levels of work stress, anxiety disorders or a very difficult stage mourning.

On Mentalia Pamplona We will have the opportunity to receive the treatment we need in the case of going through a wide variety of psychological complications, something that will be possible thanks to a highly specialized team and a center equipped with all kinds of mod cons.

We can go to this place if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from an attention deficit disorder (ADHD), a complicated case of Alzheimer's, a very severe depression or a disorder related to anxiety.

Sofía Pérez de Zabalza Ruggeri She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca and a Master's degree from the National University of Distance Education, specialized in the correct use of Cognitive Therapy applied to both children and teenagers.

If we go to the center that this professional manages, we must know that we can treat in a very effective way some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, phobias or problems related to feeding.

The Argibide Foundation is a center specialized in the promotion of mental health founded back in 1976.

During all this time these specialists have been able to acquire remarkable experience in treating people of all ages, and that is why Regardless of whether we are adults, children or adolescents, in this foundation we will have the opportunity to receive all the help that eventually we can need.

They have great ability in treating some difficulties such as depression in adolescents, anxiety disorders, very high levels of stress or excessive alcohol consumption.

The Anitzak Psychology Cabinet It is formed by the psychologists Itziar Tres Bojar and Ana Laura Gil Suárez who have degrees in Health Psychology and in addition, they have more than 15 years of professional experience practicing psychotherapy both in children and in Adults.

They are specialized in the treatment of some difficulties such as depression, very low self-esteem, conflicts between family members, problems during learning or the inability to reconcile sleep.

Alba Armañanzas Recondo She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto and a Master's degree issued by the Public University of Navarra, specialized in the in-depth study of Psychopathologies and Health.

This mental health professional currently runs the specialized center called CL Psychology, a place in which if we need it, they can help us address some personal difficulties such as addictions, depression or very low esteem.

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