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Token economy: how is it used to motivate change?

Acquiring habits, eliminating certain behaviors or generating changes in the way of acting... Sometimes Modifying your own or someone else's behavior can be difficult, especially in boys and girls.

Fortunately, psychology and other disciplines have worked from different technical theoretical currents that allow people to introduce changes in the way they behave. One of the techniques used for this purpose is the token economy..

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Token Economy: A Behavior Modification Method

The token economy is one of the behavior modification techniques, which are intended to produce a change in the behavior of the subject to be treated or to implement or dispel specific behaviors. These types of techniques are based on the belief that behavior can be modified by learning new actions, and are widely used to educate or intervene on disorders.

The token economy technique is based on the concept of self-reinforcement of the operant conditioning

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by B. F. Skinner. This theory indicates that the fact of emitting or not a behavior It depends on the consequences of said action that are perceived. If these are positive we will tend to repeat the behavior in anticipation of more reinforcement, while if they are negative we will decrease their frequency or eliminate the behavior from our repertoire.

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How is it used?

The procedure to be used in this technique is based on the exchange. The emission of the target behavior will be rewarded with a generalized reinforcer in the form of tokens, which can later be exchanged for reinforcers appealing to the subject. The conduct of the conduct is controlled by some type of recording system. The tokens themselves are a neutral stimulus, of no value to the subject until he knows its link with obtaining reinforcers.

It must be taken into account that this technique is very useful to modify behaviors already present in the subject's repertoire, implement new behaviors or dispel behaviors by rewarding incompatible actions, or by withdrawing previously delivered tokens.

However, the token economy is only useful if we want to introduce modifications in a few specific behaviors, or otherwise the modifications are made very gradually and negotiating in advance with the child or patient the progress to be made doing.

Phases of the procedure

The token economy is an easy-to-apply technique, but one that requires following a series of stages in order to be applied correctly. Specifically, we can find three different phases, although sometimes they are considered reducible to a phase of implementation of the program and another phase of its fading.

1. Program establishment phase

The first step to apply this technique is to explain and establish with the individual to treat the procedure to be carried out.

For this technique to be effective the subject must be able to understand the concept of token, and what it is for. The cards to be used are shown and the person is helped to understand that these elements are going to be used as interchangeable objects by certain reinforcers.

Thus, we make the token something desirable in its own right and awaken the desire to obtain it. If necessary, it can be exemplified by giving the individual tokens so that they can exchange them for some element that can be effective as a reinforcer, showing the basic function and meaning of these symbols interchangeable. This procedure could be considered as a sub-phase, the sampling of the card as a reinforcer.

Subsequently, the subject is told that he will obtain a certain amount of tokens for each time he takes carry out a behavior, or if during a certain period of time he has carried out or avoided a behavior concrete.

It is also specified if there is any kind of cost for doing the opposite of what is intended. In addition, the reinforcers to be obtained with the tokens and the value of each of them is established, conditioning their obtaining to the performance or non-performance of certain behaviors.

Finally, a system is established and developed with which to record the actions of the person over time.

2. Implementation of the program

Once you have established what to do, it is time to put it into practice. The performance of the child, student or patient is monitored, giving them tokens (or taking them away in the event that they engage in prohibited conduct, depending on whether or not the response cost is applied) as the conduct is recorded.

It is recommended that at least in the beginning each behavior emitted is rewarded immediately, in a way that the operation of the system is fixed, although with time the rewards will be postponed. It is also recommended that only a few of the possible reinforcers are available, so that the desire of those not yet available allows the behavior to be maintained over time.

3. Completion phase

In the last phase, which will close the program, a "dismantling" of the system is going to be carried out of token economy to completion.

As the subject increases mastery and practice in the objective behavior, little by little the number of tokens required to achieve the goals begins to increase. reinforcers, at the same time that the tokens earned for each behavior performed are reduced, the requirements to obtain the tokens are tightened and / or the period they take to surrender.

Over time, the program itself stops being applied, the subject having already established the behavior. However, changes must be informed to the individual, so that there is no rejection and a reaction of elimination of the behavior sought or recrudescence of the one that was intended to decrease.

Scope of application

The Token Economy Technique can be used both individually and collectively, but it will always be necessary to adjust and agree on both the behaviors to be executed and the reinforcers that can be achieved according to the needs of the individuals or group. It can be used to level and standardize a certain environment, allowing its reorganization.

The token economy has a large number of fields of application. It was initially used to motivate patients with mental disorders to act in a more competent and adaptive way. In the clinical setting, therefore, it can be used to teach patients with disorders to combat their symptoms through behavioral change.

It can also be used in education, where in fact it is frequently used, especially in primary schools, or directly in homes as a tool to educate children. Used in schools, it allows them to strive to act in ways that achieve the reinforcer, helping to improve behavior. But it is not only applied at school or in the clinic, but it can also be used at a private level to change habits.

Bibliographic references:

  • Almendro, M.T. (2012). Psychotherapies. CEDE PIR Preparation Manual, 06. CEDE: Madrid.
  • Jurado López, R.L (2009). Techniques for the reduction and / or restoration of behaviors. Innovation and educational experiences.
  • Oblitas, L.A. (2004). "How to do successful psychotherapy?" The 22 most important approaches in contemporary and cutting-edge psychotherapeutic practice. PSICOM Editors. Bogota D.C. Colombia. P. 146.
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