Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Psychologists in Durham (North Carolina)

The Psychologist and Professional Counselor Enhamed Enhamed He is graduated in Psychology from the European University of Madrid, has a Master's Degree in Internet Business, a Master's Degree in Specialist in Coaching and Personal Development and also has Training Courses in High Performance Coaching and Mindfulness and Meditation Therapy.

This professional has specialized throughout his career in providing a Psychology and Coaching service aimed at teenagers of all ages, adults and couples, all online and with total flexibility.

Her intervention integrates Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy along with other equally effective orientations, with which she attends resilience deficits, anxiety, depression, divorce processes, school difficulties and low esteem.

The psychologist Gabriela Sotomayor She is a specialist in Human Development and for more than 25 years she has satisfactorily cared for children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also families.

Her intervention is offered online and in her sessions she integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach, one of the most used throughout the world by psychology professionals, along with other effective methodologies such as Therapy Gestalt.

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Some of the areas that she attends most successfully in her sessions are emotional and relational difficulties, parenting issues, anxiety, depression, codependency, and skill deficits social.

Gabriela Sotomayor has a degree in Psychology from the Metropolitan Autonomous University, she has a Higher Degree in Psychotherapy Gestalt, a Diploma in Psychological Assessment, a Diploma in Bioneuroemotion and a Training Course in First Aid Psychological.

The psychologist Nuria Miranda She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Les Illes Balears, she has a Higher Degree in Brief Systemic Intervention Focused on Solutions, a Higher Degree in EMDR Therapy, a Master in Child Neuropsychology and a Diploma in Therapy of Couple.

This professional has been serving people of all ages and also couples who may be going through a difficult situation in their relationship, all online and with the greatest comforts possible.

Her intervention integrates the Brief Therapy Focused on Solutions together with other orientations of proven efficacy, with which she attends the family conflicts, stress, low self-esteem, codependency, addictions, anxiety, depression and work problems.

The psychologist Dove king She also offers her services through the telematic modality and in her consultation she attends to people of all ages, as well as couples and families who may present alterations in their health mental.

This professional has a Graduate in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the International University of Valencia and also has a Master in Comprehensive Care for People with Disabilities Intellectual.

His intervention integrates Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with which he attends the learning difficulties, anxiety, family conflict, depression, ADHD, and difficulties related to pregnancy or maternity.

The psychologist Arodi Martinez graduated with honors from the InterAmerican University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, He has a Doctorate in Psychology, a Master's in General Psychology and has a Certification in Mindfulness.

For more than 10 years, this professional has specialized in serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families who can request their services, currently offered through the online mode and with guarantees totals.

Her intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and other orientations such as Mindfulness or Coaching, with the which deals with family conflicts, addictions, divorce processes, couple crises, anxiety and depression.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Tzoymaher He has more than 18 years of professional experience behind him and currently serves people of all ages and couples together with a team of professionals.

Her intervention is offered through online sessions and integrates various therapies based on scientific evidence, with which he attends to relational difficulties, depression, anxiety, stress, anger management deficits, and addiction to Internet.

Diego Tzoymaher has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, he has a Postgraduate degree in Cognitive Neuropsychology, a Postgraduate Specialization in Anxiety Disorders and a Postgraduate in Journalism Scientific.

The Health Psychologist Juliet Araoz He has more than 10 years of professional experience behind him and for several years he has directed one of the most important psychology centers in all of Spain.

This professional works together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals and in her consultation she attends online and totally individualized to adolescents of any age, adults and also couples

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in successfully addressing difficulties emotional disorders, low self-esteem, infidelities, couple crises, bipolar disorder and depression.

The Marriage and Family Therapist Melissa tihin She is part of the team of professionals at Central Valley Therapy Center, a center specialized in serve children and adolescents of all ages online, as well as women in a individual.

This professional has more than 11 years of experience, is licensed by the state of California and is specialist in dealing with cases of anxiety and depression, couple crises, addictions, divorce processes and trauma.

The Marriage and Family Therapist Patricia Campos-Barcenas she graduated from John F. Kennedy University for more than 8 years and is licensed by the state of California.

His services are offered online to adults and also couples who may present trauma cases of anxiety o depression, family conflict, post-traumatic stress disorder, or deficits in coping skills. coping.

The Clinical Social Worker Aracely Munguia He has over 18 years of professional experience, graduated from CSU and is also licensed by the State of California.

His intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy, with which he attends adolescents, adults, couples and also families with relationship difficulties, trauma, cases of anxiety, addictions, grieving processes, family conflicts or low esteem.

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