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Discover what are ANAMNIOTE ANIMALS

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Anamniotic animals: definition

The vertebrates They can be divided according to many characteristics (according to whether they live in water, air or land, according to the number of legs they have, etc.) and one of them is by whether or not they have amnion. The amnion is a membrane present during the development of the embryo within the mother or an egg and is mainly responsible for protecting the embryo from different types of environmental aggressions. If you want to know what are anamniotic animals, some main characteristics that the differences of amniotes and examples of anamniotic animals, keep reading this lesson from a TEACHER!

Anamniotic animals, by definition, are those animals that lack an embryonic membrane called amnion.

The amnion It is a wrap that is presented during the embryonic development of the animals that lay their eggs out of the water, on land, as it acts as one creating an aqueous medium that surrounds the embryo, similar to a swimming pool, which simulates that the embryo is still in the sea during its development.

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The function of this membrane is to prevent the embryo from losing water and mineral salts during its development since during most of our embryonic development, animals do not have the body covers needed to protect us from the air around us, body temperature regulation mechanisms or some way to protect ourselves from pollution and dust environmental.

Here we discover the difference between anamniotes and amniotes so that you know how to differentiate each of these groups well.

Anamniotic animals: definition - Definition of anamniotic animals

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Anamniotic animals, as we have already mentioned, are the group of vertebrate animals whose embryo lacks amnion. This is so because the embryos of these animals develop in eggs that are in water (be it the sea, a river, a pond or a puddle). Therefore, anamniotic animals are those that lay eggs in water: fishes Y amphibians.

Okay, so if someone were to ask you then for examples of anamniotic animals, what examples could we give? We could put as an example of anamniotic animals any fish from puffer fish, seahorses, moray eels, rays, mantas, lampreys, groupers, sardines to large sharks; just remember that dolphins and whales are not fish, but mammals! and therefore they do not reproduce in the same way as, for example, a shark does. T

You could also give some amphibians as an example: caecilians, salamanders, frogs, toads or newts. Use your imagination, the list is very very long!

Anamniotic animals: definition - Anamniotic animals: examples

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Discover what are ANAMNIOTE ANIMALS

Discover what are ANAMNIOTE ANIMALS

The vertebrates They can be divided according to many characteristics (according to whether they ...

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