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The 90 best phrases of violence

Violence is a generally harmful social phenomenon, and it can take many different forms.

Sometimes it is a sign of insecurity and fear that cannot be dealt with in a healthy way, where anger and destruction are the ways to solve any problem. However, it can also be a form of conscious and planned domination.

In this article you will find a selection of the best phrases about violence, commented.

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The most memorable phrases of violence

Although this is the product of a human emotion, violence is never a good adviser, although its dynamics should be understood. To learn more about how it works, we will review several inspiring quotes and reflections on violence.

1. Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. (Isaac Asimov)

When someone is inept, violence is their way of desperately trying to solve problems.

2. Violence is the fear of the ideals of others. (Mahatma Gandhi)

The fear of recognizing that the ideas of others are good or deserve to be considered can lead to the desire to impose our opinions.

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3. The poor and poor peoples are accused of violence but, without equal opportunities, the various forms of aggression and war will find a breeding ground that will sooner or later provoke their explosion. (Pope Francisco)

The lack of equality is a great trigger for violence.

4. Education is the vaccine against violence. (Edward James Olmos)

Knowledge allows you to better manage coexistence, and that is why you have to bet on it.

5. Faced with the atrocities we have to take sides. Silence stimulates the executioner (Elie Wiesel)

We must raise the voice of protest when the unfair circumstance warrants it.

6. Personal, private, lonely pain is more terrifying than anyone can inflict. (Jim Morrison)

Pain suffered internally and without company is more painful than any other.

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7. Violence is fear of the ideas of others and little faith in your own. (Antonio Fraguas Forges)

A violent act occurs when you are afraid of other people's thoughts and our own.

8. Walling off your own suffering is risking being devoured from the inside. (Frida Kahlo)

Accumulating anguish, anxieties and regrets is an act against oneself.

9. The barbarians who entrust everything to force and violence build nothing, because their seeds are of hatred. (Jose Marti)

Hate does not bring anything good.

10. For a non-violent person, everyone is his family. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Not practicing violence allows you to enjoy life better.

11. Defend your life, fight for your independence, seek your happiness and learn to love yourself. (Izaskun González)

Fighting for yourself cannot be considered an act of violence.

12. Violence is a weakness. (Jean Jaures)

A violent person is weak and insecure.

13. Accepting a first mistreatment is the beginning of a long humiliation. Love yourself, they will not be able to mistreat you. (Anonymous)

Do not allow anyone to mistreat you in any way, love yourself very much.

14. No man is good enough to rule any woman without her consent. (Susan Anthony)

No woman should allow the abuse of a man who claims to love her.

15. Violence and weapons cannot solve man's problems. (Pope Juan Pablo II)

Violence does not solve problems, rather it increases them.

Reflections of violence

16. People love violence. (Morgan Freeman)

Being violent is a fad as most practice it.

17. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.

18. We don't need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion. (Mother Teresa)

Love, understanding and knowledge are the true weapons to have to achieve peace.

19. The victory obtained by violence is equivalent to a defeat, because it is momentary. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Violence will never bring true victory.

20. I distrust incommunicability; it is the source of all violence. (Jean Paul Sartre)

Who does not express his feelings, violence lives inside him.

21. If violence is what counts, then I don't have the strength to live in such a world. (Jeremy Irons)

Our world is violent, let's find a way to reverse this situation.

22. Violence enacts fear of other people's ideas and little faith in your own. (Antonio Fraguas Forges)

Violence represents the lack of confidence in ourselves and the fear of accepting the ideas of others.

23. Break the silence. When you witness violence against women, do not stand idly by. Take Action (Ban Ki Moon)

We must not remain silent in the face of violence against women.

24. If someone puts their hands on you, make sure they don't put their hands on someone else. (Malcolm X)

If you are a victim of violence, report your aggressor, prevent him from hurting someone else.

25. I cannot admit violence even against violence. (Roger Martin Du Gard)

Violence is an unacceptable act that must be eradicated.

26. Beating a woman is not cultural, it is a crime, and it should be directed and treated as such. (Hillary Clinton)

Violence against women is a cruel and inhuman act, it is not a question of culture.

27. Violence is nothing but an expression of fear. (Arturo Graf)

Fear generates violence.

28. Any reform imposed by violence will not correct evil at all: good judgment does not need violence. (Leon Tolstoy)

Violence only brings more violence.

29. The two sexes are not inferior or superior to each other. They are simply different. (Gregorio Marañón)

Neither woman nor man are inferior to the other.

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30. Violence creates more social problems than it solves. (Martin Luther King)

Violent acts do not solve anything.

31. Any time of the day or night is good to say enough and end a stage of your life that you would have liked not to live. (Raimunda de Peñaflor)

Stand up, face what you no longer want in your life.

32. The fear of the woman to the violence of the man is the mirror of the fear of the man to the woman without fear (Eduardo Galeano)

A man who hits is a real coward at heart.

33. All violence is the result of people deluding themselves into believing that their pain is caused by other people, thus thinking that they deserve to be punished. (Marshall Rosenberg)

A person is violent for the simple fact of believing himself a victim of something.

34. In the midst of arms, the laws are silent. (Cicero)

Violence silences the laws.

35. Educating in equality and respect is educating against violence. (Benjamin Franklin)

If we educate children with values, violence will have no place.

36. Patience and time do more than force and violence. (Jean de la Fontaine)

With patience everything is achieved.

37. Nonviolence doesn't always work, but violence never does. (Madge Micheels-Cyrus)

Violence is not lasting in time.

38. It is an essential mistake to consider violence as a force. (Thomas Carlyle)

Violence is not about being strong.

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39. Violence and lack of vision seem to dominate our world. (Brian Weiss)

Different points of view and violence are ruling the world.

40. Violence is spiritual junk food and boredom is spiritual anorexia. (Peter Kreeft)

People are using violence to get things done and apathy not to fight.

41. We had two options: be quiet and die or speak and die. We decided to talk. (Malala Yousafzai)

We had two options: be quiet and die or speak and die. We decided to talk. (Malala Yousafzai)

42. The peace begins with a smile. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

A smile can melt the coldest heart.

43. Man builds too many walls and not enough bridges. Isaac Newton)

We are experts in building walls and not looking for solutions.

44. In any relationship you have, you do not deserve who does not love you and even less who hurts you. (Walter Riso)

The love that comes with abuse and harassment is not true.

45. Don't give up, please don't give in. (Mario Benedetti)

Never give up fighting.

46. Slaps and insults cannot be justified, because they are humiliating. (Anonymous)

Do not allow yourself to be mistreated and dominated.

47. Violence is not strength but weakness, it can never create anything, it will only destroy it. (Benedetto Croce)

Nothing good will ever come from violence.

48. No woman can call herself free when she has no control over her own body. (Margaret Sanger)

If we are not in control, then we cannot enjoy freedom.

49. Violence is an uncontrollable animal, which usually ends up attacking its own master. (Renny Yagosesky)

Violence can unleash heinous acts against those who suffer it.

50. Ideals are peaceful, history is violent. (Brad Pitt)

The ideas are peaceful, but when carried out, violence is present.

51. Now the day has come when violence towards another human being must become as abhorrent as eating the flesh of another. (Martin Luther King)

Violence towards another person is a cruel and ruthless act.

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52. Nothing good ever comes from violence. (Martin Luther)

Violence of any kind, only brings negative things.

53. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. (John F. Kennedy)

Many bet on violence as a means to achieve a revolution.

54. If we are drawn to Christ, we believe without wanting to; violence is then used, not freedom. (San Agustin)

Religions are also a kind of violence.

55. Violence begets violence.

Violence brings violence.

56. This irrational craving for dominance, control and power over the other person is the main force that fuels domestic violence between couples. (Luis Rojas Marcos)

Wanting to take over the other is what generates violence in the family.

57. The idea that men can't cry bothers me. (Emma Watson)

Men can show their feelings too.

58. Our men believe that making money and giving orders are the basis of power. (Malala Yousafzai)

Men must understand that money and power are not everything.

59. The child needs someone very close to himself to be able to share what he feels, what is happening to him. (Anonymous)

You always have to listen and be aware of the children.

60. If he mistreats you and you do nothing, you are letting him do it. (Montserrat Delgado)

If someone mistreats you, fight so they don't do it again.

61. Equality for women must be a central component in any attempt to solve social, economic and political problems. (Kofi Annan)

The figure of women is important in society.

62. The child is not the property of the family. She can't do what she wants with him. (Anonymous)

Children must be educated to be free.

63. The power is in the hands of a woman who takes care of everyone during the day and gives birth. (Malala Yousafzai)

Women have fundamental roles.

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64. I have seen men suffering psychologically unable to ask for help for fear that they are not considered "macho". (Emma Watson)

Brave men are those who show their feelings.

65. It is necessary to reject that idea that the world was made for man: it was made for man only for the lion, the eagle or the dolphin. (Celso)

All living beings have the same right to live on the planet.

66. The truth is not on the side of who shouts the most. (Rabindranath Tagore)

Whoever shouts is never right.

67. Violent antipathies are always suspicious and reveal a secret affinity. (William Hazlitt)

Violence comes through hatred and resentment.

68. In the end, truth and love will always prevail over violence and oppression. (Dalai Lama)

Love always triumphs.

69. The spiral of violence is only stopped by the miracle of forgiveness. (John Paul II)

Through forgiveness, violence loses meaning.

70. To paraphrase the sages: No one can think and hit someone at the same time. (Susan Sontag)

Violence brutalizes people.

71. You will never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity. (Mahershala Ali)

Violence never wins.

72. The man's violence against his partner is invisible except when it is denounced. (Jacobo Duran)

Reporting the aggressor is important, even if you are a partner.

73. The amount of clothing I wear does not determine the amount of respect I deserve.

The material is not synonymous with respect.

74. Violence in the voice is often the death of reason in the throat. (John Frederick Boyes)

Whoever offends with words lacks reason.

75. Until we have equality in education, we will not have an equal society. (Sonia Sotomayor)

Education must reach each person regardless of social condition, race, sex or skin color.

76. Nobody knows me or loves me completely. I only have myself. (Simone de Beauvoir)

Love and respect for oneself is essential.

77. Violence is based on the illusion that life is property to be defended rather than shared. (Henri Nouwen)

Sharing with others allows us to eliminate violence from our lives.

78. Neither the land nor women are conquest territory.

Women deserve respect in every way.

79. Wherever someone fights for his dignity, for equality, to be free... look him in the eye. (Bruce Springsteen)

Whoever fights for his dignity and freedom deserves to be recognized.

80. Let us not allow our anger to turn to anger and it to violence. (Aryan Alonso Puig)

Avoid anger as it triggers violence.

81. Violence, in whatever form it manifests itself, is a failure. (Jean Paul Sartre)

Violence always brings failure on the back.

82. With violence we forget who we are. (Mary McCarthy)

Violence clouds the mind.

83. Poverty is the worst form of violence. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Social and economic inequality is a type of violence.

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84. Violence is not strength but weakness, it can never create anything, it will only destroy it. (Benedetto Croce)

Being violent is not synonymous with strength, but with weakness.

85. Violence often begets violence. (Aeschylus)

Who is violent will only find violence.

86. How you treat, they will treat you. Children also learn by observation. Let's not forget that they listen but also, they look. (Anonymous)

Children imitate what they see and hear, be careful.

87. As long as governments set the example by killing their enemies, citizens will kill their own. (Elbert Hubbard)

The example that is given is what is set in motion.

88. Violence is not power, but the absence of power. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Who wants to be powerful, must remove violence from his life.

89. If there is violence in our hearts, it is better to be violent than to put on the mantle of non-violence to cover up our helplessness. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Those who are violent always show it.

90. Much work and blood would be avoided if we opened our hearts. (Chief Joseph)

If we show our feelings, many evils would be avoided.

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