Education, study and knowledge

How to promote good child self-esteem in children? 5 tips

Children's self-esteem is one of the most important psychological aspects to promote the correct psychological development of a child. Depending on whether it is too low or not, you will be able to propose challenges that allow you to take advantage of her potential, you will be able to make new friends easily, you will take better care of yourself, etc.

In addition, self-esteem is a modifiable aspect depending on the emotional management strategies applied on a daily basis, and also depending on the type of experiences to which one is exposed. For better and for worse, This implies that what we do influences how we value ourselves, and this also applies to the stage of childhood. Let's see how to take advantage of this when raising and educating the little ones.

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Tips to promote a good level of children's self-esteem

Each boy and girl deserves a personalized treatment adapted to their needs, but it is also true that there are some strategies and techniques that in most cases are helpful to promote a good esteem. Below you will find several tips that can guide you in this regard.

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1. Help him recognize his emotions

Knowing how to correctly identify your own emotions and feelings is very important to maintain good self-esteem, especially during childhood, since in this phase of life the lack of experience can lead to make very significant mistakes.

For example, many children may confuse anxiety with feelings of inferiority, or fear with guilt.

In this sense, it is good to have conversations with them from time to time so that they express what they feel; From this, they can be given the possibility to reflect when comparing these emotional states with each other: both in its subjective aspect as in the type of actions that make you want to do when you experience these phenomena psychological.

2. Teach him to improve himself by comparing himself to his past achievements, not to others

To enhance your psychological development, it is important that the main incentives and sources of motivation have to do with self-improvement, not with equaling or surpassing others in all aspects of life. In this way, the reference of your progress will be much clearer at all times and also will not depend on subjective assessments prone to being affected by anxiety and insecurities.

For example, a child who looks at past and present academic results will have a much stronger notion of her progress than a child who looks at it. always on the note of others, because he will always have the option of feeling bad for not having surpassed someone at the level of his class, his course, his district...

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3. Propose projects

It's good to give it a try hobbies and tasks that give you satisfying experiences and give you the opportunity to learn. For example: learning to play a simple instrument, to do crafts, to practice a sport... Always and when it interests you and it is not an imposition, this will allow you to see firsthand your ability to learning.

However, it should not be forgotten that children cannot be limited to being constant machines of formal learning and training: they also need to have their “impromptu” leisure hours to rest and socialize in a relaxed context.

4. Acknowledge their progress

It may seem like a no-brainer, but in practice, many parents place much more emphasis on reprimands and punishments than on praise when children earn merit. What's more This should be done not only by directing these compliments towards the child, but also by talking to others in their presence.

5. Encourage your self-care habits

Good hygiene and a healthy lifestyle (within your possibilities and level of physical development) is very important so that his self-image does not suffer. For example, something as simple as feeling itch regularly from not having showered for too long has a significant effect on self-esteem, and the same goes for lack of sleep. The latter, in addition, has a very detrimental effect on mental health in general, which facilitates appears not only low self-esteem, but also anxiety, trouble concentrating, and more disturbances psychological.

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