Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best experts in physiotherapy in Valencia (Spain)

The clinic Healthy Center offers physiotherapy and psychotherapy services in the heart of the city of Valencia; his team of professionals is specialized in treating any type of consultation in people of all ages.

In this center you will find the most appropriate professional to treat your problems, in a totally individualized way and both in person and online.

The physiotherapist Luis Romero Salvador He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of neurological physiotherapy and currently attends both in person and online and at home to children, adults and athletes.

This professional has a degree in Physiotherapy from the International University of Catalonia and among its main intervention specialties include head injuries, cerebral infarction, muscle contractures, dizziness or vertigo of cervical origin and tendinitis.

The physiotherapist Pedro Lizondo Osset He is Graduated in Physiotherapy and Psychology, has a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, has a He is certified as a Trainer and also has a Master's Degree in Assessment, Physiotherapy and Readaptation at the Sport.

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This professional offers his services both in person and remotely and some of his main specialties of intervention are neuropathies and tendinopathies, tendonitis, chronic back pain, lumbar impingement, pubalgia and sprains

Jaime Cabañes Garcia He has a Diploma in Physiotherapy from the University School of Physiotherapy of Valencia, he is a Doctor in Physiotherapy from the University of Seville and has a Diploma of Osteopathy from the School of Osteopathy from Madrid.

In his consultation you will find a professional with more than 15 years of experience whose intervention is offers to people of all ages, as well as pregnant women who request their services.

His main specialties are dizziness or vertigo of cervical origin, chronic back pain, lumbar impingement, whiplash, muscle contractures, osteoarthritis and craniofacial pain or orofacial.

The physiotherapist Adrián Angón Tortosa He is a specialist in attending both in person and telematically or at home with all the possible comforts for children of any age, adults and also athletes who may have any type of trouble.

The main disorders addressed by this professional are chronic pain, sports injuries, tendinitis, sprains, muscle trauma, contractures and also physical therapy sporty.

Adrián Angón Tortosa has a degree in Physiotherapy from the Catholic University of Valencia, has a Master's Degree in Child Development and Care Temprana, a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation of the Neurological Patient and another Master's Degree in Physiotherapy, Prevention and Rehabilitation Sporty.

The physiotherapist Lluís Estellés Baixauli He has a degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Valencia and also has a Master's Degree in Manual Therapy with a Clinical Neuro-Orthopedic Approach.

His intervention is based on the scientific method and Manual Therapy, an orientation with which he attends to children of all ages, adults and athletes, both in person and at home.

In her office you will find a professional specialized in attending to sports injuries, the whiplash, neck or muscle pain, contractures and dizziness or vertigo of origin cervical.

Teresa Quintana Garcia She is a Graduate in Physiotherapy from the Rey Juan Carlos University, she is an expert in Neurological Physiotherapy by the Complutense University of Madrid and she also has extensive training in the intervention of pathologies trauma.

Her intervention is offered both in person and by video call and at home to adults and adolescents with chronic back pain, tendonitis, sprains, neck pain, contractures, pyramidal syndrome or osteoarthritis.

Sara esquerdo She has a Diploma in Physiotherapy from the Cardenal Herrera-CEU University, she has a Neurological Physiotherapy Course in Acquired Brain Injury and another Massage Therapy Course.

This professional treats sports injuries, muscle contractures, tendonitis, sprains, whiplash and neck pain, pyramidal syndrome and pain syndrome myofascial.

The physiotherapist Carla Moltó attends both in person and online and at home to people of all ages who can having problems with neck pain, sports injuries, tendonitis, chronic back pain, or impingement lumbar.

Carla Moltó has a Diploma in Physiotherapy from the UCH-CEU, she is a Senior Technician in Dietetics and Nutrition and also has extensive training in Hypopressives.

The psychologist Alba Romero Alifa She has a degree in Physiotherapy from the Catholic University of Valencia, has a Degree in Podiatry from the same university and is a specialist in neuromuscular bandages.

This professional attends both in person and online for spinal or joint pain, neck pain, contractures, sprains, spinal muscular atrophy and dizziness or vertigo of origin cervical.

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