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The 90 best rage phrases

Anger is an emotion linked to unpleasant experiences and linked to hostility; a very volatile psychological state that can be awakened by various situations that harm us.

This usually generates high levels of stress for our body, and if we get carried away by anger, we can also seriously damage a positive relationship for us, or treat someone unfairly innocent.

In this article you will find a selection of the best quotes about rabies, commented.

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The most memorable and inspiring anger phrases

This emotion can be used as inspiration for creation, being an excellent way to channel it without hurting anyone. But it can also be a source of problems. If you want to better understand this emotional state and take into account all its nuances, read on; here we will review the most interesting quotes and reflections on rabies.

1. Sadness, for all those who, like me, have lost their way in life, manifests itself as a rage that pretends to pass for intelligence. (Orhan Pamuk)

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Sadness may be at the origin of this kind of resentment that permeates the lives of many people.

2. Rabies is a poison that rusts you inside.

It is an emotional state that, if it is not managed and stopped, consumes us from the inside.

3. My anger outweighs my guilt. (Christian bale)

Anger clouds the mind, to the point of blocking moral considerations.

4. Don't deal with a mad man who has nothing to lose.

Angry people tend to be impulsive.

5. Holding onto anger is like grasping a burning coal with the intention of throwing it at someone; it's you who gets burned. (Buddha)

An interesting reflection on our acting under anger.

6. There is no rage greater than that of a girl whose boyfriend is cheating on her.

Infidelity breeds anger.

7. Hope fills the spaces of helplessness in my heart. (Emanuel Cleaver)

You always have to try to appease your anger with something positive.

8. I have all this contained, and I feel like I can't take it anymore. I am not a hypocrite, so I advise you to stay away, because this anger is something that goes beyond normal.

Anger feels like you are drowning.

9. The tree of rabies has so many roots that sometimes the branches break before bearing fruit. (Audre Lorde)

That is why it is important not to hold a grudge.

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10. Every minute of anger is a minute wasted. (R. W. Emerson)

Anger consumes our time.

11. Remembering is easy for those who have memory, forgetting is difficult for those who have a heart. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Many angry moments will stay with us in the future.

12. You quenched my anger to make it sad, but my anger was sadness first. (Juan Gelman)

There are those who cling to their fury.

13. If you are always complaining about everything, you will scare the people around you and you will be left alone.

When you have a negative aura, you scare others away.

14. You will not be punished because of your anger, you will be punished for it. (Buddha)

It is anger that leads us to commit unreasonable acts.

15. When you are upset, count to ten before speaking. If you are very upset, count to one hundred. (Thomas Jefferson)

A good way to get rid of anger is to use it as motivation to create.

16. Understanding is the liberating factor, it is what frees us and allows transformation to occur. This is the practice of caring for anger. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Anger is released when we face it.

17. Frustration is the first step towards anger and helplessness. (Anonymous)

Anger can be like a snowball effect.

18. Impotence, while painful at times, is an essential and positive part of success. (Bo Bennett)

It all depends on how we deal with failures. They can stagnate or propel us.

19. Like a bull with red eyes, this is how I feel, and I am not exaggerating when I say that only God could calm this kind of anger.

A very common feeling when anger takes hold of us.

20. Normally, when people are sad, they do nothing. Just cry about her condition. But when they get angry, they cause a change. (Malcolm X)

Change can be an engine of social transformation.

Reflections on rabies

21. I am angry at silence for everything I lost. Whoever wants to live happily does not remain silent. (Atahualpa Yupanqui)

Regret is a burden that you carry for a long time.

22. The truth will set you free, but first it will make you angry. (Gloria Steinem)

Almost no one wants to hear the truth, because it is difficult to face.

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23. I want to see what your forgetfulness tastes like without putting your hands in my eyes. Tonight I'm not going to beg you. (José Alfredo Jiménez)

A breakup in love is painful.

24. The rage child killer empire. Anger has rotted my love. The rage mother, by God, I'm cold. (Silvio Rodríguez)

When you hold a grudge, you wither your other emotions.

25. It is time for you to pay for all your actions, so that I can alleviate this anger even a little.

Anger can lead us to seek justice.

26. All the failures, frustrations and helplessness of the past were laying the foundation for the standard of living you now enjoy. (Tony Robbins)

All success is based on how you overcome obstacles.

27. Anger is short-lived insanity. (Horacio)

Everyone agrees that anger is blinding.

28. Rabies is an acid that can do more damage to the container in which it is stored than to anything else it is poured into. (Mark Twain)

The one who is most affected by anger is you, not others.

29. Although sincerity hurts and offends, in the end it opens a path to freedom.

The truth may be difficult, but it will always be worth it.

30. Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond who you are. (Garrison Keillor)

Your future depends on which feeling to follow.

31. The fruit of rage is more serious than the motive that causes it.

Sometimes our anger is about the exaggeration of a fact.

32. Anger, anger and rage… allied emotions. (Group grows)

Emotions that emerge together.

33. The cry of the abandoned child is anger, not fear. (Robert Anton Wilson)

What is hidden behind the cry of a child.

34. Getting angry does not provide any solution.

The solutions are found by having a cool mind.

35. Anger is an emotion that arises when we have a feeling of injustice. (Lucia Mayor)

A natural reaction to something we don't like.

36. Anger is a great force. If you can control it, it can be transformed into a power that can move the entire world. (Malcolm X)

Anger can be positive, if you know how to handle it.

37. Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. (Mahatma Gandhi)

A closed mind is the enemy of the advancement of humanity.

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38. Intolerance and resentment are the main enemies of benevolence.

If there is resentment, there is no peace of mind.

39. I couldn't sleep because of the anger that I was thinking about him, but what made me the most angry was that the more anger I felt, the more I thought. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Not being able to forget someone brings a lot of anger.

40. Insult is powerful. Insult breeds both anger and humor, and often at the same time. (Suzanne Fields)

It all depends on the tone and the situation in which you do it.

41. Hatred lives only in fools. (Albert Einstein)

What is the use of keeping hate?

42. You may be seething with rage inside, but you know that a calm response works better than an outburst of anger. (Harper Lee)

No innocent person is responsible for your anger.

43. Anger is the most poisonous feeling to corrode your personality. (Julio Cortazar)

Anger can change your personality.

44. When you're really pissed off, speak up. Speak up, because you will recite the best speech of your life.

Talk, sing, draw, dance, but don't be left with resentment.

45. People won't have time for you if you're always pissed off or complaining. (Stephen Hawking)

Nobody wants to spend time with someone who has a bad temper.

46. Fanaticism is to superstition what delirium is to fever, what rage is to anger. (Voltaire)

Fanaticism has brought more wars than anything else in the world.

47. Hatred and anger are incompatible with love. If you want to feel well-being and peace, let go of negative feelings.

Resentment and love cannot go hand in hand.

48. Beware of anger, fear, aggressiveness. the dark side they are. Once you enter the Dark path it will dominate your destiny forever. (Frank Oz)

Anger can lead you down a path that leads to an abyss.

49. A man is only as great as the things that make him angry. (Winston Churchill)

The more tolerance you have, the better you can face obstacles.

50. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.

In a state of anger, it is better to keep quiet than to say something reckless and hurtful.

51. If you are going to turn your rage against someone, prepare his burial, but also yours.

Anger can lead you to lose valuable relationships.

52. Don't get close to anger or pain. They steal your energy and keep you away from love. (Leo Buscaglia)

Anger takes away your motivation.

53. A man can hide love from him for 40 years, but dislike from him and anger from him for no more than a day. (Proverb)

Dislike never stays hidden for long.

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54. Angry people are those who are most afraid. (Robert Anthony)

Anger can be synonymous with disappointment.

55. A man cannot eat anger for breakfast, sleep with her at night and not suffer damage to his soul. (Garrison Keillor)

Holding a grudge every day exhausts you.

56. It is impossible to be pissed off and laughing at the same time. Hate and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose. (Wayne Dyer)

Anger quenches any feeling of pleasure.

57. Sometimes anger is just a sense of justice.

Seeking justice can be a thorny path.

58. The opposite of anger is not calm, it is empathy. (Mehmet Oz)

There are angry people who just want to be heard.

59. For the first time I began to think that perhaps he was not a coward, but that he had simply contained my rage.

Anger leads us to lock ourselves in a comfort zone.

60. Don't promise when you're happy. Don't decide when you're pissed off.

Great advice that we can follow in our actions.

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61. I love the anger of losing you, your absence on the horse of days, your shadow and the idea of ​​your shadow. (Cesar Moro)

In loss, inspiration can be found.

62. It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to cover ourselves with the mantle of non-violence to cover impotence. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Express your violence in a positive way and it will go away.

63. Although sincerity hurts and offends, in the end it opens a path to freedom.

The worst injuries are the ones that impact us the most.

64. There are wounds that, instead of opening our skin, open our eyes. (Pablo Neruda)

Anger can make us see the truth.

65. There was never an angry man who thought his anger was unfair. (Saint Francis de Sales)

Everyone excuses his resentment.

66. Anger, if not restricted, is often more painful to us than the injury that causes it. (Seneca)

The pain caused by an event increases or decreases depending on our perspective.

67. I am a furious alcoholic and a rage addict and I didn't want to see my children do the same. (Ozzy Osbourne)

Children should not repeat the mistakes of parents.

68. Fear is the only true enemy, born of ignorance, and the father of anger and hatred. (Edward Albert)

Anger can breed other negative feelings that stick with us.

69. The one who angers you conquers you.

Be careful of falling into the provocations of others.

70. In times of great stress or adversity, it is always best to keep busy to direct your anger and energy towards something positive. (Lee Iacocca)

Anger needs to be released, never put away.

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71. When you are offended by another man's mistakes, look at yourself and study your own mistakes. Then you will forget your anger. (Epithet)

It is incoherent to get angry at someone who does something wrong that we also do.

72. When hatred grows, think about the consequences. (Confucius)

The consequences can be incredibly dire when we get carried away by anger.

73. To be pissed off is to avenge the faults of others on ourselves.

Do not carry other people's faults, they are not your wounds to heal.

74. Love cannot be born in a person full of rage. To fall in love and feel good, free yourself from negative feelings.

Love evaporates when anger gets in the way of a relationship.

75. If you get drunk with rage or bitterness, and your eyelids weigh with doubts, right there, in the depths of your pain, you will find my naked understanding. (José Larralde)

Don't close yourself off from someone who wants to help you.

76. Once you allow your pain to turn to anger it will never go away. I speak from experience.

Anger can become a stain that cannot be removed from your heart.

77. Heaven has no rage as love to hate, nor hell a rage as a despised woman. (William Congreve)

Hatred does not bring any prosperity.

78. Anger for lies lasts forever. Hatred for the truth cannot last. (Greg Evans)

When we discover a lie, it is difficult to regain confidence.

79. If your happiness is a ship, who do you want to take the helm? You or the one who hurt you? (Lucia Mayor)

Only you can decide who runs your life.

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80. A tenacious man is not one who fights tirelessly, but one who remains calm when he gets angry.

A great show of bravery.

81. Anger always comes from frustrated expectations. (Elliott Larson)

Be careful what you wish for and where you project yourself.

82. What begins with hatred ends in shame. (Benjamin Franklin)

A scenario that is usually repeated on all occasions.

83. Anger is like fire; It cannot be extinguished except at the first spark. After it is late. (Giovanni Papini)

You'd better root out your rage than reap a field of desolation.

84. Anger is against time for putting you next to me late. (Ricardo Arjona)

When we can't have something we want, disappointment breaks through.

85. Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bites you. (Austin O'Malley)

Revenge always turns against us.

86. The best fighter never feels anger. (Lao Tse)

The bravest is the one who does not get carried away by rage.

87. The anger that you do not love me, that I only want friendship, And I only love. (Oscar Reyex Areche)

Anger that arises when we cannot accept something.

88. Speak up when you're pissed off and you've made the best speech you'll ever regret. (Laurence J. Peter)

Anything we say angrily, we will regret in the future.

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89. It is impossible to feed a grudge without harming the soul.

A spiteful soul is never at peace.

90. An angry man is angry with himself again when he comes to reason. (Publilius Syrus)

Getting angry at ourselves is more common than getting angry at others.

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