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The 90 best phrases (and reflections) of Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is one of the actors and producers with the greatest track record and prestige in Hollywood., thanks to his participation in dramatic and action films, where he is the one who does his risk scenes, as it was in the case of the "Mission: Impossible" franchise. He has been awarded 3 Golden Globes and nominated for several Oscars.

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Great quotes and phrases from Tom Cruise

Despite being involved in several controversies regarding his marriages and his involvement in Scientology, he still has the prestige of being one of the most influential actors in Hollywood. So we tell you a little more about him with these best Tom Cruise phrases.

1. I do not agree with people who think that you learn more when you are crushed than when you succeed.

For Tom, success can also be learned.

2. We had only 20 days to put together "Days of Thunder." I'm sorry I made a movie with a release date like that. Big mistake. I will never do it again.

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A difficult situation that he does not want to repeat.

3. I am always looking for a challenge and something that is different.

Trying to get better and better.

4. Prizes are wonderful. I have been nominated several times and have won many awards.

Speaking of your nominations.

5. I think if technology is used in a way that is not responsible, that's a bad thing.

Warning of the danger of the irresponsible use of new technologies, which can be harmful.

6. I have had such extremes in my life. From being this kind of wild child, to a year studying to be a Franciscan priest in seminary... I was very frustrated.

Each stage of his life led him to where he is today.

7. I want a world without war, a world without madness. I want people to do well.

A world where we can all be happy and live in peace.

8. I had to train myself to focus my attention.

Not only do you have to train the body but also the mind.

9. They lock themselves into a particular way of interpreting the scene, and it lacks an immediacy.

Speaking of actors lacking creativity on set.

10. Honor is not just a sticker on the shoulder.

Many bad acts have been committed to 'protect the honor' of someone.

11. A guy gets on the subway in Los Angeles and dies, do you think anyone notices?

A very hectic city that does not care about everyday issues.

12. I look at the Samurai because they were the artists of his time. What I think struck me when I read Bushido is compassion.

About his interest in the life of the samurai.

13. This is how I have lived my life: I have never been late to a set.

Showing commitment in any job.

14. I don't care who you are, life has challenges.

We all have to go through obstacles that we must overcome.

15. Nothing ends beautifully; that's why it ends.

Endings are sad because they represent something that is over.

16. I make mistakes? Yes.

We all make mistakes because we are human.

17. I am a romantic.

Affirming your loving side.

18. People have to decide what is true and real for them.

Everyone has a particular way of seeing the world.

19. Saddam has committed many crimes against humanity and against his own people.

Dictators never think about their own, but about acquiring more power.

20. I have never done work for money ever.

Preferring to do things for love than for money.

21. I have learned to relax more.

Over time you learn to let go of tensions a little and have fun.

22. Whether it's making a movie or raising my kids, I personally strive to do the right thing and learn.

Growing in every aspect of your life.

23. I have always had the same values.

No matter where you go, it's important to uphold our values.

24. The Internet has more to do with pornography than information.

A critique of easy access to pornography.

25. Do not worry. I'm going to give you the opportunity to choose what I never had.

We can offer others what we did not have.

26. It doesn't matter what you expect or what you deserve, but what you get.

It is your effort that counts.

27. I love what I do. I take pride in what I do. And I can't do something and stay at half, or three quarters, or nine tenths.

Loving his work and what he has built thanks to it.

28. Where do I get my seriousness from? You can't help but grow up fast when your parents get divorced.

An event that marked him and led him to mature quickly.

29. I don't care if you print something nasty on me. If it's true, fine. I don't mind, but just make sure it's the truth.

What bothers Tom the most are the false rumors about him.

30. I am passionate about learning. I am passionate about life.

Learning leads us to improve and have a better vision of life.

31. The stunts, every time, we try harder and harder.

Proud to be the one who does his risk scenes.

32. Your ego writes checks that your pocket can't pay.

The ego blinds us and controls us.

33. The exciting part of acting, I don't know how else to explain it, are those moments when you surprise yourself.

Where the actors see that they can challenge their limits.

34. I respect what other people believe.

Just because people think differently doesn't mean you should disrespect them.

35. When I work, I work very hard.

There is no other way for him.

36. I've never made a movie that I didn't believe in, you know? Whatever the movie comes out, I've always given everything for it.

Placing his faith in each project he undertakes.

37. It is well known that I am a Scientologist, and that has helped me find inner peace in my life and is something that has given me great stability and tools that I use.

Talking about his life within Scientology, something very important to Tom.

38. If you have children, the most important thing is to create good times.

It is better to spend quality time than empty time with the children.

39. As a young actor, people were trying to define who I was before they really knew who I was.

Something that many of the young actors in the industry go through.

40. I've gotten really good at programming my life.

Talking about having an organization for the day.

41. At that time there is no time to think. If you think, they knock you down.

Sometimes we have to let ourselves be carried away by our instincts.

42. Every minute that passes is another opportunity to keep changing.

Any time is the ideal time to change.

43. And if I could give you everything back, calm your suffering and give you another life, one that you can't even imagine, and it would be forever.

A promise that is not always easy to keep.

44. I'm more afraid of being a nobody than of dying.

A marked fear of failure.

45. When it comes to emotional and chemical imbalances in people, there is no science behind it.

Questioning the danger of some scientific advances of daily use.

46. What I find sometimes difficult is the actors use too much of their own life in an image, in a scene.

There are actors who involve their personal lives too much in a film.

47. Now I think it's best to relax. Being recognized is something you have to get used to.

About the constant struggle of being intervened in the street by a fan.

48. Even in my dreams, I am an idiot who knows that he is about to wake up to reality.

Dreams can bring anguish.

49. Of course I believe in aliens. Are you arrogant enough to believe that we are alone in this universe?

Coming clean about his beliefs in aliens.

50. It's time to stop running and start hunting.

Sometimes we need to be more proactive.

51. You have seen many things and you don't fear death but sometimes you wish for it, don't you?

A feeling that arises when you have nothing to lose.

52. Being young is just that: secretly believing that you will be the only person in the world who will live forever.

Youth and their belief in their own immortality.

53. Evil is a point of view.

There are those who believe that they are doing something good, when they do bad deeds.

54. Setting the scene and getting ready to know how to save energy, consume energy, know when to use it, and have the reserves available to do so. You have to think about that, because it's resistance.

About his process of preparing to record.

55. I still remember thinking, 'This is what I like to do, and I hope I'll be able to do it forever.'

The exact moment he fell in love and committed to acting.

56. I like to work with people that I like to date that I admire, who are very smart and talented, and we can solve problems together.

The kind of people you like to work with the most.

57. This is how I face life. I can't help it. There is nothing that can resist me in any area of ​​my life.

Always trying to look forward.

58. When you are successful in any kind of life, there are people who do not contribute to the movement.

There are times when you must put aside people who do not bring you anything favorable.

59. I'm looking to work with people who have that level of dedication. And I depend on that of everyone. From the director to the team I work with.

Preferring to work with people as committed as himself.

60. What I believe in my own life is that it's a search for how I can do things better, whether it's being a better man or a better father or finding ways to make myself better.

His strongest belief.

61. Have you ever had the feeling that you are not completely embarrassed yet, but you perceive the embarrassment that will come tomorrow?

Anticipating what is to come.

62. When I first started, all the attention could be a bit disconcerting, especially when people stared.

Feeling anxiety the first time they paid attention to him as an actor.

63. They're stunts, so there's always a danger in doing them, but luckily, I haven't had any problems.

Always taking care and the greatest responsibility when doing his action scenes.

64. When I'm promoting a movie, I'm not going to get carried away with anything else, and that includes all my personal things.

Creating a clear difference between your personal and professional life.

65. I've cooked turkeys in my day, but when mom is around her, she lets her do it.

Allowing himself to be pampered by his mother.

66. You see your mom go get food stamps and she's making fifty bucks too much to get them, with four kids to support.

A very hard childhood that led him to overcome adversity.

67. When you have to deal with a lot of problems, you either sink or swim.

There are no other options. It's keep going or let yourself fall.

68. If I'm going to do it, I'll do it to the end.

It leaves nothing half done.

69. You don't choose the things you believe in, they choose you.

His way of seeing how beliefs are obtained.

70. There is no good or bad reason to live or die.

Each one has his personal reasons for both.

71. Family for me has always been the most important thing.

Above all, he is a family man.

72. We all feel pressure in what we do, mine is maybe a little different because there don't seem to be enough hours in the day to get what I want.

When we do what we love, the pressures stop being important.

73. If your options are based on gross receipts and the movie isn't doing well, what does that mean? He leaves you with nothing.

A risk that is possible to run in Hollywood.

74. I didn't become an actor to have power, but it just so happens that I have and so I have a lot of opportunities.

When opportunities are seized, success is inevitable.

75. Small talk is underrated as a means of resolving disputes.

Sometimes we need to calm down on our own.

76. I love children. I was once a child.

Childhood is a sacred time for Tom.

77. No dream is just a dream.

Although they start that way, they can become our future, if we work for it.

78. I make films that I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love.

Showing her appreciation for the life she has.

79. "If no one is there to help, go out and find someone to help." That hit me, because I try to lead my life that way.

It's never wrong to ask for help if you need it.

80. It is very forced to interpret feelings of jealousy with your own woman.

Jealousy is never a good adviser.

81. Every time I start making a movie, without fail, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing.

A strange feeling for the actor.

82. I became very visual and learned to create mental images to understand what I read.

Taking advantage of their visual ability to learn.

83. I don't even think it's as much as what I want for myself. It is rather what I want for the people around me. That is what I want.

About wanting a peaceful world.

84. But I think you also look at Scientology, it's the fastest growing religion. It has helped a lot of people.

Helping to demonstrate the positive side of Scientology.

85. I think technology and where it's going is inevitable, and there are great benefits that can help an individual in society at large.

Technology has served to unite people, but it can also become a future risk.

86. My journey is not in that direction. If this happens, it will be an explosion. If not, it's still a blast.

Tomorrow has many things in store for us.

87. Someday. That is a dangerous word. It's really just code for 'never'.

Many fall into the trap of procrastination, thinking that they can get out of it at any time.

88. My first reaction when I met Nic was pure lust.

Talking about her first meeting with Nicole Kidman.

89. I am always close to my mother and sisters. I always wanted to be a father, a husband.

Family has been one of the most important aspects of her life.

90. I have spent many birthdays on a movie set, all great days.

Without regretting celebrating their birthdays on a recording set.

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