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The 70 best phrases of Canserbero

In this article we collect the 70 best phrases of Canserbero, a deceased Venezuelan artist and rapper, who composed mainly protest songs, of a social and also romantic nature.

As we will see, most of these phrases can be found in his lyrics. Many of them also have a poetic character. They deal with themes of love, forgetfulness, heartbreak, emotions, social demands, death, injustices, religion ...

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Who was Canserbero?

Canserbero was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on March 11, 1988, and died at just 27 years old, on January 20, 2015 in Maracay, also Venezuela.

Canserbero was a Venezuelan rapper, songwriter, and activist. His original name is Tirone José González Orama. Through his lyrics he composed rap songs of a vindictive and independent character. His music became famous especially in Latin America and Venezuela.

Without further ado, we are going to know the best rhymes of this ill-fated artist.


The 70 best phrases of Canserbero

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Let's see the 70 best phrases of Canserbero, most of them present in his rap songs and in his combative lyrics.

1. I am not a gold coin, they taught me to be sincere so that they believe me when the wolf comes out.

If we lie to those who love us, the day we need them to truly believe us they won't.

2. And the one who leaves does not die, only the one who forgets dies.

The people we forget are the ones who die, according to him, metaphorically speaking.

3. Love is that gun that we all shoot ourselves with at times.

It alludes to love, which also makes us suffer, like a bullet.

4. Time heals wounds in an obvious way... though no wound heals without scarring.

They say that time heals everything; Even so, the things that have hurt us, even if we forget or forgive them, mark us and define us forever.

5. We meet people when we last see them.

Sometimes in a goodbye many things about the other person appear; many of them, essential things for oneself (or vitally important).

6. If you don't sweep up shit today, maybe you'll step on it tomorrow.

Sometimes we must "clean up" with the past, that is, forgive, review, analyze... in order to move forward and focus on the present. One of the most remembered Canserbero phrases.

7. All we need is Love

The theme of love is recurrent in his songs. He speaks of love as a "salvation", or as the only important thing in life, beyond the superficial things.

8. I invite you to dance, lady loneliness on the planet. And I'm sorry if I step on it, but this heart squeezes me.

Loneliness is present in our lives; in some more than in others, and / or for a longer time. When we find someone who makes us happy, in a certain way, we stop being alone.

9. I kissed your feet to be in your footprints.

As a form of compliment.

10. Excuse me for the rudeness but damn the day that sensitivity came into my life.

It makes a play on words, since rudeness and sensitivity are antonyms.

11. We walked without looking for each other although knowing that we were walking to find each other.

It speaks, in a way, of destiny. That we wander through life "looking", with our actions and without realizing it, for that person who will make us happy, to end up finding them.

12. Heart and body do not speak the same language.

Especially in matters of love, sometimes the heart (emotions) says one thing and what the body wants (physically) is another, and it is not easy for them to coincide.

13. I am in those times when the mind runs out drop by drop.

The mind (thoughts) also needs to rest.

14. I think it's time to forget about your kisses.

It is a melancholic phrase, as if of sorrow; it is not always easy to forget a person. In this sentence he tells himself that "it is time" to do it.

15. It is Machiavellian to meditate alone where you lived everything with her.

Relationships are not easy, especially when there are third parties, or stories from the past "in between."

16. You are the cause of this feeling that I cannot breathe from these longings to forget and at the same time to be with you.

It talks about the contradictions of love and lack of love... of forgetting and of the love that is desired at the same time.

17. That is why I no longer believe in my pillow, or in my shadow, that is, in nothing. I don't even believe in my old man, if one day I tell you that I believe you, don't believe me that I believe you because I don't even believe in my reflection.

He speaks of unbelief, of no longer trusting or our own shadow. Perhaps because of having had negative or disappointing experiences with oneself and with others.

18. Thank you for teaching me what to improve and knowing that not everyone should be forgiven.

We are all imperfect, and we can always improve as people.

19. We laugh and cry, we fall, we get up, we enjoy the good, we learn from the bad.

In life there are moments of everything; laughter, crying, pain... You have to learn to move on and enjoy the good.

20. Try to save what is worthwhile, and throw away what is no longer useful, throw it away even if it hurts.

We must get rid of the things that hurt us and that prevent us from moving forward, and keep the good things.

21. My mind is my worst enemy. He told me: I will tell you what is a lie without thinking about the damage it would do to me.

Lies end up hurting in the long run. Of those Canserbero phrases that make us think.

22. Although I don't believe in love at first sight, I believe in loving at first night.

Love and passion are recurring themes in his songs.

23. Even though I can, I don't want to live without you.

He speaks of love as something not to be needed, but simply to be desired, loved.

24. If it weren't for those times when I usually breathe, I could swear that I don't remember anything.

Also a kind of pun on his songs; speaks of oblivion.

25. And the worst of the case is that I know so much about you that I could dictate intensive classes of your life.

Sometimes we know people so much that we could explain practically their entire lives to others; perhaps here it alludes to the pain of knowing so much someone who has failed us or who has damaged us.

26. If this is not love then I am crazy for no reason.

Love often makes us look "crazy", or act irrationally.

27. Let him raise his hand who does not believe in anyone and if no one raises them, I raise it.

Here Canserbero says that he doesn't believe in anyone, perhaps as a result of disappointments.

28. Like a parachutist who forgot the parachute thus this love collapsed.

He makes a metaphor, and compares the landing without a parachute to a love that is broken.

29. You must close your eyes to a good smell, and slowly enjoy all the good flavor.

It focuses on the sensations, on the smell, on the enjoyment of a perfume or a smell.

30. I am already unhinged by the injustice he makes me suffer, but even so I do not ignore the news before going to sleep.

It is a vindictive letter; he talks about injustices, which even if frustrating, must be known and listened to.

31. I admit that sometimes I get tired of fighting and would like to sleep never to wake up.

Sometimes the fight is physically and mentally tiring, so we must also rest and disconnect to regain strength.

32. Something as simple as that I go in you and you go in me like two pieces that fit perfectly.

It speaks of the perfect union between two people who desire each other, and who sometimes feel like "one".

33. When I die, throw a pencil into the wooden box and do not let those who do not want to go through in life.

Talk about her death; He only wants to be visited - or remembered, who knows - by people who loved him, not hypocrites.

34. I'm so confused I don't know whether to cry, get upset or sit and think, look for you or just wait.

Talk about mixed feelings, confusion and contradictions.

35. And you believing yourself better for having money.

Money is something else, it does not define or represent anyone. It downplays it.

36. My eyes give me away when I hear your name.

The looks speak, since the eyes are very expressive, and it is difficult to hide from that. A reflection by Canserbero on love.

37. Ants we are all just change the anthill.

We are all equal (in rights), even if we come from different places, and we live in different places.

38. Please tell me you love me or I won't stop throwing tantrums on the floor.

It is a way of saying that "if you leave me I will be very sad", but in slightly childish words.

39. It makes me hard to think that there is another living being that is worth giving my heartbeat to.

Talk about the disappointment that people can produce; surrender to someone to end up being harmed.

40. Females like them were born to inspire wars.

He talks about the strength of women.

41. A routine kiss and caress goodbye and he thinks that if he leaves you you will take his life.

The little acts of love from day to day are what make us look forward to it.

42. I am sincere even if I do not want to, true things are said lightly even if they hurt, life goes as it comes.

Encourage honesty, and talk about its importance even if it hurts sometimes.

43. We worry about stupid things and forget that when we die we only take what we enjoy.

It's another way of saying: Carpe Diem! Enjoy the moment! Well, life is short.

44. Well, my only defense is to explain this misunderstanding to you, give me another chance and I swear you will want to grow old with me.

Another rhyming phrase; here he asks for another opportunity to explain the things that may have affected the relationship and explains his desire to continue.

43. I will not tell you that I believe that I will die without you, because I do not believe I do not believe I do not believe... You know that I am a warrior.

In this sentence he speaks of the suffering generated by heartbreak, but of the forces that we draw to pull forward.

44. If with everything you have you are not happy, with everything you lack either.

Happiness is not having everything, or wanting to have everything; is to be happy with what you have.

45. I felt like butterflies what I know today to be worms.

Sometimes emotions confuse us, or we become aware of things long after experiencing them.

46. The hatred, sometimes it is so much that I hide it with a smile.

Hatred, like another emotion, is not always hidden where we usually think, but can be camouflaged in other gestures.

47. I feel like crazy trying to still trust someone on the planet of hypocrisy.

Another social claim; talks about the hypocrisy of society and how difficult it is to trust someone.

48. All the evil in the world is in one man who beats another to the death. Where is all the goodness?

Here he indirectly alludes to wars and the wickedness of the people who perpetuate them.

49. I don't know if there is a God, but if there is a God, I am almost certain that he is not a great tiger with a mane but rather that voice that most of us ignore and listen to when we get into trouble.

He speaks of God as a voice that "guides" us and to whom we turn when we have a problem.

50. After all, death is so sure of winning. What advantage gives you a life.

A singing to life; It is a way of saying: “let's live, since dying will surely die”.

51. After all, being happy is what I must demand of you; If you are already happy without me I cannot contradict you.

Here Canserbero expresses that what matters is that the other is happy, and that if he is happy without us we cannot recriminate anything.

52. I hope those who always lie will drown... and once in hell they will burn forever.

It speaks, in a way, of revenge. To wish evil on people who have done evil.

53. I lack the air and the heart tucún, tucún, tucún. Today blood is going to flow, I know where that one moves… Today I am going to become a criminal, I no longer believe in anyone. Unless I turn dead. Today I am going to avenge my brother, as I swore to my father.

He talks about revenge, about "social justice", about a harsh reality that he lived... You can tell that he feels frustrated and angry.

54. There is only one thing about you that I admire: and that is how being so two faces, you can sleep so peacefully.

He talks about hypocrisy and lies, and how sometimes people have two faces and they hide it very well (or it seems that they are not affected by the damage they can cause).

55. I hate when this happens, having a dream and feeling that it was true even when you are already awake.

Sometimes we dream things that we very much wish to be true; however when we wake up we are disappointed with reality.

56. God cannot duplicate what I think when I observe you because more than once I cannot enter hell.

It is another play on words, it talks about God and hell, and about a person... Perhaps it refers to someone who has caused him harm, because he is in hell.

57. It is not a solution to educate the poor, if you give them a poor education.

This phrase reflects on the importance of education being a quality education, not just “education”.

58. As time goes by, youth ends and you don't notice it until you lose half your life without having felt the simple and special things. Like your people that you hugged only at Christmas.

He speaks of “carpe diem”, of taking advantage of the moments, because life passes very quickly and we do not realize it.

59. My arm tells me that love will take me far but hate taught me to be a lynx and not an asshole.

Talk about innocence and mischief; love often makes us "innocent" and vulnerable, but when we go through painful experiences we learn not to trust anyone.

60. Trusting who you love I do not know if it is a virtue or a defect, even more so knowing that nothing is eternal or perfect.

Talk about love, which can sometimes hurt because it can end.

61. And they believe that talking straw they are going to silence a movement called sincerity, reality, truth or whatever they want, nor can they make my voice die by shooting me.

Canserbero vindicates himself singing, saying that he will never shut up and that he will always say what he thinks, denouncing injustices.

62. I would like to be less complicated and more understood, that the public understand more clearly what I write and say.

Here Canserbero talks about wanting others to understand his lyrics and songs.

63. You should never let a comment complicate you because even if the world improves, someone will have to criticize you.

They will always criticize us, whatever we do. So we better do what we are born and what we want.

64. Today I just want to think of things that make me laugh yes. That they make me be happy. Stop looking at gray clouds that you are going to wallow. Uproot all unhappy memories.

Talk about being happy, focusing on good things, enjoying.

65. It was perfect, as if it were a story. I could even create a defect, in case the perfect scared me. The fact is, for an instant I came to my senses and I wasn't dreaming, I was making love to you.

It is quite a poetic and rhythmic phrase; explains what it's like to make love to a certain person. He talks about his feelings, of having the feeling that everything is perfect, of being a dream.

66. Never say "always," "forever," or "forever" if every time I turn around you stop being transparent.

He talks about hypocrisy, lies and deception, very common in people, especially in love and relationship issues. Ask them to be honest with him.

67. We live training to make money or studying things that sometimes we don't even want, sculpting our bodies to be good and good because we know that to see hearts everyone is blind.

It is a phrase of vindication and social criticism. It talks about what they instill in us, what we reproduce as a society and what we “pursue”, sometimes without even wanting to.

68. I live in fear of doing the right thing with the wrong person, or doing the wrong thing with the right person.

It is not easy to coincide: doing the “right thing” with the right person. Sometimes we only get one of two things.

69. I want to see you shine like the star that made us leave a trace in this vast abstract universe.

It is another play on words; she talks about the universe and the impact of a person through rhymes.

70. And if we die and you go to heaven I will escape from hell and make love to you on a cloud in honor of our memories.

Many of Canserbero's phrases, like this one, are poetic; talks about death, love and memories.

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