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The 95 best discipline phrases

Discipline is a necessary skill to be able to carry out all those important plans for us. It is not only about obeying all the rules, but being constant with the steps we take on the path that we are going to travel.

To understand all the nuances of this concept, in this article we will see a selection of the best discipline phrases, commented.

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The most memorable discipline phrases

It can be difficult and seem a bit tedious, but without discipline we cannot focus on the things we do or want to achieve. In this sense, here we bring the best discipline phrases so you can see its importance.

1. Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement. (Jim Rohn)

When we are disciplined we can achieve what we set out to do.

2. Where there is good discipline, there is order and good fortune is seldom lacking. (Nicholas Machiavelli)

To be successful, we must include discipline in our plans.

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3. For every disciplined effort, there are always multiple rewards. (Jim Rohn)

Working consistently and consistently often brings us a reward.

4. With faith, discipline, and unselfish devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot accomplish. (Muhammad Ali Jinnah)

Discipline is part of success.

5. It's a matter of discipline, the little prince told me later. When you finish getting ready in the morning, you have to carefully clean the planet. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

For each activity to be successful, discipline must be included.

6. The secret to success is persistence for the goal. (Benjamin Disraeli)

You always have to fight for what you want.

7. The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment. (William Arthur Ward)

If you want to be successful, put your life in order.

8. No action without discipline. (Émile Herzog)

Discipline is what makes goals happen.

9. Discipline consists of an idiot being obeyed by those who are more intelligent. (Jacinto Benavente and Martínez)

Being disciplined the world is reached.

10. Half of life is luck, the other discipline; and this is decisive since, without discipline, one would not know where to start with luck. (Carl Zuckmayer)

Luck does not exist, discipline does.

11. I cannot, in the name of party discipline, surrender to the cult of personalism. (Leon Trotsky)

In all aspects of life you must have order and good conduct.

12. Once you have commitment, it takes discipline and hard work to get there. (Haile Gebrselassie)

The day to day demands perseverance and dedication.

13. I am strict with my children. I don't want them to get attached to me since one day I may not come home. (Alberto Ascari)

It refers to what it means for many parents to be disciplined.

14. Discipline is the most important part of success. (Truman Capote)

Without discipline there is no success.

15. We are the result of what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. (Aristotle)

Having a habit is what makes us disciplined.

Discipline reflections

16. Discipline is more powerful than numbers; discipline, that is, perfect cooperation, is an attribute of civilization. (John Stuart Mill)

Everything is achieved by having order and discipline.

17. Most of the time, joy is conquered by rigorous discipline. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Discipline brings deprivation sometimes.

18. Submission to a weak is discipline; submission to a strong man is just servility. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Weakness is also a capacity that human beings have.

19. Discipline is built by constantly developing small acts of courage. (Robin Sharma)

Many disciplines require courage and courage to carry it out.

20. The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline. (Boom Phillips)

The discipline that we impose on ourselves is what really matters.

21. The future belongs to those who are trained. It belongs to those who are very, very good at what they do. It does not belong to those with good intentions. (Brian Tracy)

Having knowledge makes us prepared to face life.

22. Discipline is man's best friend, because it leads him to fulfill the deepest longings of his heart. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

To make dreams come true, you have to have the habit of discipline.

23. Seek freedom and become a captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find freedom. (Frank Herbert)

Having order in life leads to being completely free.

24. Today we do what they will not do so that tomorrow we can achieve what they cannot. (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson)

What we do today will be the result of tomorrow.

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25. Success is simply the daily application of discipline. (Jim Rohn)

Success is achieved through effort and dedication.

26. Success is not measured by money, power, or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace. (Mike Ditka)

If you are disciplined you will find the most precious good which is inner peace.

27. Discipline is remembering what you want. (David Campbell)

If you want to conquer the top, you have to make an effort every day.

28. As a city without defense and without walls, it is someone who does not know how to control himself. (Proverbs 25:28)

If you don't have self-discipline, you lack defense.

29. Discipline, work. The work, the discipline. (Gustav Mahler)

Discipline and work go hand in hand.

30. I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for everyone. (Dave Ramsey)

Financial discipline is achieved with dedication and commitment.

31. The master will never lose his prestige by being severe in his due time. On the contrary, such prestige will be achieved in that way. (Fernán Caballero)

Many people think that severity is a good thing.

32. Winners embrace hard work. They love discipline as it is what allows them to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that's the difference. (Lou Holtz)

To be successful you have to make an effort every day.

33. Above talent are common values: discipline, love, good luck, but above all, tenacity. (James Baldwin)

Constancy and perseverance are the tools that allow you to reach the goal

34. Trying is much simpler, and at the same time infinitely more complex. It requires imagination, discipline, and purpose. (Carlos Castaneda)

Always try, never stop.

35. Discipline cannot be neglected for a single day. (Eiji Yoshikawa)

Every day you have to have perseverance and perseverance.

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36. The strength of an army lies in rigorous discipline and uncompromising obedience to its officers. (Thucydides)

Obedience and discipline allow you to win even the most arduous of battles.

37. The discipline of writing something is the first step in making it happen. (Lee Iacocca)

If you believe in something, work towards it.

38. Discipline in art involves a fundamental struggle to understand oneself and at the same time understand what one is drawing. (Henry Moore)

Art represents a constant struggle between the painter and his feelings.

39. If you were to discipline yourself to make your mind self-sufficient, you would thereby be less vulnerable to being hurt from the outside. (Critias of Athen)

When we have a powerful mind, it allows us to avoid being harmed by others.

40. I learned: that the fight is not against another, but against oneself, that things have to continue even if one loses, that nothing falls from the sky, that things require effort. The discipline and the ability to know how to wait I learned in sports. (Jenaro Talens)

Sports practice teaches the importance of discipline.

41. Discipline is the creation of the situation. (Shunryu Suzuki)

By having discipline we can create our own path.

42. Discipline is the refining fire by which talent is turned into skill. (Roy L. Smith)

To develop a talent you have to have discipline.

43. Discipline brings us to the right moment. (Tapiwa Soropa)

No one who is disciplined finds the right path.

44. I was only able to achieve success in my life through self-discipline, and I applied it until my desire and my will became one. (Nicholas Tesla)

If we unite the desire with the will to do it, the triumph is assured.

45. For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. (Plato)

The best victory is the one that is achieved by conquering our mind.

46. Man is what he should be, through education, through discipline. (Georg Friedrich Hegel)

Education opens all doors.

47. Double victory has he who conquers himself. (Jyrus)

He who knows how to control himself is capable of mastering anything.

48. First we form the habits and then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you. (Rob Gilbert)

You have to form a habit to have the desired skill.

49. You must see your goals clearly and before you can set them. Keep them in your mind until they become second nature. (Les Brown)

You cannot reach something that you cannot clearly visualize.

50. When we put off something, we also put a stop to happiness. (Zig Ziglar)

Do not put off what you can do now.

51. It is character that gets us out of bed, commitment that moves us to action, and discipline that allows us to continue. (Charles F. Glassman)

We forge our personality in order to continue.

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52. No steam or gas conducts anything until confined. No life grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. (Harry Emerson Fosdick)

Focus your ideas and you will achieve success.

53. Without discipline, there is no life at all. (Katharine Hepburn)

In life you have to have control and discipline.

54. You will never change your life until you change something you do every day. (John C. Maxwell)

Change is fundamental.

55. Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period. (Lou Holtz)

The impossible loses its effect when discipline appears.

56. Money comes only if we do what we like to do, and this also requires discipline. (Hector Tassinari)

In financial matters, discipline is essential.

57. Every vice is a habit, but not every habit is a vice. Good habit is routine and discipline. (Jorge González Moore)

It refers to what a habit represents.

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58. To discipline your body, you need a disciplined mind. (Mehmet Murat İldan)

Strong mind, strong body.

59. Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel. (Napoleon Hill)

Constancy and tenacity shape the personality.

60. For God has not given us a spirit of shyness, but of power, of love and of self-control. (2 Timothy 1: 7)

We have been created to be our own masters.

61. Why do they always teach us that the easy and evil thing is to do what we want and that we must discipline ourselves to repress ourselves? (Ayn Rand)

For many people, repression is something important.

62. I think self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you exercise, the stronger you get. (Daniel Goldstein)

Self-discipline must be exercised every day.

63. You need to have discipline to lose it. (Alejandro Sanz)

If we are disciplined we can afford to do something we have never done.

64. Whoever lives without discipline dies without honor. (Icelandic proverb)

To have discipline is to live happily every moment.

65. You have power over your mind, not over events. Realize this, and you will find strength. (Marcus Aurelius)

If you control your thoughts, you can control everything.

66. Few men are born brave, many are made through training and the force of discipline. (Vegecio)

Being brave is a matter of discipline.

67. Control your mind or it will control you. (Horacio)

Don't let your thoughts rule your life.

68. Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top professional. (Jahangir Khan)

To be a successful person, you have to be consistent and disciplined.

69. True freedom is impossible without a mind freed by discipline. (Mortimer J. Adler)

Mental freedom allows you to be completely independent.

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70. It's the hardest thing in the world: Do what we want. And it takes the highest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want. (Ayn Rand)

To do what we want, we need constancy and perseverance.

71. People create their own success by learning what they need and then practicing it until they become excellent at it. (Brian Tracy)

Successful people achieve everything because of the tenacity they put into it.

72. Beyond healthy discipline, be kind to yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees or the stars; You have the right to be here. (From Desiderata)

Discipline is no excuse for using violence to 'correct'.

73. No evil propensity of the human heart is so powerful that it cannot be mastered by discipline. (Seneca)

Even bad behavior is transformed through discipline.

74. The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment. (William Arthur Ward)

Even if you find situations that disappoint you, keep moving forward.

75. Observe the humble disciplines. Faithfulness in the little things. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

No matter how small things are, you always have to be disciplined.

76. Confidence comes from discipline and training. (Robert Kiyosaki)

If you want to have confidence in yourself, train your mind.

77. Humility and self control. There is no law that condemns these things. (Galatians 5:23)

Mastering yourself is an act of humility.

78. No action without discipline. (André Maurois)

You cannot achieve anything without discipline.

79. Knowledge is not enough, we must apply it. It is not enough to want, you have to do it. (Bruce Lee)

If you don't activate what you know, at the end of the road you will have nothing.

80. There is only one type of discipline: the perfect discipline. (George S. Patton)

There is no discipline that hurts.

81. Lack of discipline leads to frustration and self-hatred. (Marie Chapian)

If you are not constant, it is very possible that you will fail and hate yourself for it.

82. Addressing everyone, he declared: If someone wants to be my disciple, let him deny himself, carry his cross every day and follow me. (Luke 9:23)

To follow a path you have to persevere.

83. Success is a matter of religious understanding and practice of simple and specific habits that always lead to success. (Robert J. Ringer)

Habits always pay off.

84. To be great you need ninety-nine percent talent, ninety-nine percent discipline, and ninety-nine percent work. (William Faulkner)

Work, discipline and perseverance are the keys to achieving the goal.

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85. Personal self-discipline is the No. 1 delineating factor among the rich, the poor, and the middle class. (Robert Kiyosaki)

Being disciplined has nothing to do with social or economic status.

86. There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and vigilance, you will be the one who decides if you will be a hunter or a victim. (James Mattis)

If you are constant in your fight, you will be able to choose which position to occupy.

87. Preparation and discipline make us own our destiny. (Bill Paxton)

If you want to be the sole owner of your life, include discipline in your habits.

88. Discipline is remembering what you want. (David Campbell)

When you feel tired, remember what you want.

89. The work is not really difficult, what is difficult is the discipline. (Anonymous)

The difficult thing is not doing things, but having the behavior to do it.

90. Discipline yourself and others won't have to. (John Wooden)

Put yourself in the habit of discipline and you will be great.

91. I always worked for my country putting will, not uncertainty; no mess method; discipline, not chaos; constancy not improvisation; firmness, not softness; magnanimity, not condescension. (Manual Belgrano)

The application of a good method allows to achieve consistency and order.

92. You will never become the best you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are removed from your life. (Dr. James G. Bilkey)

If you take the discipline out of your daily habits, then your path will be very steep.

93. You cannot conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself. (Jim Whittaker)

Do not pretend to achieve great things without first having conquered yourself.

94. No man is fit to command another if he cannot command himself. (William Penn)

If you do not know how to govern your impulses, then you are not able to put order in your life.

95. Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. You have true power when you have both firmly in control. (Clint Eastwood)

Be proud of your efforts, value every step you take.

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