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The 90 best phrases of serenity

Serenity is a psychological state that we usually associate with calm, but in reality it is much more than that. Serenity has to do with emotional balance, the fact of being able to face adverse situations managing our focus of attention very well and directing it to specific goals from a perspective constructive.

In this article you will find a selection of the best serenity phrases, reflections and ideas bequeathed by important thinkers of history.

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The most memorable phrases about serenity

In this compilation of the best serenity phrases you will find interesting quotes and reflections to understand this state of mind.

1. Happiness for me consists of being in good health, sleeping without fear and waking up without anguish. (Françoise Sagan)

Simple ways to enjoy happiness.

2. Man is not so much concerned with real problems as with his imagined anxieties about real problems. (Epictetus)

The problems are bigger in our head.

3. Old age leads to an indifferent tranquility that ensures inner and outer peace. (Anatole France)

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The wisdom and calm that awaits us in old age.

4. The chase, even of the best things, must be calm and quiet. (Marco Tulio Cicero)

Things work best when done calmly.

5. Take things slow, because if you start taking them seriously, they come to an end. (Jack Kerouac)

Sometimes it is necessary not to take things so seriously.

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6. The external nature shames us: it is of a devastating serenity for our pride. (Gustave Flaubert)

Nature teaches us many things.

7. The closer a person is to peace of mind, the closer they are to strength. (Marcus Aurelius)

Mental health is as important as physical health.

8. Those who know the storm get sick with calm. (Dorothy Parker)

Peace of mind is a balm.

9. No one can bring you peace but yourself. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

That is why we always have to work on ourselves.

10. A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, which is why it is very important for good health. (Dalai Lama)

The importance of having mental health.

11. Anyone can hold the wheel when the sea is calm. (Publilio Siro)

It's easier to get through difficult times by being calm.

12. Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but churning like hell underneath. (Michael Caine)

A very interesting tip to ponder.

13. Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. (Pema Chödrön)

Controlling our emotions gives us an advantage at any time.

14. Only from an internal calm man was able to discover and form calm environments. (Stephen Gardiner)

Serenity leads us down a path of calm and functionality.

15. A calm trail creates a calm passenger. (Mehmet Murat İldan)

Surround yourself with things that bring you peace.

Reflections on serenity

16. The essential condition of dominion is serenity, which allows us to see things in their true aspect and prevents us from gilding and darkening them according to our mood. (Yoritomo Tashi)

The power of calm.

17. Perfect tranquility consists in the good order of the mind, in your own kingdom. (Marcus Aurelius)

A kingdom that must be cared for.

18. You are the calm under the waves in the blue of my oblivion. (Fiona Apple)

If a person only brings you chaos, it is better to let them go.

19. From tranquility comes power and strength. (C. Joybell C.)

The foundation for strong confidence.

20. The virtue is in being calm and strong; with the inner fire everything burns. (Ruben Dario)

By maintaining a calm state, we are less likely to be offended.

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21. We have to believe that there are places where there is tranquility and where nature regains its ability to speak. (Nanette L. Avery)

But above all it is necessary to preserve them.

22. Who told you that I was always laughing, never crying, as if it were spring? I am not that much. (Nicolás Guillén)

You don't need to have permanent positivity, negative emotions are also necessary.

23. The tranquility of those who left before... he does not calm the uneasiness of those who will follow him.

Death always stalks us.

24. Whatever you feel, always act calm and correct. (Daniel Kahneman)

About staying calm at all times.

25. Sometimes it is the silent observer who sees the most. (L. Nelson)

Don't judge people by how they look at first glance.

26. A samurai must remain calm at all times, even in the face of danger. (Chris Bradford)

This helps us not to lose concentration.

27. Life is not about maximizing everything, you have to give light, space, shape, serenity and joy. (Glenn Murcutt)

It is useless to have it all if you live in eternal chaos.

28. Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition. (Mary Shelley)

Ambition is a hole that is never filled.

29. I am sustained by the tranquility of an upright and loyal heart. (Peter Stuyvesant)

Our values ​​are a personal rock.

30. The best fighter is never angry. (Lao Tse)

Because otherwise, you cannot create good strategies.

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31. As a lifelong martial artist, I am trained to remain calm in the midst of adversity and danger. (Steven Seagal)

Martial arts are a guide to achieve internal balance.

32. I meditate, so I know how to find a quiet place to be calm and peaceful. (Roseanne Barr)

The benefits of meditation.

33. Serenity is the ability to keep your attention focused, in the midst of difficulty, on what is a priority for you. (Mario Alonso Puig)

Which is really about staying calm.

34. Life is like a voyage across the sea: there are days of calm and days of squalls; the important thing is to be a good captain of our ship. (Jacinto Benavente)

About facing problems and enjoying moments of happiness.

35. I like everything around me to be crystal clear and completely calm. (Alfred Hitchcock)

There is nothing more appreciated than honesty.

36. The best doctors in the world are: Dr. Dieta, Dr. Tranquility and Dr. Alegría. (Jonathan Swift)

The doctors we must always visit.

37. Happiness is nature, beauty and tranquility (Debasish Mridha)

Happiness is in the little details.

38. Tranquility is a state of mind desired by the soul to calm the spirit and make the body stress free. (Steven Redhead)

We all seek to have a little peace of mind.

39. In tranquility there is health, as fullness, within one. Forgive yourself, accept yourself, acknowledge yourself and love yourself. Remember that you have to live with yourself for eternity. (Facundo Cabral)

Excellent advice with deep meaning.

40. No one can hurt me without my permission. (Mahatma Gandhi)

An attitude that we must copy.

41. I practice staying calm all the time, starting from situations that are tense. (Martha Beck)

Perhaps the most effective way to practice calm.

42. The height of unhappiness is to fear something, when nothing is expected. (Stoic phrase)

That is why you should never have very high expectations, but do not stop dreaming.

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43. Aging is like climbing a great mountain: while climbing, the forces diminish, but the gaze is freer, the view broader and more serene. (Ingmar Bergman)

The strength we gain with old age.

44. The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. (Jules Renard)

Cats are creatures that transmit a lot of calm.

45. For me sometimes a sky of silence is more expressive than the roar of the sea. (Munia Khan)

We all need a moment of silence.

46. It is more than okay to say "no" to people and places that harm your peace. (Nikki Rowe)

The only way to ensure a better life around you.

47. When we are unable to find tranquility in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

We can never fill a personal void with other people's things.

48. It is wonderful to live in a house where peace, order, tranquility, duty, a good conscience, forgiveness and love reign. (Hermann Hesse)

The sensations that a home should convey.

49. Stress is a choice. So is inner peace. (Lewis Howes)

You decide which one to hold onto.

50. Stay calm, serene, always in command of yourself. Find out how easy it is to get along below. (Paramahansa Yogananda)

It all starts with not being controlled by the heat of the moment.

51. Silence is a lie that screams to the light. (Shannon L. Alder)

Silence can also represent a lie.

52. We do not realize that, somewhere within all of us, there is a higher self that is eternally at peace. (Elizabeth Gilbert)

So our personal goal should be to find it.

53. No person can find a calmer place than his soul.

All the answers we need are within us.

54. It is not wealth or splendor, but tranquility and occupation that gives you happiness. (Thomas Jefferson)

The way you achieve complete fullness.

55. Because serenity in the midst of misfortune, and grace in the midst of torture, are not just resignation; they are also activity and contain a positive triumph. (Thomas Mann)

It is not a way to downplay something, but tools to help you get through a difficult time.

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56. Calm and confidence are as far from vanity as the desire for a decent life is far from greed. (Channing Pollock)

You cannot have peace if you have a corrupt heart.

57. What had been quiet and peaceful was now quiet and empty. (Frederick Barthelme)

There are certain calms that only bring anguish.

58. A well-known thing is that waiting is not pleasant, but the one who hurries the most is not the one who advances the furthest, that doing certain things requires time and calm. (Charles Perrault)

To do something well you need to have patience and perseverance.

59. A calm lake is more meaningful to me than any great city in the world. (Munia Khan)

Peace of mind can also be found by spending time in nature.

60. The key to everything is patience: you get the chicken by incubating the egg, not breaking it open.

Patience is always necessary.

61. Peace can become a lens through which you view the world. I know that. Live the. Irrigate it. Peace is an inside job. (Wayne Dyer)

A world at peace is preferable to one submerged in chaos.

62. A calm man is like a tree that provides shade. People in need of shelter come to him. (Toba Beta)

Nobody wants to be around an unstable person.

63. The unregulated positive vibrations of happiness, peace, joy and tranquility are freedom. (T. F. Hodge)

Positive things lead to a better attitude.

64. A man does not try to see himself in running water, but in calm water, because only what is calm in itself can give peace to others. (Confucius)

We unconsciously seek tranquility all the time.

65. What is done in haste is never done well; always act calmly and calmly. (Saint Francis de Sales)

Great advice to put it into practice.

66. The romance is stormy. Love is calm. (Mason Cooley)

The difference between both states.

67. I like trains. I like the rhythm and I like the freedom of being suspended between two places. All anxiety under control: for now I know where I'm going. (Anna Funder)

There is a place we can return to in search of tranquility.

68. The school years, with their calm and carefreeness, will never return. (José Ramón Ayllón)

Appreciate the moments you live today.

69. There is only one form of peace of mind and happiness, and that is not taking external things as your own. (Epictetus)

Most of the "attacks" that we perceive against us are the product of the mind.

70. In the dissonance of the century the miracle of a happy chord proliferates. (Juana Rosa Pita)

Life is made up of moments of chaos and moments of peace.

71. Modern science has not yet produced a calming drug as effective as a few kind words. (Sigmund Freud)

Sometimes we just need a few words of comfort to calm us down.

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72. Truly, he has conquered all things, that neither the taste of them moves him to joy, nor the disappointment causes him sadness. (Saint John of the Cross)

Talking about loss of interest and motivation.

73. For every minute you stay angry, you waste up to sixty seconds of calm. (Ralph Waldo)

Staying with anger will get us nowhere.

74. Sweet are the thoughts with pleasant contents, the calm mind is richer than a crown. (Robert Green)

A call to have good thoughts.

75. Talent is educated in calm and character in tempest. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

We cannot escape bad times, but we can learn to cope with them efficiently.

76. Lord, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to be able to differentiate them. (Reinhold Niebuhr)

Skills that we must possess at different times.

77. Our life depends on the type of thoughts we nurture. (Elder Thaddeus of Vitónica)

So be careful which thoughts you give the most importance to.

78. The absolutely calm is not the ocean law. The same is true in the ocean of life. (Paulo Coelho)

Calm is always welcome and necessary.

79. How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we lose our breath talking nonsense? (Colleen Patrick-Goudreau)

Silence can bring peace.

80. Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. (Tenzin Gyatso)

That is why it is important not to give so much importance to the opinions of others.

81. The only order in the universe is just a cycle from calm to chaos and vice versa. (Toba Beta)

Universal states that we cannot change.

82. The way to measure wisdom is by seeing how calm you are when facing any situation. (Naval Ravikant)

It is not about the situation, but about how we react to it.

83. Dress my thought with beauty, serenity, perennially united to the tree of my life against the wind. (Blas de Otero)

Thoughts can be our greatest enemies, but also our greatest allies.

84. Life is like a voyage across the sea: there are days of calm and days of squalls; the important thing is to be a good captain of our ship. (Jacinto Benavente)

A great way to describe the natural state of life.

85. Peace comes from within, do not look for it outside. (Buddha)

You will not be able to find outside what you need to solve inside.

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86. Solitude is the house of peace. (TF Hodge)

Make your loneliness a place of calm, rather than a place of fear.

87. A happy life consists of having peace of mind. (Cicero)

The best way to be happy is to be at peace with ourselves.

88. There is no tranquility without a good conscience. (Seneca)

A clear conscience leads us to make better decisions.

89. The happy man is not the man who laughs, but the one whose soul, full of joy and confidence, overcomes and is superior to events. (Seneca)

The happiness that we must pursue.

90. Learning to ignore things is one of the great ways to inner peace. (Robert J. Sawyer)

There are things that are not worth paying too much attention to.

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