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The 90 best phrases of laziness

In Christianity, laziness is recognized as part of the 7 deadly sins, because it is a external representation of the inability of people to take responsibility for their actions and seek to get better.

The big problem with this is that the consequences of the decision to adopt this passive mindset are not measured, leaving the problems to accumulate. To better understand this phenomenon, here we will review the best phrases about laziness, commented.

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The most memorable phrases about laziness

This is a selection of the best lazy phrases that invite you to reflect on this psychological state.

1. Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before being tired. (Jules Renard)

A reflection on the bad habit of wasting time.

2. A lazy person is a clock without needles, being useless whether he is walking or standing still. (William Cowper)

It ends up becoming a heavy burden for everyone.

3. Lazy people always talk about what they plan to do, what they will do; those who really do something do not have time to talk or what they do. (Johann von Goethe)
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Procrastination is part of laziness.

4. Laziness is my favorite reason for getting up, making a plan, getting work done, and loving myself. (Dove Cameron)

Those who use laziness as a motivator not to give in.

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5. The working time for diligent people is now, while the working time for lazy people is tomorrow. (Abdullah Gymnastiar)

This is how you recognize a person who does not want to be involved in the events of her life.

6. A lazy man is a watch without a winding. (Jaime Balmes)

You may be lost and can't find your way.

7. Laziness is the mother of poverty. (Popular saying)

You can't get ahead if you don't work for it.

8. You will find that the more successful the individual is, the less inclined he is to make excuses. (David Joseph Schwartz)

Successful people always find solutions.

9. The man who can and does not employ himself is indolent. (Thomas Fuller)

The result of being stuck in the comfort zone.

10. In most men, difficulties are the children of laziness. (Samuel Johnson)

Not wanting to take risks for fear of the unknown.

11. Give orders, do no more and no one will move. (Spanish proverb)

Not only is it enough to speak, but you have to demonstrate.

12. Worry germinates in the cradle of ignorant laziness. (Pythagoras of Samos)

We worry about things that we would rather avoid than face.

Reflections on laziness

13. If the whole year were a party, having fun would be more boring than working. (William Shakespeare)

Do you agree with this reflection?

14. The elevator to success was broken a long time ago, the problem is that many people are too lazy to climb the stairs. (Jacob Maldonado)

Success doesn't happen overnight.

15. There is no passion more powerful than the passion of laziness. (Samuel Beckett)

A sin that tempts many.

16. Working when you are lazy is a real test of your character. (Stephen Covey)

It's the way you show yourself that you can handle everything, even your fears.

17. Laziness may seem attractive, but work is satisfying. (Anna Frank)

When we get used to being lazy, we later feel useless.

18. Laziness never did a thing well done. (Saying)

Laziness does not bear good fruit.

19. Excuses destroy success at all times. (Jon Taffer)

Excuses make people lose confidence.

20. Laziness is nothing more than the refuge of timid spirits. (Earl of Chesterfield)

It is an abyss that is difficult to overcome but not impossible.

21. People who are lazy have wasted the opportunity God has given them, even though God has never created anything in vain. (Mario Teguh)

Lazy people often miss out on many valuable opportunities.

22. He who postpones everything will not leave anything finished or perfect. (Democritus of Abdera)

Something left half, is useless.

23. My laziness doesn't leave me free time at all. (Alphonse Allais)

Laziness consumes as much time as possible.

24. Idleness is the mother of all vices. (Jostein Gaarder)

Wasted free time can be a terrible enemy.

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25. Luck is always the last refuge from laziness and incompetence. (James Cash Penney)

It is useless to have talent if you do not have the proper preparation.

26. People are in a hurry to magnify themselves by imitating what is popular and too lazy to think of better. (Thomas Merton)

Many tend to play it safe, although that makes them followers.

27. In order not to work, the lazy man pretends that there is a lion lurking in the street. (Biblical Proverb)

The way lazy people excuse themselves.

28. Boredom is the consequence of laziness.

That is why you always have to have something to entertain yourself.

29. For me laziness is inexcusable. Nobody is obliged to be a genius - I am not - but everyone must participate in the great poetry that is our civilization and, therefore, work. (Philippe Starck)

Everyone must contribute their grain of sand to society in general.

30. Don't miss out on what might be the best chapter of your life because you're too busy rereading the last one. (Kandi Steiner)

Sometimes laziness arises from the fear of being wrong again.

31. Dreams are not made of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition. (Napoleon Hill)

Dreams must be made of motivation.

32. Nobody needs a vacation more than the one who just had it. (Elbert Green Hubbard)

The charm of an eternal vacation.

33. It is not easy to get up on a gray day. The Devil always holds your eyelids. (Ralph Ineson)

Even if you have low spirits, it is never advisable to remain still.

34. Efficiency is smart laziness. (David Dunham)

A very curious type of laziness.

35. People are not lazy, they simply have powerless goals... that is, goals that don't inspire them. (Anthony Robbins)

Goals that only seem to be achieved with things out of reach.

36. There was a time when sadness was considered a mortal sin, but later it was replaced by laziness. (Jenny Offill)

People have gotten lazier.

37. If you want to have a lazy husband, buy a bad mare and a good apiary.

Proverb about laziness in marriage.

38. Success is not as easy as winners make it seem or as difficult as losers make it sound. (Orrin Woodward)

Success is achieved with consistency.

39. You get nothing for being lazy. The world only trembles at the feet of the few craziest doers who ever lived. (Olawale Daniel)

Things are not done alone, you achieve them with work.

40. The wise use of leisure is a product of civilization and education. (Bertrand Russell)

Leisure time allows us to relax and help us acquire some skills.

41. You don't get glory and fame, tucked into bed.

A phrase that has everything true.

42. Too many people are too lazy to think. Instead of learning something new, they think the same thought day after day. (Robert Kiyosaki)

When we get stuck in a repetitive thought.

43. The only people who think that life should be easy are lazy people. (Robert Kiyosaki)

Life, when it is too easy, does not teach us anything of value, since it does not pose challenges for us to learn from.

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44. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... and never today do lazy people say.

The skill can go on for a long, long time.

45. There are basically two actions in life: Acting and excuses. Make a decision about what he will accept from yourself. (Steven Brown)

Important decisions that carry us forward or backward.

46. How can a society where instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners and instant cameras exist teach patience and not laziness to its young? (Paul Sweeney)

Globalization itself has favored laziness.

47. Work is the law of the modern world, which has no place for lazy people. (Mihai Eminescu)

Laziness should have no place in the world.

48. The current generation, weary from their chimerical endeavors, relapses into complete indolence. (Søren Kierkegaard)

There are times when laziness is the result of not wanting to try anymore.

49. Successful people don't use the obstacles of time, education, and money as excuses… they use them as leverage for help. (Richie Norton)

Productive ways to take advantage of time.

50. Melancholy assails the lazy.

When we are sad, we don't feel like doing something beneficial.

51. No verse of scripture gives its meaning to lazy people. (Arthur W. Pink)

Nowhere is laziness praised.

52. Lazy people tend not to take risks, but express themselves by tearing down the work of others. (Ann Rule)

they tend to take advantage of the achievements of others.

53. At the lazy man's house, the whole year is Saint John's Day. (Popular saying)

A permanent personal party.

54. Don't give in to fatalism. It will induce inertia and laziness. (Bertrand Russell)

When we let ourselves fall, it is difficult to find reasons to arise.

55. A lazy person, whatever talents he begins with, has condemned himself to second-rate thoughts and second-rate friends. (Cyril Connolly)

A self-imposed sentence.

56. I attribute my success to this: I never gave or accepted an excuse. (Nightingale of Florence)

The true way to achieve success.

57. Laziness and failure go hand in hand.

It is given by the loss of motivation to try again.

58. People who read too much and use their brains too little will fall into vague habits of thought. (Albert Einstein)

It is useless to come into contact with many ideas if you do not reflect on it.

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59. There are people who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves. (Jane Austen)

They become dependent parasites.

60. Greatly unhappy is he who, being able to have fire, allows himself to die of cold, and who, having food before him, allows himself to starve. (Saint Catherine of Siena)

Use your abilities to achieve your goals.

61. To be bored is to crochet death. (Javier Sanz)

Loss of enjoyment of life.

62. Our nature is in motion. Absolute rest is death. (Blaise Pascal)

So don't be afraid to change and move too.

63. He can get the results he wants or he can make excuses. You cannot have both. (Clyde Lee Denni)

Excuses and success do not go hand in hand.

64. All the great technological inventions created by man: the airplane, the car, the computer, say little about his intelligence, but they say a lot about his laziness. (Mark Kennedy)

There are inventions that encourage laziness.

65. Lazy father, he makes his children vicious of him.

Parents are the greatest example of children, for better or for worse.

66. An idle young man will be a needy old man. (English proverb)

Because it will always depend on someone.

67. Through the street of "after" you arrive at the square of "never". (Luis Coloma)

Procrastination gets you nowhere.

68. Sleepy cat, he doesn't catch a mouse.

Laziness prevents us from taking advantage of that opportunity we have been waiting for so much.

69. Thus leisure corrupts the human body, as waters corrupt if they remain. (Ovid)

Leisure can promote negative health habits in general.

70. Successful people have a habit of doing things that lazy people don't like to do. (James Stephens)

Laziness leaves us stuck in the comfort zone.

71. Laziness... never reached the term that makes a good wish. (Miguel de Cervantes)

We cannot go far if we are clinging to comfort.

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72. For a lazy man, every day is a vacation. (Turkish proverb)

The way a lazy person sees the world.

73. Much bad, it engenders idleness.

It happens when we waste our time.

74. Laziness is probably the most difficult and tiring way to be what you are. (Georges Perros)

An interesting reflection on the consequences of laziness.

75. Lazy people always have the intention to start doing something. (Luc de Clapiers)

An intention that never takes the first step.

76. Laziness, that is, the passion of inaction, has an advantage over other passions in order to succeed, and that is that it does not demand anything. (Jaime Luciano Balmes)

It is very easy to get carried away by laziness.

77. What is the most universal human characteristic? The fear... or laziness?

A question with a difficult answer.

78. The worst illness is boredom. (Freddie Mercury)

It leads us to try bad things.

79. The devil often finds work for those who find none for themselves. (Benjamin Whichcote)

Sooner or later, you will pay the consequences of your actions.

80. My ambition is limited by my laziness. (Charles Bukowski)

A consequence that many artists share.

81. To work, it is enough to be convinced of one thing: that working is less boring than having fun. (Charles Baudelaire)

That is why it is important to love what we do.

82. The laziness of our spirit is greater than that of our body. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

This is why he is so heavy and addictive.

83. The only time a lazy man is successful is when he tries to do nothing. (Evan Esar)

There he is quite an expert.

84. Laziness, does not fill tummy. (Saying)

You cannot sustain yourself by doing anything.

85. Those who live in vain bury themselves dearly. (Valeriu Butulescu)

So try to have ambitions for your life.

86. I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success. Great things come from hard work and perseverance. There are no excuses. (Kobe Bryant)

Lazy people always blame others for what they don't have.

87. He who postpones everything will not leave anything finished or perfect. (Democritus of Abdera)

Everything that begins needs to be finished.

88. Hunger is the inseparable companion of the sloth. (Hesiod)

Two sins that go perfectly hand in hand.

89. The day is excessively long for those who do not know how to appreciate and use it. (Johann von Goethe)

How lazy people see the passage of time.

90. Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon catches up with it. (Benjamin Franklin)

You cannot be successful by being lazy.

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