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Plants in danger of extinction

Plants in danger of extinction - Find out what they are

Plants are one of the most important living beings on Earth, they provide air for humans to breathe, drinking water, food, fuel and medicine. However, 20% of the plants is on the brink of extinction, They thus join the most threatened group of beings on the planet along with mammals.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to discover endangered plants that currently exist on the planet so that you can better understand the reality of our environment.

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380,000 plants in danger of extinction.

As revealed by a study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in London, the total number of threatened plants amounts to 380,000 around the world. The report points to rainforests as the most threatened regions in the world, and seed plants as the most endangered species.

The main culprits of this situation are the Humans 81%, while 19% is due to natural hazards. Agriculture and livestock are human activities, along with tree plantations for urban areas, that have caused the destruction of these natural habitats.

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In some areas the destruction of the flora becomes alarming, American continent for example is one of the most affected. More than 90% of the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil has been modified to meet the needs of human beings. Another major problem is that unknown species disappear before discovering them and thus lose their possible benefits in medicine.

The situation in Spain.

The situation in Spain is not much better than in other countries. In total they are 1,221 threatened species, a figure that has experienced a 6% increase in eight years. In fact, 610 species are classified as vulnerable, 278 are in danger of extinction and 308 are considered a critical threat, among them are the Canary Island Dragon tree, the Royal Manzanilla of Sierra Nevada or the Orchid clog.

Despite the fact that the legislation protects these species, their situation has not improved much less, which is why they are considered the most threatened living beings in the Spanish geography.

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