Why it is important to be able to calm down before anxiety problems
You think too much about your future or what you will do tomorrow, you want things to happen instantly, you no longer enjoy your life as before, you have excessive worries ...
In short, you feel anguish, with increased heart rate, you feel short of breath, you have involuntary tremors, sweating, fast breathing, feeling weak or tired, having trouble falling asleep, and other symptoms associated with anxiety problems.
If this problem is not treated in time it can get worse to the point of somatize and wear down your physical and mental health. And it is that anxiety disorders make us more vulnerable to pathologies such as cancer, diabetes, premature ejaculation, menstrual problems, gastrointestinal complications, heart problems, or acne, among others.
- Related article: "What is anxiety: how to recognize it and what to do"
What is somatization linked to anxiety?
How your anxiety-generating thoughts make you feel negative emotions over and over again, in that cycle of discomfort the brain produces certain molecules with harmful effects if they accumulate too much in the body.
Part of them are hormones that circulate through the bloodstream and run throughout your body giving rise to chain reactions that increase the chances of suffering from certain diseases.
It is for this reason that many people live undergoing medical checkups all the time but no doctor and no laboratory find health problems for them. The exams always come out normal, but despite that, people still feel bad, because they have not dealt with the emotional problem.
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How to cope with anxiety?
Emotions are the main factor in whether a person is healthy or not, although in many ways, they haven't taught us to pay them the attention they deserve.
Many times, the doctor is a professional knows perfectly that the root of the patient's illness is the psychological factor, but still decides do the check-up and give the order to do the laboratory tests because that means an instant improvement for the person suffering from the symptoms.
The patient waits for a disease to be found, but contrary to expectations, according to the analysis it is better than ever. It is there when the treating physician sends the patient to the psychologist, a context in which emotion management strategies are implemented.
Emotions are largely produced by our thoughts, and to a large extent anxiety is directly related to overthinking about our problems, in the future: what will I do tomorrow, where will I live, what will I eat, who will I marry ...
- Related article: "6 easy relaxation techniques to combat stress"
A useful technique to calm yourself
There are many and very diverse thoughts that pass through the mind of a person producing discomfort and in turn anxiety. But the good news is that there is a solution to all these problems.
In my psychotherapist sessions I teach my patients several scientifically developed techniques to eliminate the symptoms that anxiety comes from. Today I want to leave you one of them so that you can try it and can eliminate some degree of anxiety in a satisfactory way, until you can go to therapy and eliminate it completely. With this technique you will feel more serene, calmer and full of energy.
Find a park with grass, lie on your stomach with your hands open and try to hug the grass; you will begin to feel like that green and clean lawn transmits all its energy to you.
At this moment close your eyes and start to breathe slowly; breathe deeply, feel how that pure and fresh air slowly enters your lungs, goes to your diaphragm and oxygenates every part of your body. As you carry out the exercise, you feel more serene, calmer, more energetic and with more strength to live that beautiful life that you have ahead of you.
It only takes you 10 minutes to do this exercise and you can do it twice a day, you will see amazing changes.
This is just one of the exercises and techniques that you will see if you take therapy with me. I invite you to enjoy your life in the best way and be happy.