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The 90 best phrases of the soul

They say that the eyes are the window of the soul, since through them you can see the essence of any person, but... What is the soul?

For some people, this is a subjective entity in which our emotions and way of being would settle. For other people, it represents an immaterial spiritual characteristic that we all have.

To understand all the implications of this concept, here we will review the best phrases about the soul, commented.

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The most inspiring phrases about the soul

This is a compilation of the most interesting phrases about the soul.

1. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. (Caroline Myss)

That is why sometimes we must take time to listen to each other.

2. Of what use is it to man to win the world if he loses his soul? Whoever wants to keep his soul, he will lose it. (Blaise Pascal)

Sometimes ambitions corrupt us.

3. Life is like a puzzle, each piece has a reason, a place and a why. Don't insist on putting pieces where they won't fit.

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Although there are things that you do not understand now, it is very possible that in time it will all make sense.

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4. If you only love yourself, no soul will want to receive your heart.

Don't confuse loving yourself with being self-centered.

5. The living soul of man, once aware of his power, cannot be stifled. (Horace Mann)

When you realize your potential, no one can make you feel inferior.

6. A person is not beautiful because of the frame of her body, but because of the architecture of her soul.

Great beauty is useless if you have an empty soul.

7. To judge great and noble things, it is necessary to possess an equally great and noble soul. (Michel de Montaigne)

You cannot judge others for the same acts that you commit.

8. See the people and places that ignite a spark in your soul.

Surround yourself with people and things that make you feel good.

9. Great minds talk about ideas; average minds speak of events; small minds talk about others. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Always have a flexible and open mind.

10. You can have anything you want if you can put your heart and soul into everything you do. (Roy T. Bennett)

To have good results it is important to love what we do.

11. The greatest souls are as capable of the greatest vices as they are of the greatest virtues. (Rene Descartes)

It is the people who decide their destiny.

12. Calm the mind and the soul will speak. (Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati)

The solutions are found by having a calm mind.

13. Sometimes what you want most never comes true and sometimes what you least expect to happen happens.

For this reason, it is important not to have high expectations or close ourselves to changes.

14. If your soul is present in each of your acts, you will never regret anything.

Make your actions speak well of you to others.

15. Man cannot find a quieter or more trouble-free place than in his own soul. (Marcus Aurelius)

Everything we need is within us, but first we must cultivate it.

Reflections on the soul

16. What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.

Laughter allows us to always have a good mood.

17. How you resemble water, soul of man! How you resemble the wind, destiny of man! (Goethe)

An interesting comparison of the soul with water.

18. Inside us there is something that has no name, that something is what we are. (José Saramago)

Although the soul is something subjective and intangible, it exists within all of us.

19. Anyone can sympathize with the sorrows of a friend; sympathizing with their successes requires a very delicate nature. (Oscar Wilde)

You are not only friends with someone by being in his pain, but also celebrating his triumphs.

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20. Laughter is a ray of sunshine for the soul. (Thomas Mann)

Laughter is a great antidote to bad feelings.

21. Soul has illusions, as the bird has wings. That is what supports her. (Victor Hugo)

The soul full of innocence and hope.

22. It is not enough to see, you have to observe. Life has too many perspectives.

No path is straight and no truth is universal.

23. Heart that says it is hard as stone, soul that lies shamelessly.

People who cheat do not have a clear conscience.

24. A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, calms the soul, and strengthens the imagination. (Richelle E. Goodrich)

Dreaming allows us to find the necessary motivation to move forward with our goals.

25. Hope is the dream of the awakened soul.

Hope fuels our strength.

26. Love is a part of the soul itself, it is of the same nature as her, it is a divine spark; like her, he is incorruptible, indivisible, imperishable. (Victor Hugo)

We cannot live without love.

27. Feelings are to the soul what food is to the body. (Rudolf Steiner)

That is why always cultivate good feelings and reduce bad ones.

28. Every book you see has a soul. The soul of those who wrote it and the soul of those who read it and lived and dreamed of it. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

All books contain a piece of history about their author.

29. There may be a great fire in our soul, however, no one ever comes to warm up, and passersby only see a cloud of smoke. (Vincent van Gogh)

What you let see of yourself is what others perceive.

30. The soul is what we live, feel and think for. (Aristotle)

It is our very essence, what makes us us.

31. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your thoughts.

Well the saying goes 'attract what you think'.

32. Sometimes it is good to stop, to see if what you want from your life agrees with what you do in it.

It is always good to take a moment to reevaluate our path.

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33. If you make peace with your soul, your heart will make the same pact with your body.

When we resolve the complaints within us, we can have better physical health.

34. The most powerful weapon on earth is a fired human soul. (Ferdinand Foch)

When we are motivated, we can do great things.

35. Look for what your soul understands.

Find something that you are passionate about and dedicate yourself to it.

36. When you look into the eyes of another person, whoever it is, and see your own reflected soul, you will realize that you have reached another level of consciousness. (Brian Weiss)

A special kind of connection.

37. Happiness does not reside in possessions or in gold, happiness resides in the soul. (Democritus)

We will never be happy if we are uneasy with ourselves.

38. The opposite of being morally stupid is having a conscience. (Fernando Savater)

Consciousness expands when we have an open mind and listen to others.

39. The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond and must be polished, or its brilliance never appears. (Daniel Defoe)

Even the soul must be worked to improve.

40. The richest area of ​​our souls, of course the most extensive, is the one that is usually forbidden to knowledge by our own love. (Antonio Machado)

The only way to be great is to have love, respect and admiration for ourselves.

41. The encounter between two people is like the contact between two chemical substances: if a reaction occurs, both are transformed. (Carl Gustav Jung)

Talking about the meeting of two souls.

42. It rains on the heart, it rains on the soul. (Mario Benedetti)

When we are sad, a weight is felt inside.

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43. The greatest wealth is the wealth of the soul. (Muhammad)

Well, it is what allows us to be better without ceasing to be humble.

44. Knowledge is the food of the soul. (Plato)

You never have too much knowledge, we can always learn new things.

45. The ocean separates the lands, not the souls. (Munia Khan)

Distance doesn't hurt a true relationship.

46. Dream interpretation is the royal road to knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind. (Sigmund Freud)

Our dreams tell us about the problems we have and do not want to face.

47. With the power of the soul, anything is possible. (Jimi Hendrix)

To do something great, it is necessary to be at peace with yourself.

48. Perhaps all men have a single soul, of which we are all a part, all faces are the same man, a single being. (Jim Caviezel)

An interesting posture of a collective soul.

49. Fidelity is the effort of a noble soul to match another greater than itself. (Goethe)

Faithfulness is both a decision and a commitment.

50. Beauty awakens the soul to act.

Beauty is everything that manages to captivate us.

51. A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, understanding; a pure woman, the soul. (Minna Antrim)

Beauty is impressive, but it is the personality that hooks you.

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52. No one can degrade the soul that is within me. (Frederick Douglass)

only you know your worth, nobody can tell you what you are or not.

53. When you must make a decision, look at your heart and soul first, not your head. (Jeffrey R. Anderson)

Things must be thought out with the mind and the heart.

54. The good moments of your life, you will be remembered as great joys; the bad guys will give you the best teachings.

All the things we experience are lessons for our growth.

55. We all have demons in the dark corners of the soul, but if we bring them out, the demons shrink, weaken, become silent, and finally leave us alone. (Isabel Allende)

An invitation not to leave those things that bother us locked up.

56. Where the soul smiles... there is the right place.

Remember that who you must make happy first is yourself.

57. Loneliness is the great carver of the spirit. (Federico García Lorca)

It is better to see solitude as a meeting place than as a bleak place.

58. Take time to do what makes your soul happy.

Never underestimate the power of hobbies.

59. What happens with the soul is that it cannot be seen, what happens with the mind is that it cannot be seen, what happens with the spirit is that it cannot be seen. Where does this conspiracy of invisibilities come from? (Alejandra Pizarnik)

Not all important things are tangible.

60. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.

If you cannot destroy what ails you, then seek the help you need to do so.

61. To love is to accept a soul completely, not to wish the other person to be different, not to expect them to change, not to cling to an ideal from the past. (Richelle E. Goodrich)

You cannot truly love a person if you only have a negative opinion of them.

62 The soul is the neurotransmitter of the heart.

It is where we can place our emotions.

63. Just as there are things that happen for a reason, there are others that for something... do not happen.

Sometimes the fact that something does not happen as we want is the best thing that can happen to us.

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64. The human soul is divided into three parts: in mind, in wisdom and in anger. (Pythagoras of Samos)

The composition of the soul according to the ancient Greek philosopher.

65. Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul. Beauty arises when the soul is satisfied. (Amit Ray)

Perhaps that is where the saying of 'if you are well on the inside, you can see it on the outside' comes from.

66. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone looks down its pages, their spirit grows and becomes strong. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

The growth of the soul of books.

67. Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul. (Wayne Dyer)

An interesting way of perceiving ourselves.

68. Whatever their parentage, beauty, in its supreme development, inevitably induces sensitive souls to tears. (Edgar Allan Poe)

Beauty can cause us different sensations.

69. Laughter is the language of the soul.

It is an expression of internal health.

70. If you spend your life afraid to show your soul then life is not worth living. (Shannon L. Alder)

Do not be afraid to show yourself as you are, you will always find people who accept and love you.

71. The path of the map that the soul travels is managed by the heart.

there are things that are carried away by the heart.

72. If I lie to myself, I don't respect myself. If I don't respect myself, I am not me. If I don't respect myself, they won't respect me.

In order to win the love of others, we must first love ourselves.

73. The disorderly soul bears the penalty in its guilt. (San Agustin)

An uneasy soul is one that has unfinished business.

74. The body grows slowly and steadily, but the soul grows by leaps and bounds. You can reach your full height in one hour. (L.M. Montgomery)

About the way our soul grows.

75. The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size. (Albert Einstein)

The more knowledge we acquire, the bigger we are.

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76. The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel, its poverty by how little. (Sherrilyn Kenyon)

Emotional poverty is when we refuse to give our feelings the place they deserve.

77. Faith is the antiseptic of the soul. (Walt Whitman)

Faith is a balm for many believers.

78. Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.

The way our soul expands.

79. The soul rests when it sheds its tears and pain is satisfied with its crying. (Ovid)

Suffering helps us release heavy loads.

80. The culture of a nation resides in the hearts and souls of its people. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Culture is within each one of us.

81. You meet hundreds of people and none leaves a mark on you and suddenly you meet a person and it changes your life forever.

It's not about how many people you meet, but which ones make you feel special.

82. The soul resists acute pain much better than prolonged sadness. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

That is why we must eliminate our grievances at their roots.

83. Beauty is the illumination of your soul. (John O'Donohue)

Your beauty depends a lot on how you feel inside.

84. Understand me. I am not like the ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I don't have time for things that have no soul. (Charles Bukowski)

About misunderstood souls.

85. Simplicity is good for the soul.

Simplicity allows us to see things fairly.

86. There are two looks: The look of the body can sometimes forget, but that of the soul always remembers. (Alexander Dumas)

First impressions fade over time, but those that leave their mark remain.

87. Intuition is the whisper of the soul.

So it doesn't hurt to listen to it from time to time.

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88. The soul is a glass that only fills with eternity. (Loved nerve)

The soul has no time.

89. Write it in your heart: you are the most beautiful soul in the Universe. Realize it. Honor it and celebrate life. (Amit Ray)

A very important message to remember.

90. Pearls are very beautiful, but they are the fruit of pain. Every pearl is the result of an oyster that has been wounded by a grain of sand that has entered its interior. An oyster that has not been injured cannot produce pearls ...

Each of us is like a pearl.

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