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15 writers of Brazilian romanticism and their main works

O Romantismo was a cultural, artistic, literary and philosophical movement that began in Europe, during or at the end of the 18th century. At a time, full of political and social transformations, it traced a spirit of opposition and evident opposition.

Isso reflected in various areas of common life, thus altering ways of raising and also facing the world. Contrary to the rationalism that prevails até ali, or focus becomes non-individual in its emotions, many times idealized or exaggerated.

Not our country, the current chegou em meio a luta pela abolition of the escravidão and the process of independence from Brazil, echoing the changes that are in progress.

1. Gonçalves de Magalhães

Portrait of Gonçalves de Magalhães painted hair Visconde de Araguaya

Considered or precursor of romanticism in Brazil, Gonçalves de Magalhães (1811 - 1882) was a doctor, diplomat and writer from Rio de Janeiro. The author known or moved during the period in which he lived in Europe, tracing his influences for our territory.

Em 1836, he lançou o livro Poetic sighs and saudades That, however, has not been appreciated critical hairs, it became the initial framework of Brazilian romantic literature.

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His verses denotevam a feeling of nationalism That vigorava at the time and that it was extended to Independência, proclaimed in 1822.

Like other times of his, Gonçalves de Magalhães wrote about the indigenous figure. Embora was a fictional olhar, distant from reality, looking for autonomous and typically Brazilian identity elements.

2. Álvares de Azevedo

Álvares de Azevedo (1831 - 1852) was a young writer from São Paulo who headed to second geração Brazilian modernism, also known as "ultraromantic".

This later phase, or movement, is characterized by extreme subjectivity. Além of a deep sentimentality, the texts davam voice to gloomy emotions as a solidão, or sofrimento and or desire to escape from reality.

There was, also, a great pessimism and obsession with the theme of death that, not the case of the author, I ended up coinciding with his biography of him. Facing various health problems, including tuberculosis, he died of only 20 years.

To his most well-known work of him, entitled Lira dos Vinte Anos, It was published posthumously, in 1853, and became a great influence on genre poetry.

Rest me alone
Na floresta dos homens esquecida,
À sombra de uma cruz, e escrevam nela:
Foi poet - sonhou - e amou na vida.

(Excerpt from the poem Lembranças de morrer)

Confira também nossa analyze two melhores poems by Álvares de Azevedo.

3. Casimiro de Abreu

Desenho by Casimiro de Abreu em preto e branco

Also a member of the second generation of the movement, Casimiro de Abreu (1839 - 1860) was a poet, romancist and playwright from Rio de Janeiro who died in Portugal during his youth.

Through it, he entered into contact with various contemporary authors and wrote a large part of his works. His verses are crossed by pela exaltation of your country, the saudades da Pátria and two relatives that he left behind.

Among his works, the poetic coletânea stands out Springs, released já depois gives his death of him, that was a huge success that came to criticism. As a time, it became a reference between the Brazilian and Portuguese public.

4. Jose de Alencar

A writer from Ceará who impacted the history of our literature, José de Alencar (1829 - 1877) was also a defender of the escravidão, tendo to take a stand against the abolitionist struggle.

Seu nome of him is apontado enquanto promoter of national romance, with narratives that were intended to focus on the Brazilian reality. Among his books he stood out Or Guarani (1857) e Iracema (1865), also understood as indigenous works.

It is important to emphasize that these romances, that they focus on the Brazilian indigenous population, no or faziam in an objective or realistic way. Contrary hair, havia uma idealization desses povos, not a true knowledge of your experiences.

Rumor suspeito breaks at twelve harmonia da sesta. Erguem os olhos, that the sun does not dazzle; His sight of her was disturbed. Diante del, and everything to contemplate her, is a foreign warrior, he is a warrior in no other spirit of the forest.

(Excerpt from Iracema romance)

Conheça nossas analyzes two books Iracema and Senhora do author.

5. Gonçalves Days

Black and white portrait of Gonçalves Dias

Also part gives indianista tradition, ou seja, focused on an indigenous figure, Gonçalves Dias (1823 - 1864) was an important figure of movement.

Journalist and advocate, or Maranhense concluded his studies in Europe, he started his literary career during that period. The lyrical compositions reflect the saudades that Brazil felt, comparing his condition to that of an exile.

His most famous verses, which are not famous Poema do Exílio, descrevem to beleza das paisagens nacionais, listing the unique and inesquecive elements of its fauna and flora.

Check out our analyzes of Poema do Exílio and I-Juca Pirama.

6. Castro Alves

Portrait of Castro Alves by Alberto Henschel
Photography by Alberto Henschel.

Integrating to third geração romântica, Castro Alves (1847 - 1871) was a Baiano poet who continues to be planted by social concerns that he prints his literature.

Considered one of the two greatest writers of the seu tempo, he wrote numerous verses on this violence and injustices that fell on the scrawled people.

In 1870, she published Or Navio Negreiro, a poem divided into six parts that narrates a terrific journey to the road of Brazil and continues to be appointed as two most important songs from our lyrics. Years later, a composition was included with a book of poetry entitled You Escravos.

To discover more about or author, contact us analysis of the poem Navio Negreiro.

7. Maria Firmina dos Reis

Nascida no Maranhão, Maria Firmina dos Reis (1822 - 1917) foi a first Afro-descendant romance from our country. His mother, Leonor Felipa, was a woman who was scrawled and her pai was a merchant from the region.

Contemporânea do Romantismo, she was a forerunner of the abolitionist struggle, writing on the subject even before Castro Alves.

His most famous work, Ursula (1859), traces an important innovation: for the first time, in our literature, we have a black woman reflected on blackness in Brazil.

Ou seja, além de serem the object of two speeches of the time, Maria Firmina dos Reis places black citizens as subjects, speech producers about his own experiences.

Bring me to myself and to more than thirty companions of misfortune and cativeiro not recently and infected by a ship. Thirty days of cross torments, and of absolute lack of everything that is more necessary to life, we spent our burial even as we approached the Brazilian praias.
(Ursula romance stretch)

8. Junqueira Freire

Junqueira Freire (1832 - 1855), a Baiano author who belongs to a certain generation of Romanticism, stands out in the field of poetry. His verses echo religious, social and philosophical themes, also reflecting on these complexities of love sentiment.

At the age of 19, out of family desire, he entered the Ordem dos Monges Beneditinos, mesmo sem ter vocação. During this period, he began to write about the anguish he felt.

Um dos maiores nomes do ultraromantismo nacional, Junqueira Freire manifesva sua sadness and revolt The destiny to which he was condemned, rejoicing or celibacy and isolation of monastic life.

His most remarkable work, Inspirações do cloister (1866), brings together compositions raised from nessa time. Later, or poet got authorization to leave or show, but I ended up dying few depois, due to a heart disease.

I love you forever: - I belong to you
Forever too, my friend.
Quero o chão, quero a terra - that element;
Do not sit two rounds of the draw.
(Excerpt from the Morte poem)

9. Fagundes Varela

Desenho de Fagundes Varela in black and white

Carioca writer and boêmio, Fagundes Varela (1841 - 1875) also belongs to the ultra-romantic geração. His compositions of him focus on all of them descriptions ofnature, assuming a bucolic tom.

Also like many two serious contemporaries, or a scurvy poet about his most negative emotions: to melancholy, or pessimism, or desire to escape from reality, to obsessão com a morte. Contudo, his lyrics show social and political themes, also approaching the next generation.

By isso, many studious or consideram um transitional poet, which assimilates the various phases of Romanticism. Songs and Fantasies (1865) he is more aware of him, which includes a moving poem about the filho que faleceu, entitled "Cântico do Calvário".

10. Joaquim Manuel de Macedo

Writer, doctor and politician from Rio de Janeiro, Joaquim Manuel de Macedo (1820 - 1882) stood out in the Brazilian scene as a romancist, poet and playwright.

Its written by him, many times it is appointed as a sentimentalist, won popular attention, becoming one of two major literary events of the time. O major example is To Moreninha (1844), considered um initial frame of Brazilian romance, portraying contemporary society.

A work is seal, sobretudo, we costumes da bourgeoisie, narrating or idealized love between a medical student and a garota who has barely 14 years.

On the streets of the garden, the rolinhas mariscavam: more, ao will feel passos, voaram e pousando não muito longe, em um bush, começaram a beijar-se com tenderness: and this dinner was spent years olhos de Augusto e Carolina...
The same thought, perhaps, will shine in both those souls, because the olhares da menina e do moço will meet The same time as the olhos da virgem modestly she lowered herself and in her faces of her she rose a fire, which was pejo.

(Stretch of romance A Moreninha)

Confira também nossa analysis do livro A Moreninha.

11. Machado de Assis

Black and white portrait of Machado de Assis

Machado de Assis (1839 - 1908) was an author who saw our literature revolutionize, transporting Realism to the national context. This innovative character in the universal themes of his works has become a timeless writer who continues to conquer readers.

Contudo, before it gives its realistic phase, to written Machadiana teve uma great romantic influence, manifesting various characteristics associated with a third party movement.

Isto é visível, for example, we serious first romances,Ressurreição (1872) e A Mão e a Luva (1874), assim as na coletânea de contos Histories of Meia-noite (1873).

12. Manuel Antônio de Almeida

Educator and doctor from Rio de Janeiro, Manuel Antônio de Almeida (1830 - 1861) was a romantic author of the first generation who published only one work during his life. However, he also devoted himself to journalism, assassinating chronicles, articles and critics.

Novel Memories of a Militia Sergeant It was originally released in chapters, between 1852 and 1853, not on a daily basis. Correio Mercantil. Contrary to the trends of the time, the plot was debruced on as classes lower than the population, trying to portray malandragem carioca.

Using one take at a time is humorous and functioning as a chronicle of costumes, which portrayed urban society It gives time, or free, also expresses characteristics of realistic movement that it would have years later.

Até então indifferent to or who passed around herself, she seemed to participate in life, all the way; He spent hours inteiras to contemplate or ceu, as it was now repaired that it was blue and beautiful, that it was either sun or illuminated by day, that it was embroidered with stars à noite.
(Excerpt from the novel Memories of a Sergeant of Militias)

Conheça also livro analysis Memórias de um Sergeant de Milícias.

13. Narcisa Amália

Um not many times it is skewed when we talk about authors from this period, Narcisa Amália (1852 - 1924) was the first woman to become professional as a day laborer in our country. Also, she was a translator and assisted in a number of opinion pieces that reveal a lot strong social awareness.

Among other topics, his texts refletiam about two direitos das women e das pessoas escravizadas, also assuming a republican stance.

Another aspect that runs through his work is procure a national identity, looking for a European imagery and looking for something that was typically Brazilian. Its only published book, Nebulae (1872) reflects these concerns, dealing with the nature and feelings.

Or horror gives life, dazzled, esqueço!
What is inside vouchers, ceus, heights,
That or olhar do mundo não macula, a terna
Lua, flowers, dear creatures,
E soa in every moita, in every cave,
A sinfonia da paixão eternal ...
- E eis-me de novo forte for a luta.
(Excerpt from the poem Why am I forte)

14. Bernardo Guimarães

Desenho by Bernardo Guimarães in preto e branco

Journalist, magistrate and writer from Minas Gerais, Bernardo Guimarães (1825 - 1884) foi um notório defender of the abolitionist movement. Embora he has written poetry, many considered obscene for his own time, or an author distinguished himself above all in a romance.

Some of his works manifest an Indianist tendency em voga naquele tempo, as A Voz do Pajé (1860), O Ermitão do Muquém (1864) e Or Índio Afonso (1872). Contudo, seu maior successso foi, indubitavelmente, or romance To Escrava Isaura (1875).

Or entanglement follows the misadventures of a young man scrawled, portraying the violence and abuse to which it was submissive. A great succession among contemporary readers, or free it helped to sensitize Brazilian society to the brutality of these attacks, gaining numerous subsequent adaptations.

Trust me too Complete summary of the book A Escrava Isaura.

15. Franklin Távora

Franklin Távora (1842 - 1888) was an advocate, politician and writer from Ceará, appointed as precursor of northeastern regionalism. Embora he could be considered a romantic author, his works of him have shown some realistic characteristics.

Or Cabeleira (1876), his most famous romance, and starred in figure of um cangaceiro, influenced by violent and subversive behaviors do seu pai.

In the work, we can attend a detailed portrait of life in the Northeast, with many popular references and the use of a simple language typical of the region.

Cabeleira could be twenty-two years old. A nature or havia endowed with vigorous forms. His front of him was strait, the olhos pretos e languidos; or a little developed nose, thin lips like a boy's. It should be noted that the physiognomy of this young man, long in the practice of crime, tinha an expression of insinuating and jovial candor.

(Part of the Cabeleira romance)

Take the opportunity to see also:

  • The main works of romanticism in Brazil and in the world
  • Greatest love poems of Brazilian literature
  • Brazilian poets fundamentals (of various periods)
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