What is an ANNEX

When you do a research work it is usual, although not mandatory, add an attachment on the last pages. This annex serves to expand certain information which has already been discussed previously during the work and takes on importance as one more chapter within the writing, although it does not count in the final number of pages.
In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to teach you what is an annex and give you some examples so you know how to identify it when you find it or use it when you need it.
The annexes we can usually find them in higher studies or research work. The works in these spheres normally have a very strict maximum number of pages, which cannot be exceeded and there are times when the information is so much that it does not fit in the work pages.
The annex is located in the final part of the work, after the bibliography and serves to expand the some information of the work that you have not been able to develop correctly due to lack of space. It is not an essential part of a job, therefore you can always decide if you think it's necessary or not add any annex.
It is important that the full weight of the work is in the body pages, since the annex simply serves to expand certain information or add curious facts about something that has been explained previously. Without looking at the annex, the reader should be able to understand the entire teaching of the work.
This does not mean either that the information added in the annex is not valuable, but that is very relevant for research and the subject in general, but it is not essential to develop the text work. In the same work there may be more than one annex: each of them is the development of a particular thematic unit.
It is one of the fundamental parts of a job, just like the conclusions. Therefore, it is important to know what an annex is to be able to include it in any academic work you have to do.

Image: Lifeder
The annexes can be written texts that develop an idea that is not essential for understanding the work, but it will be very useful for the reader. In addition to texts, there are other types of annexes that are used to expand the information at the end of a work. These are the examples of annexes taking into account the different types that exist.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes to describe the content of an image we would have to write entire pages and even then the reader would not fully understand it. There are jobs that need images in an essential way. For example: If we talk about a medical work, attaching the image of an X-ray or an ultrasound can help the reader a lot to understand the situation about which the text talks.
An annex that contain maps It can be very useful to facilitate the location of the points that are explained in the work in a visual way. It is widely used in jobs historical or geographical, but they can also be used for literature works. For example, if we were to do a job on Harry Potter, we could add a map with the main places where the story happens.
Diagrams are another example of annexes. They are those schemes that can be used to link some ideas with others. Many times the writing of several different ideas can make the reader lose himself in the relationship between some topics and others. With a diagram you can see all the information in an orderly way with the naked eye.
For example, if you are doing a work on genetics, perhaps you can help yourself with a diagram to show the genealogical tree of that family.
There are different types of graphs and they all serve to understand the proportions of quantities between one product and another. Attaching graphs can be very useful when we are doing market research or sociology. For example, if you are doing a policy work To determine which parties have received the most votes in the last decade, you could use a graph in the annex.
Infographics are also one of the clearest examples of annexes. They are a format in which information is transmitted in a very clear way to everyone. It consists of a mix between text and images so that people get the information through two different channels and be recorded in their minds.
Infographics are not used so much to expand information, but rather to capture attention. For example: if you are doing a work on food You can add an infographic with bright colors where healthy and unhealthy foods are clearly seen.
A glossary we could say that works like the private dictionary of your work. It is a list of technical words that have been used in the development of the research, with their definition and corresponding examples. The words are arranged in alphabetical order and will only include those that have not been previously defined in the body of the work.
For example: if you are doing a computer work There are sure to be a lot of technical words that you will need to define to readers as software, hardware or cache.
Now you know what an annex is and you have seen some examples. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to consult our writing section.