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Most important characters of the Independence of COLOMBIA

Characters of the Independence of Colombia

All revolutions and independences history have had protagonists, being all those characters who in one way or another participated in the process and without whom everything would have been very different. To meet these key people in the creation and formation of a country, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the characters of the Independence of Colombia most prominent.

The Independence of Colombia is how a historical process that took place between the years 1810 and 1819 is known, in which Colombia was able to become independent from the Spanish Empire. The process was not only of the Colombian region, since the idea was the independence of the nations known as Viceroyalty of New Granada and bringing the independence of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama.

The Colombian process of independence was within the so-called Spanish American wars of independence, thus calling the independence conflicts that arose in the Spanish colonies on American soil caused by numerous events that occurred at the beginning of the 19th century.

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Two very different sides faced each other in the war: on the one hand there were the so-called patriots, being those Colombian citizens who defended the independence of the nation; and on the other side were the realistic, who were the ones who defended the interests of the Spanish crown on American soil.

In the so-called patriot side we can find soldiers and politicians whose ideals were linked to the ideas of the independence of Colombia, fighting for it for freedom and against the defenders of staying as a colony Spanish. The characters of the Independence of Colombia of this side are the following.

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar He was a politician and military man of Venezuelan origin, although with ideas similar to those of Colombia, he is regarded as the liberator from many of the Latin American countries, one of them being Colombia. His thoughts against the Spanish Empire were key for the colonial population to firmly believe that they could get rid of the Spanish government.

Francisco de Paula Santander

Considered one of the main causes of independence, this Colombian military and politician was key in some of the main battles of the war. After the formation of Colombia as a nation, he was vice president for 8 years and president for 5 years, being the cause of the first public education system in the nation.

Antonio nariño

Colombian politician responsible for bring the French revolutionary ideas to American soil, since he was one of those in charge of translating the texts that came from France. He is known for his continuous sacrifices for the good of Colombia, being imprisoned on several occasions for his ideas about independence.

Camilo Torres Tenorio

Known for being one of the main cause of the federalist movement and the text of him known as Grievance Memorial, in which he criticized the main Spanish rulers and asked that the Creoles could have the same opportunities to come to power as the rest. He was elected president of the new region and nicknamed the Verb of Independence.

José Acevedo and Gómez

Colombian politician known as the People's Tribune for his important role in the independence of the new region. It is said that his harangues were capable of uniting anyone to the independence movement, which is why he was asked to write the Act of Independence of Colombia.

To continue this lesson about the characters of the Independence of Colombia, we must talk about the main characters in the so-called royalist side, being the faithful to the crown and, therefore, those who considered that independence was not worth the pain.

Juan de Sánamo

Spanish military and hero of the War of Independence against the French, which is considered the last of the viceroys of the Viceroyalty of New Granada before the independence of the regions that formed. He was the most important military of the royalists, since he was a staunch defender of the king.

Pablo Morillo

Known as the Peacemaker, this Spanish military man is one of the most controversial figures of all the wars of independence of the Spanish colonies on American soil. Although he achieved many victories against the Colombians he was accommodating to them and gave them several truces and peace accords, his facts being considered one of the reasons why the Colombians were able to finish winning.

Jose Barreiro

Considered as a man of confidence of Pablo Morillo in the war against the Colombian patriots. Although he played a key role in Morillo's campaigns, he could not continue alone, being defeated by a 12-year-old soldier, and being executed shortly after by the patriots.

Agustin Agualongo

Spanish military of mestizo origin, being the representation of the mestizos who still supported the Spanish monarchy with the mistreatment of them. He was one of the main royal soldiers, managing to stop Colombian advances for 13 years, and faced Bolívar on numerous occasions.

Characters of the Independence of Colombia - Characters of the realistic side
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