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What are the Anglo-Saxon countries?

What are the Anglo-Saxon countries

At the moment, the language that dominates the world is english, since it is spoken by many of the most important countries in the world. Although practically all the countries of the world have a majority of the population that speak this language, there are others in which it is the official language, being the nations known as Anglo-Saxon, which were born from the colonies of the United Kingdom in other continents.

In order to get to know all these nations and understand the importance of the English influence in the world, in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to talk about what are the Anglo-Saxon countries.

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  1. What are the Anglo-Saxon countries?
  2. What are the Anglo-Saxon countries of America
  3. Anglo-Saxon countries of Europe
  4. Anglo-Saxon Caribbean countries
  5. Other Anglo-Saxon countries in the world

What are the Anglo-Saxon countries?

Before talking about which are the Anglo-Saxon countries, we must explain what we mean by Anglo-Saxon countries, to understand the importance of these countries and their influence in the world in general.

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The Anglo-Saxon peoples are those that emerged from the achievements made for the germanic peoplessouth of Britannia. And that, later, joined the saxon peoples to conform the population known as Anglo-Saxon.

Over the years, these peoples evolved to form important nations such as England, Scotland or Ireland.

Years later, United Kingdom was conquering regions throughout the world, achieving great influence on other continents and forming colonies with significant Anglo-Saxon influence. After independence, they maintained this influence by making them Anglo-Saxon countries.

What are the Anglo-Saxon countries - What are the Anglo-Saxon countries?

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What are the Anglo-Saxon countries of America.

One of the continents that has Anglo-Saxon countries is America. And it is that was taken by the English during the American colonization, forming colonies that, over the years, took many of the skills and characteristics of the Anglo-Saxons.

Although they are few, it is interesting to know these two nations, in order to understand how two powerful countries have Anglo-Saxon influence.

United States

English colony for years, The United States is the most powerful Anglo-Saxon country, being the most powerful economy in the world. Due to its British past, the Americans are one of the Anglo-Saxon countries, having some of its main characteristics such as speaking English or the enormous influence of the Protestant religion.


One of the Anglo-Saxon countries only in part, since an area of ​​the country, specifically the one that belongs to Quebec is clearly French influenced instead of Anglo-Saxon. For much of its history, the Canadians were a French colony and, although with the centuries the English took over the area, only a part of the country was influenced by the Anglo-Saxons.

What are the Anglo-Saxon countries - What are the Anglo-Saxon countries of America

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Anglo-Saxon countries of Europe.

The center of Anglo-Saxon culture can be found in Europe, being where the first countries influenced by this culture live. Therefore, here we can see the birth of most of the characteristics of this group of people.

Therefore, the Anglo-Saxon countries of Europe are the following:

  • England: Where the Anglo-Saxon culture as such was born, since it is from its formation after the battle between Germans and Saxons. It is the country where culture predominates, and from where the rest was influenced.
  • Scotland: A nation where the Saxons had a lot of influence, this concept being always more predominant than that of the rest of the Anglo-Saxons. For years, it has had conflicts against England to become independent, but even with that it remains a nation with enormous Anglo-Saxon influence.
  • Welsh: Historically, Wales has always been a gateway to conquest, and it was such a case that brought the Anglo-Saxons to the area, since it was the Roman abandonment of the Welsh area that allowed the Anglo-Saxons to enter in the zone. Therefore, it is a country with great influence of this culture.
  • North Ireland: Considered the Irish nation with the greatest influence of the English, they have always had a culture much closer to the Anglo-Saxon than their neighbors, the Irish.
  • Ireland: The most different Anglo-Saxon European country, with enormous influence from the celtic cultures and catholics. Even so, it has a great Anglo-Saxon influence for all the years in which it was part of the United Kingdom.

Anglo-Saxon Caribbean countries.

Caribbean It is one of the areas where the Anglo-Saxon culture has the greatest influence, since during the European conquest of the Caribbean area, the English and Spanish occupied the most area.

Over the years, the Anglo-Saxon influence on these islands grew to occupy much of the area. Therefore, the Anglo-Saxon Caribbean countries are the following:

  • Old and bearded
  • Bahamas
  • Dominica
  • Guyanese
  • grenade
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Jamaica
  • St. Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Bermuda
  • Eel
  • Cayman Islands
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • British and Virgin Islands
  • United States Virgin Islands
What are the Anglo-Saxon countries - Anglo-Saxon Caribbean countries

Other Anglo-Saxon countries in the world.

To conclude this lesson on what are the Anglo-Saxon countries, we must talk about the countries of this class that are found in other parts of the world, specifically, in Oceania.

These countries were taken over by the English very late in the timeline and their separation from the rest of the nations made the influence of the Anglo-Saxons greater.


The largest country in Oceania was for many years a collection of English colonies. This produced an enormous influence of British culture and more so when they gradually ended the influence of the aborigines of the country itself. Today, it is one of the most important nations in the Anglo-Saxon sphere and little remains of its aboriginal culture.

New Zealand

Considered one of the last countries to be inhabited, it was occupied by English troops during the expansion of their empire. Since then, New Zealand has been changing through Anglo-Saxon influence, although it maintains more of its own elements than other countries in the area.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are the Anglo-Saxon countries, we recommend that you enter our category of Geography.


  • Ferguson, N. (2011). The British Empire: How Britain Forged the World Order. Debate.
  • Rickard, J. (2017). Australia: A cultural history. Monash University Publishing.
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