Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Xalapa-Enríquez

Rosa Lilia Castillo López She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana and also has a Diploma specialized in the use of Cognitive Therapy, issued by the Center for Psychotherapy Cognitive from Mexico.

This mental health professional is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as lack of control over impulses, anxiety disorders or suicidal ideations.

ENDI Live is a psychological center in which they specialize in the practice of psychotherapy in a totally telematics, whether it be through the well-known video calls, through the use of a chat or even by telephone.

This group of experts can be of great help if, for example, we find ourselves going through a cocaine addiction, a conflict within our family nucleus or due to a stage with a very low self esteem.

In Emotional Astronaut we will have the opportunity to find a large multidisciplinary team of expert psychologists, which is worth mentioning that are specially trained to perform therapy without any inconvenience both in adults and in teenagers.

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We can visit this place if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a very serious depression, a problem related to sleep or very high levels of work stress.

Violet Levy She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana and has a Master's degree specialized in the use of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, granted by the ITREM study center located in Mexico.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly stands out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as mismanagement of the emotion of anger, depression or anxiety disorders.

At the specialized psychology clinic Zaragoza Consultants people of all ages can receive therapy without any problem, from children under 8 years old to people who are in an advanced stage of the third age and in addition, it is also important to mention that if we need it we can go to this place in the company of our entire family nucleus at full.

These specialists can help us if, for example, we have recently experienced a situation of sexual abuse, we are suffering from very high levels of work stress or if we have fallen into a very serious depression.

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez Tellez She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla and has a specialized Diploma in the treatment of Developmental Disorders, which was also taught by this same institution university.

Her remarkable academic training allows this professional to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as attention deficit (ADHD), bipolar disorder or complicated situations of codependency.

The Veracruz Center of Specialties in Psychology is a center located in the heart of the city of Xalapa, made up of a large staff of qualified psychologists experts in the use of some very interesting methodologies such as Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

Together with this group of professionals we will be able to deal with some difficulties in a very effective way psychological disorders such as difficult stages of grief, anxiety disorders or depression during adolescence.

The mental health professional Antonia González Hernández She graduated in Psychology through a Veracruzana University and later made the decision to complement their studies by specializing via Master in the specific field of Health Psychology.

Over the years, this specialist has been able to treat difficulties such as anorexia nervosa, recurrent panic attacks or suicidal ideations on more than one occasion.

Yadira lajud She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Instituto Veracruzano de Educación Superior and has a Diploma specialized in the application of Thanatology, issued by the Universidad Anáhuac de Xalapa.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to deal with some difficulties on more than one occasion personal situations such as recurrent panic attacks, eating disorders, or complicated codependency.

Clinical Psychologists Health and Wellbeing is a clinic specialized in the practice of psychotherapy, which is formed by a group of mental health professionals specialized in the use of a wide variety of methodologies therapeutic.

In this place they can help us greatly if, for example, we find ourselves going through a very serious depression, an anxiety-related disorder or an unexpected crisis within our relationship of partner.

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