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CHARACTERS of Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan: main and secondary characters

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Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan: Main and Minor Characters

Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan is a novel written by Carmen Martín Gaite in 1900 and that tells the story of Sara Allen, a 10-year-old girl who goes in search of her freedom. The plot is closely linked to the well-known tale of the Red Riding Hood, but this version is much more up-to-date and covers the issues in more depth.

The protagonist is the girl, but her story would not make sense without the other characters in the play who are what make her evolve. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to introduce you main and minor characters from the book Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan.

In the book Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan there is a character that stands out a lot over the others, this is Sara Allen, the protagonist of the story and the common thread between the other characters. However, there are a couple of other characters that do not have as much weight as Sara, but they give a very important turn to the story and that is the one that leads the reader to the end.

These are the three main characters from Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan.

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Sara allen

Sara allen she is a ten-year-old girl who works as the clearest parallel to the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. She learned to read from a very young age and has always been smarter than other kids of the around her. She lives in a small house in Brooklyn with her parents and every Saturday she puts on her red hood and takes her basket to bring him, along with her mother, a Strawberry cake to her grandmother.

Sara is a girl who she feels free, but enclosed in structures that do not fit with it. Her life is not enough for her and that is why she is always looking for new experiences and new Adventures, to get to feel freedom one day. These constant thoughts of freedom are what make her imagine and even invent new words that only make sense to her.

Miss lunatic

This character is the only one who does not have a clear reference in the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Is a old beggar woman who is wandering the streets of Manhattan dragging a cart full of her belongings. Despite having nothing, she is a reference for the other inhabitants of the city who see her as a example of freedom: a woman who makes her life and lets others do it.

Miss Lunatic is the character that will teach Sara Allen the road to freedom (in this case he is entering through a secret passage in the Statue of Liberty). In a short time she is able to connect with the girl and somehow pass on all of her knowledge about real freedom.

Edgar wolf

Edgar wolf is the direct parallelism of wolf in the story of Little Red Riding Hood and both are characters who do not know how to live without hurting others. In this case Edgar is a great businessman who runs the pastry shop from El Lobo Dulce and which is famous throughout the city for making the best cakes, except for the strawberry cake, which is not very successful.

He is a man in his 50s who has a lot of money and that he is used to doing whatever it takes to get what she wants. That is why she will try to get Sara Allen's strawberry shortcake recipe. It is a character that she has it all and is unhappy, in contrast to Miss Lunatic. Sara has the possibility to learn from both of them, but she will ultimately stay with the woman as a reference.

Little Red Riding Hood: Main and Minor Characters - Main Characters of Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan

The secondary characters of Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan They are not those that move the threads of the story, but they are important to know the context and the circumstances in which it takes place. These are the secondary characters of the work.

Vivian allen

Vivian Allen is the sara's mother and he presents himself with a woman who has no goals in life, that her only concern is taking care of her family and cleaning her mother's house on Saturdays. Her main goal is to one day deliver the strawberry shortcake recipe to her daughter. Is a woman without ambitions, but she is also loaded with fears that society has imposed on her.

Samuel Allen

Is he Sara's father and she is a character quite absent in the play. He owns and works in a plumbing company with his friend Philip Taylor and his goal in life is to bring home enough money so that her family can live well.

Rebecca little

Rebecca little She is the grandmother of Sara Allen and a good ally for the girl. In her youth she had been a singer in the music hall and wore a bohemian and crazy life her that she now she wants to continue to maintain. She refuses to grow up and is the one who instills the most ideas of freedom in her granddaughter. For her it is very important that Sara be able to imagine and live the life that she has always dreamed of.

Taylor Family

Are parents' friends of Sara and they are the typical perfect family, which Sara hates.

Aurelio Roncali

Is he grandma's boyfriend Sara and the one who gave her books when she was little so she could learn to read.

These are the characters Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to consult the reading section.

Little Red Riding Hood: Main and Minor Characters - Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan Minor Characters

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