Emily Dickinson: 7 Poems Translated and Analyzed
Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886) was a North American writer who helped define modern poetry, occupying a prominent place in world literature.
Embora, she has barely published some compositions during her life, her lyrical production was vast and broke the rules in force at the time. A poet trouxe innovations that will influence many authors that will emerge later, maintaining popularity among readers through two seasons.
Her compositions of her address universal themes such as love, at the complexity of life and human relationships, also debating about the inevitability of death.
1. I do not know
Não sou Ninguém! Quem é você?
Ninguém - Também?
Are we a couple?
I do not count! Podem back!How sad - to be— Somebody!
What a public - to Fame -
Dizer seu nome - as a Rã -
For the souls da Lama!Translation by Augusto de Campos
Neste poem, or eu-lyrical, talks to an interlocutor, affirming his lack of social status. She declares, logo not first verse, that neither is nothing, nor is it, that years or two of these contemporaries, it does not seem to be important.
In order to understand the message that is being transmitted, it is necessary to know a little of the author's biography. In addition to her death or death, Emily Dickinson continued with few publications throughout her life.
In this way, she still lives as a renowned writer. On the contrary, she was faced as a strange figure, who lived in isolation, ravaged two social circles.
In "Não sou ninguém", he declares his preference or anonymity. Here, or poetic subject aponta or that makes of ridiculous nas celebrities, who ficam repeated or not own me, as rãs. With these words, he turns to "high wheel", having criticism of a society crossed by ego and vaidade.
2. Dying for you was little
Dying for you was little.
Qualquer grego or fizera.
Viver é more difficult -
This is my offer -Die is nothing, nem
More. Porém viver matters
Multiple death - sem
Or relief from being dead.Translation by Augusto de Campos
We are working on a composition that deals with two great themes of universal poetry: or love and death. Na first stanza, or little subject declares that dying for the person he loves would be easy too, something that has been repeated since ancient Greek times.
By isso, he affirms that his way of demonstrating or that sentence will be another: I live without being loved, something that would be "more difficult". Through this offer, he or she declares himself to someone, announcing that he will dedicate his existence to a paixão that he or she dominates.
This idea is explained in the following verse. Death could be synonymous with rest, life and presented as a succession of remedies and obstacles that you will face just to get out of town. E, isso sim, serious or true love.
According to some biographical accounts, Emily will have lived a romance with Susan Gilbert, her brother-in-law and childhood friend. O prohibited character of the union, many times in which the preconceptions were very much more rigid and castrators, you will be able to contribute to this negative view of love sentiment, always associated to anguish.
3. I will not live in vão
I will not live there, I can
Save from leaving-se um coração,
I know it can alleviate a life
Sofrida, ou abrandar uma dor,
Ou ajudar exangue passarinho
To go up de novo ao ninho -
I will not live em vão.Translation by Aíla de Oliveira Gomes
Our verses, of extreme beauty, or poetic subject declare his missão na terra, the one who accredits being or purpose gives his life. Assim, affirms that in its existence it would only make sense to achieve some other beauty.
Help other people, diminish their suas dores or even auxiliary, a pass that falls on children, two gestures that trace meaning to their life.
For the eu-lyrical, viver implies fazer or bem, in some ways, even though it indicates small amounts of kindness, which no one sees or knows. Otherwise, it will be just wasted time, "em vão".
4. Uma palavra morre
Uma palavra morre
When falada
Someone say.
I say that she is born
Nesse day.Translation of Idelma Ribeiro Faria
The poem is written about the communication itself, trying to contradict a common idea and sublimate the importance of words. Second verses, elas não morrem após will be uttered.
Contrary hair, or little subject defends to be that moment or moment when I am born. A fala ou a written surgem, assim, as um recomeço. Here, a word is something capable of transforming, of initiating a new reality.
If we want to go longer, we can affirm that it faces its own poetry of the same form: an impulse of life, creation and reinvention.
5. This, my letter to the world
This, my letter to the world,
That never creveu for me -
Simple novas than Natureza
She had a common nobility.Your message, I trust
To me that you will never see -
Because of dela - Minha people -
Julgai-me bem-wantTranslation by Aíla de Oliveira Gomes
The first verses transmit a single idea of isolation and solidão of the little subject, that it feels unsettled from the rest. Besides that he fails like the world, he affirms that he never receives his reply.
Through his poetry, he decides to write a letter for later. We can face the composition as a testament to the author, who will survive many times after her departure.
O eu-lyrical accredits that his words from him are the knowledge that he was conferred through contact as the natural world; for isso, he thus considers ternas and nobres.
With these verses, he intends to convey a messages to your future readers. Aware that he will not meet them, he also knows that he who escapes will be the recipient of opinions and opinions.
6. Or brain
O Cérebro - é mais amplo do que o Céu -
Pois - place them side by side -
Um or another will go conter
Easily - e a Vós - também -O Cérebro é mais fundado do que o mar -
Pois - considei-os - Blue and Blue -
Um or another will absorb -
Como as Esponjas - à Água - fazem -O Cérebro é barely o weight of Deus -
Pois - Pesai-os - Grama to Grama -
It is only going to differ - and such an event -
As to Sílaba do Som -Translation by Cecília Rego Pinheiro
A magistral composition by Emily Dickinson é um praise of human capabilities, with our potential for knowledge and imagination.
Through our minds, we can understand the vastness of two ceus and the depth of two oceans. The verses suggest the absence of limits for what the human brain can do.
In this way, insofar as you have breeders and transformers of reality, human beings seem to approach the divine.
7. I hide-me na minha flower
I hide-me na minha flower,
So that, murchando em teu Vaso,
you, inscient, procures me -
Quase a solidão.Translation by Jorge de Sena
We can see each other again, once again, a union between love and food. Raising a simple metaphor and quase childish, or eu-lyrical is compared to a flower that murcha, you lose as forças, no glass of beloved person.
By associating his emotions with elements of nature, he finds a way to express sadness that he is feeling hair, affluence and indifference. Unable to communicate directly to his partner, he waits for someone else to repair, maintain a passive attitude.
Fully deliver à paixão, awaits to be reciprocated, quase how he renounced himself.
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