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How did life begin on Earth?

How did life begin on Earth?

There are many theories about the origin of life on our planet, some more credible than others, but all of them arouse great interest and curiosity, both among experts in the field and among simple amateurs. It is undoubtedly one of the biggest questions that the most brilliant minds of our time they try to answer, although due to the immensity of the universe, it is not at all easy.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we will try to answer your question about how life began on earth so that you know the different explanations that are given to this incredible phenomenon.

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Meteorites and the creation of life.

However, a recent finding has again surprised the scientific community, since according to suggests research carried out by Arizona State University in the United States, meteorites could be a fundamental piece andn the beginning of life on Earth.

In the opinion of scientists there is evidence that a primitive meteorite emitted nitrogen, which is a fundamental element in all organisms, and it also did so in conditions very similar to the environment of the Earth in its beginnings.

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How this finding was achieved.

All this has been possible thanks to molecular analysis of the components found inside an Antarctic meteorite, where it was discovered a powder that was an important precursor for complex biological molecules such as amino acids and DNA.

Also, the presence of nitrogen atoms that was inside the meteorite's ammonia has helped to discover that none of these materials correspond to those discovered on Earth at the present time.

In this way, meteorites are positioned as one of the main and most important theories about the beginning of life on our planet, responsible for triggering the formation of the first molecules biological. A very important discovery which in turn could be essential to answer other questions still unanswered, about our future on Earth or the possibility of extraterrestrial life in others planets

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