Education, study and knowledge


The origin of species

The origin of species

Image: TaringaOne of the most important books for understanding the history of evolution was writ...

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How life arose according to DARWIN

How life arose according to DARWIN

We all have a very clear idea of ​​what he thought Charles Darwin on species evolution: his gener...

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How did life begin on Earth?

How did life begin on Earth?

There are many theories about the origin of life on our planet, some more credible than others, b...

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Evolution of the species

Evolution of the species

Figure of Charles Darwin has survived to this day for being the person who wrote The origin of sp...

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What is quantum speciation

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "What is quantum speciation".Quantum speciation is a very l...

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The classification of species

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "The classification of species".The classification of speci...

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Kimura's neutralist theory

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain the "Kimura's neutralist theory".The neutralist theory of e...

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Why is there life on earth and not on other planets

Why is there life on earth and not on other planets

Image: SlideshareEarth is a unique planet, being the only known planet on which we know that life...

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