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The classification of species

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In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "The classification of species".

The classification of species. A species is a group of individuals that have similar characteristics and that are capable of leaving fertile offspring. This as a theory is very nice but... in this video we are going to take care of knowing how to write the names and the relationships between one or other species. How do you order the immense number of species that have existed and that will exist? Using the binomial nomenclature that was discovered by Carl Von Linné. The binomial nomenclature (as its name indicates) what it gives us are two names that make it impossible to confuse one species with another species. Specifically, what this binomial nomenclature does is indicate the genus and the species. That they are two sufficient categories to know that we are talking about a specific type of being and not another. For example; homo sapiens.

If you want to know more about the topic "The classification of species", do not miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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