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Why is there life on earth and not on other planets

Why is there life on earth and not on other planets

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Earth is a unique planet, being the only known planet on which we know that life exists. Our planet has a number of unique characteristics that allow animals, plants and other living beings may exist, currently not knowing any other planet that allows the lifetime. Because of the vital importance that the Earth has today in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about why there is life on Earth and not on other planets.

Earth is the only known planet on which life exists. In it there are all kinds of living beings, some more complex and others simpler, but all unique. The origin of life takes us millions of years before our time, when the first unicellular beings. Many years later the first complex living beings began to emerge and later the HumansIn a world already full of life

The origin of life it has always been a problem for human beings, with no totally accurate explanation of the origin of life. In general, there are three more or less accepted theories about the birth of life, which are the following:

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  • The oldest theory is that the creator of life was a supreme being or God. Many religions and cultures in history have an explanation of the creation of life according to the gods. As it cannot be demonstrated, it is a theory rejected by the scientific world.
  • Another theory speaks of the creation of life originated elsewhere in the universe and it arrived at our planet by an external means, like for example by means of a comet or a meteorite.
  • The theory most accepted by scientists and by people in general is the one that talks about the origin of life through a series chemical reactions in Earth's atmosphere.
Why there is life on earth and not on other planets - Life on Earth: short summary

The existence of life on our planet is due to a series of unique conditions, which together allow the existence and maintenance of a large number of living beings with very different characteristics. Many of these characteristics are unique to our planet, while others exist or have existed on other known planets although they have not had the same effect as on Earth.

  • One of the main reasons for life on our planet in our distance from the Sun. The Sun is a very important element in our life. The Earth is neither too far nor too close to the star, allowing the temperatures of the planet are suitable for life, being neither as warm as Mercury nor as cold as mars. This temperature also allows us to find water in liquid form, which is very important for living beings. Without water, most living beings would die in a short time, being an essential element for many organisms.
  • The existence of the ozone layer It is another vital factor, protecting us from solar radiation and giving us a series of chemical elements necessary for life. In recent times this layer is cracking, which could cause serious consequences for life.
  • Finally, as a very important factor, we find the atmosphere. The size of the Earth, neither too big nor too small, allows us to have a protective atmosphere. This barrier lets through vital elements for plants but prevents the passage of dangerous radiation. It also has a series of gases essential for living beings, such as oxygen and nitrogen.

It can be seen how life on Earth is due to very complex mechanisms that together allow the existence of living beings. The other known planets do not have these same factors, although other planets are said to have supported life millions of years ago. The existence of some factors in Mars and Venus have made some scientists think that both planets once had life, although the evidence is very limited. So until proven otherwise the only known planet that has been able to support life is Earth.

Why is there life on Earth and not on other planets - Why is there life on Earth

Image: Slideshare

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