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The 90 best phrases of The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings, written by J. R. R. Tolkien and brought to the big screen by director Peter Jackson, it's more than a book saga or a hit fantasy movie, is a cult that pays tribute to creativity and one of the best created fantasy worlds in literature.

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Great quotes from the lord of the rings

Due to the great impact between people and their messages of reflection, we have brought a compilation with the best phrases of the Lord of the Rings that you cannot miss.

1. Don't meddle in wizarding affairs; for they are cunning and easy to anger.

A clear warning of the genius wizards possess.

2. Many of those who live deserve to die and some of those who die deserve life.

A complete irony of which we have no control.

3. I don't know half of you or half of what I would like, and what I want is less than half of what half of you deserve.

To win, you have to work as a team.

4. It is not the physical strength that matters, but the strength of the spirit.

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There is no use having great skills, without the confidence to execute them.

5. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

We can all control our destiny.

6. I will not tell you not to cry, for not all tears are bitter.

Each person has their reasons for crying.

7. Don't you recognize death when you see it?

Death is not always announced.

8. The world is indeed full of dangers, and in it there are many dark places; but there are still many who are righteous, and although in all lands love is mixed with pain, it may grow more.

Although there are very bad things in this world, there will always be people willing to do good.

9. Advance without fear of the dark!

The unknown causes fear, but that shouldn't stop us from moving on.

10. And certain things that should not have been forgotten were lost.

It is not always possible to keep a memory alive.

11. The world is full enough of wounds and misfortunes without wars to multiply them.

We do not need wars for the world to have conflicts.

12. Only you can decide what to do with the time you have been given.

Time is valuable, don't waste it.

13. I wish the ring had never gotten to me. I wish none of this had happened.

A great responsibility that ended up becoming a burden.

14. History became legend, legend became myth.

Great events pass to posterity.

15. The facts are no less courageous because they are not praised.

There are brave acts that do not get the recognition they deserve.

16. May the stars shine for you until the end of the road.

A beautiful wish for perseverance.

17. A magician is never late or early, he arrives when he is needed.

Sometimes you have to know how to wait for something good to come to you.

18. Strange things await us on the edge of the forest. Good or bad, I don't know, but they call us.

Forests have a very mysterious air about them.

19. It is wisdom to recognize the need, when all the other courses have already been considered, even though it may seem insanity to those who are tied to false hopes.

It is never a bad thing to acknowledge that we need help.

20. It will never occur to him that someone might refuse power.

Although it seems impossible, there will always be someone who disdains power.

21. I know many things that only the wise know.

Over time we acquire very valuable knowledge.

22. Not all that is gold glitters, nor are all wandering people lost.

Don't get carried away by first appearances.

23. If with my life, or with my death I can protect you, I will.

An oath of allegiance.

24. When things are in danger, someone has to give them up, lose them, so that others can keep them.

It is necessary to give up something if we want to keep your benefit.

25. When the sun shines, it shines even brighter.

The sun gives us hope for a better world.

26. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.

Death is an inevitable part of life.

27. It is not a bad thing to celebrate a simple life.

A simple life is what many busy people want.

28. There are some things that are better to start than to reject, even if the ending is dark.

Rejection scares us, but sometimes it is necessary.

29. It is but the shadow of an illusion that you love. I can't give you what you want.

Not all love is right for us.

30. I know what I have to do. I'm just… I'm afraid to.

A feeling that prevents us from moving forward to achieve our goals or face some problem.

31. The time will soon come when the hobbits will forge everyone's fortunes.

A premonition about the important future of the hobbits.

32. A star shines in the hour of our meeting.

An encounter with a person you love is always special.

33. But rest, if you have to. But do not abandon all hope.

Sometimes we have to stop to regain strength, but this should not prevent us from moving forward.

34. Can you give them life? Then do not rush to dispense death, because even the wisest knows the end of the roads.

We do not know people's reasons for their actions.

35. I'm sure you will, friend.

It is always necessary to have the support of our loved ones.

36. But I am not a living man, what your eyes see is a woman!

Declaring the strength that women have.

37. Finish? The journey does not end here.

When an end comes, a new beginning is given.

38. There is no Elvish, Ent language or male term to describe this horror.

There are horrors that are indescribable.

39. He often said that there was only one road and that it was like a mighty river; It was born at the threshold of all gates, and all paths were tributary rivers.

No path is straight or quiet. There will always be difficulties to face.

40. You have to take that path, but walking it will be difficult. And neither strength nor wisdom could take us very far.

There are paths that we must travel and just let ourselves go.

41. I have no advice to give to those who despair.

Desperation leads us to reckless and unprofitable acts.

42. Even the most skilled spiders can leave a slack thread.

Nobody is perfect at what they do, there is always a margin of error.

43. Get away from problems, and problems will get away from you.

Great advice to put it to the test.

44. How do you pick up the thread of an old life?

Starting over is never easy, much less going back to what you were before.

45. Do not promise to walk in darkness who has not seen the evening.

You can never promise something that you have not fully lived.

46. Perhaps the paths that each of you will tread are already set on your feet, even if you do not see them.

We spend looking for a perfect opportunity and sometimes we don't realize that we are on the right path.

47. There is an evil there that never sleeps.

Evil will always exist.

48. It is useless to find revenge with revenge. It won't cure anything.

Revenge will never get us anywhere bright.

49. Hate often hurts itself!

People who hate end up corrupted on the inside.

50. He hates and loves the ring as much as he hates and loves himself.

A story of love and hate, because the ring brings glory but also tragedies.

51. Do adventures never have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to continue the story.

The stories are cyclical, there will always be someone who will go through them again.

52. Do not disturb your heart too much thinking about the road tonight.

Staying calm in difficult moments helps us face them in a better way.

53. How do you continue, when in your heart you begin to understand that there is no possible return?

It is better to face things and accept that the past will not return. Only then can you move on.

54. The mirror shows many things: Things that were, things that are and things that are yet to come.

Look in the mirror without judging yourself so harshly.

55. Creation is the greatest power.

When you have the power to create, you are offering life to all who are within your reach.

56. One must follow the path that need chooses.

There are many occasions where we walk a path to solve a need.

57. Only those who see the end beyond all doubt despair.

It is lost when you stop trying.

58. The weak may attempt this task with as much hope as the strong.

It has nothing to do with physical strength, if there is a will.

59. The world is not in the books and maps. It's out there!

To really live, you need to have many experiences.

60. Too much death, what can men do in the face of such a fate?

That helplessness in the face of an inevitable doom.

61. This mission has been entrusted to you, and if you can't find your way, no one will.

When we are awarded responsibilities that are unexpected but that only we can take on.

62. If many of us value food, happiness and songs more than gold, the world would be better.

A great phrase to reflect on what is really valuable in the world.

63. I'll get there, even if I leave everything but the bones along the way.

Better to be late than never.

64. Keep it a secret. Keep it safe.

Some things need to be put away to be preserved.

65. You can't hide from me, I can see you! There is no life after me, only death.

A threat that few can escape.

66. We still know nothing about tomorrow. The solution is often found at sunrise.

The future is unknown and therefore, we must learn to live our present.

67. I came up with an ending for my book: "And live happily ever after until the end of your days."

We all want to have a happy ending in our story.

68. Foolish! Next time you jump off and free us of your stupidity!

Reckless people who can delay the trip.

69. The day may come when the value of men will decline, when we forget our companions and the ties of our community are broken; But today is not that day!

Yes, the fate of the world may be uncertain. But that doesn't stop us from doing good deeds today.

70. It is a strange fate that we suffer so much fear and doubt over such a small thing. Such a small thing.

Many of our fears stem from very silly things.

71. That wound will never fully heal. He will carry it the rest of his life.

There are wounds that never finish healing, even if there are no scars.

72. Unfaithful is the one who says goodbye when the road darkens.

Only in difficult moments when you can know who your true companions are.

73. But in the end, everything is temporary. Like this shadow, even the darkness ends, to make way for a new day.

Nothing lasts forever, neither the good nor the bad.

74. Hobbits are amazing creatures, you can learn all their customs in a month, and after a hundred years, they still amaze you.

Praising the hobbits' abilities.

75. I feel fragile, scattered like butter spread on too much bread.

An interesting way to describe the feeling of being lost.

76. Whoever hits first, if he hits hard enough, he won't have to hit again.

The first steps are what determine the next actions.

77. But the only measure he knows is desire, desire for power, and thus he judges all hearts.

When desire becomes unmanageable, it corrupts us.

78. The sky is stained red, blood has been spilled tonight.

A bad omen of loss and death.

79. I do not love the sword because it has an edge, nor the arrow because it flies, nor the warrior because he has won the glory. I only love what they stand for.

Talking about the true meaning of weapons to him.

80. There is something good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it is worth fighting for.

The good causes that remain in the world will always be worth defending.

81. You go towards the path, and if you don't watch your steps you don't know where they will drag you.

It doesn't matter if you are on the right track, you should always be cautious with the steps you take.

82. It's my own. It is my love. It's my own. It is my treasure.

The obsession with the ring.

83. The world has changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it on the ground. I smell it in the air. Much has been lost, as none of those who remember him live.

When the world is not the way it used to be.

84. Certainty of death, minimal hope of success, what are we waiting for.

Although the hope is very small, the important thing is that it exists and we can hold on to it.

85. Where there's life there's hope.

Hope will always be synonymous with life and vice versa.

86. The hearts of men are easily corrupted.

An unfortunate fact.

87. He who breaks something to find out what it is has abandoned the path of wisdom.

The easy way can get you where you want fast, but it will always have dire consequences.

88. It makes me happy that you are here with me. Here at the end of all things.

Love breaks any kind of barrier.

89. Before I would share a life with you than to face all the ages of this world alone.

The promise of being with the person you love.

90. Your time will come. You will face the same demon, and you will win.

We cannot escape fear, but we can face and overcome it.

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