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The 90 best phrases of Eleanor Roosevelt

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, was known as Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the United States and wife of the American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She stood out from her for her human rights work, her feminist activism, and for being a writer and reference US politician, who inspired many other women to have the courage to follow their dreams and ambitions.

In these lines we will see a series of phrases by Eleanor Roosevelt inspiring and representative of the way of thinking of this important historical figure.

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The most memorable Eleanor Roosevelt quotes

Nicknamed "The First Lady of the World", she opened a path that many women believed closed to her future. Here you will find a continuation of a compilation with the best reflections and phrases of Eleanor Roosevelt.

1. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Only those who respect her dreams can have a great future.

2. If the purpose of free time is to spend it watching a few extra hours of television a day, we deteriorate as people.

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A critique of our use of free time.

3. You gain strength, courage, and confidence for every experience where you actually stop to look fear in the face.

What we achieve when we face fear.

4. We have to face the fact that either we are going to die together or we are going to learn to live together. And if we live together, we have to talk.

Communication is essential to maintain a proper society.

5. You can say to yourself: 'I have survived this horror and I will be able to face anything that comes along.'

When we get through a dark stage, we can achieve better things.

6. You must do the things that you think you cannot do.

Take a chance, you may have excellent results.

7. Do what you feel in your heart is right, because you will be criticized in any way. They will reproach you if you do it and they will reproach you if you don't.

Stick with your goals, even if people object to it.

8. A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she is in hot water.

The character of the woman is known in challenging moments.

9. Always remember that you not only have the right to be an individual, but you have an obligation to be one.

You do not need to follow someone else's path, but yours.

10. He who loses money loses a lot; the one who loses a friend; he loses even more; he who loses faith loses everything.

Different losses in life.

11. What counts, in the long run, is not what you read, but what stays in your mind.

It does not matter how much knowledge you acquire, but how you use it.

12. Will the day ever come when people are wise enough to refuse to follow bad leaders or to stop taking away other people's freedom?

A wish that remains to this day.

13. In all of our relationships, it is the sense of being needed and wanted that satisfies us and creates more lasting bonds.

Need and be needed. An essence in any relationship.

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14. I used to tell my husband that if he could make me understand something, it would be clear to everyone else in the country.

The way to encourage her husband.

15. We are not to become heroes overnight.

Courage is achieved in small steps.

Reflections of Eleanor Roosevelt

16. Well-behaved women rarely make history.

Sometimes we must be rebellious against the system.

17. Probably the happiest period is the middle of life, when the avid passions of youth cool down, and the ailments of age have not yet begun.

A reflection on the way life is viewed as we age.

18. You have made me grow as a person, by the mere fact of being worthy of you.

Close people can influence our confidence.

19. Not enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it and work for it.

Words are not enough, certain actions are needed.

20. It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

A reference to finding solutions instead of complaining about problems.

21. I couldn't, at any age, be happy sitting by the fireplace and just watching.

For many, happiness is being in constant motion.

22. The friendship of two people is of fundamental importance, since without the other, one cannot be friends with anyone else.

Friendship represents a vital part of our social life.

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23. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds argue with people.

Different types of people.

24. Don't stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live with courage, emotion, imagination; unless you can choose a challenge.

Life always brings a new experience.

25. Life was proposed to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One should never, for any reason, turn one's back on life.

Curiosity allows us to expand our understanding.

26. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Do not let the opinion of others affect you. Well, they don't know anything about you.

27. Ambition is relentless. Any merit that he cannot use is considered despicable.

Ambition can help us to be better.

28. I can't believe that war is the best solution. No one won the last war, and no one is going to win the next.

Wars rarely bring solutions.

29. It is more enjoyable by making others enjoy. You should think more about the happiness it is capable of causing.

Shared happiness is always more abundant.

30. Happiness is not a goal… it is a by-product of a life well lived.

Happiness is the result of living life the way we want to.

31. You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude.

The ability to adapt leads us to evolve.

32. If someone betrays you once, it's their fault. If he betrays you twice, then the fault will be yours.

When they betray us, trust will never be the same.

33. We fear worrying too much, fearing that the other person will not care at all.

Insecurities must be talked about and worked on.

34. Character building begins in our childhood and continues until death.

That is why the education that children receive marks their lives forever.

35. Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to commit them all.

We can learn not only from our failures, but also from others.

36. A bit of simplicity would be the first step towards rational living, I think.

Simplicity can be enjoyed, but it can also be punishing.

37. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.

Every day is an opportunity for something.

38. It is smarter to have hope than not to have it, to try to do things than not to try.

If you want to do something, do it.

39. For me, who dreamed a lot as a child, who built a dream world in which I was the heroine of an endless story, the lives of the people around me still bear a resemblance to books.

Build your own story.

40. The actors are a big family around the world.

Talking about acting work.

41. When life is too easy for us, we must be careful or we may not be prepared to face the blows that sooner or later will come to us. We are rich or poor.

At any moment an obstacle can come that changes our way of seeing the world.

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42. It is not fair to ask others what you are not willing to do yourself.

You cannot force someone to do your part.

43. A mature person walks humbly and graciously deals with the circumstances of life.

That is why we must pay attention to the things that we live.

44. I have never felt that anything really mattered, but I did feel the satisfaction of knowing that the things you supported and believed in you had achieved in the best way you could.

The satisfaction of knowing that you made good decisions.

45. It is not only in war, however, that we fight for freedom. You fight for freedom in your personal contacts and in many stages of your civil life.

We all fight for the freedom to be who we are.

46. You wouldn't care what others think of you if you realized how little they do.

Sometimes we can be our own detractors.

47. I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.

Learn from the past to build a better version of yourself in the future.

48. I believe that if a mother could ask the fairy godmother to give her the best gift at the birth of a child, it would be curiosity.

Curiosity is a gift that we should not miss out on.

49. In this world no one knows everything and, therefore, we all need love and charity.

Have compassion and try to understand others.

50. Somehow, we learn who we really are and then we live with that decision.

That is why it is important to get to know each other in depth.

51. What you don't do can be a destructive force.

Your apathy can be a big mistake.

52. We all know people who are so scared of pain, they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving nothing, they receive nothing, and they shrink until life is nothing but death in life.

Fear will always exist, but we cannot allow it to carry us along.

53. When you stop making a contribution, that's when you start to die.

The true death in life.

54. When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to avoid human misery rather than avenge it?

Ending poverty is the responsibility of each authority.

55. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

Not all people stay, but they do leave their essence.

56. The only things that can be admired in detail are those that one admires without knowing why.

We find magic in the things that dazzle us.

57. All the time, day by day, we have to continue fighting for freedom of religion, freedom of expression and the freedom to live without misery, for all those things that must be earned in peace as well as in war.

The freedoms that are still a cause for struggle today.

58. Giving love constitutes in itself giving education.

Love should be part of anyone's upbringing.

59. If life were predictable, it would cease to be life, and it would be tasteless.

Surprises in life are exciting.

60. Understanding is a two-way street.

Understanding helps us to establish more human relationships.

61. To manage yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart.

Reason and emotion acting under the same end.

62. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow, the person who does not want to carry her own weight, this is a terrifying prospect.

Freedom does not imply that we should be unconscious.

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63. Life is what you make of it. It always has been and always will be.

You are in charge of living your life as you do.

64. Justice should not be for one side only, it should be for both.

Justice must be the same for all.

65. You will be condemned if you do, and condemned if you don't.

Act regardless of what other people think. Well, everyone has their own opinion of it.

66. The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get, but what you give.

The relationships must be equal to an equivalent exchange.

67. No matter how simple a woman is, if truth and honesty are written on her face, she will be beautiful.

The true beauty is in our personality.

68. To be a citizen in a democracy, a human being must have a healthy start.

An adequate society deserves responsible and empathetic people.

69. Personal philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices that one makes ...

Actions will always speak good or bad of us.

70. You have to accept what comes and the only important thing is that you find it with courage and with the best you have to give.

Never run away from a challenge, as this will take you to a better stage.

71. The battle for women's rights is a long one and none of us should support anything that undermines them.

The endless battle of women and their rights in society.

72. Ultimately, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves.

We never stop growing.

73. What could be achieved if we knew that we cannot fail?

Maybe we would be more confident or lazy.

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74. Have convictions. Be friendly. Be true to your beliefs as they adhere to theirs. Work as hard as they do.

Valuable values ​​that we must have in life.

75. Perhaps nature is our best guarantee of immortality.

Nature always finds a way to emerge.

76. The religion of all men must be to believe in themselves.

A religion that we can all practice.

77. Absence makes the heart feel warmer.

The longing for a person carries great weight.

78. Never get bored and you will never be bored.

A very interesting tip.

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79. Freedom makes a great demand of every human being.

Freedom forces us to be good people.

80. Beautiful young women are accidents of Nature, but beautiful old women are works of art.

A very present reflection on beauty.

81. We must strive to teach young people to use their minds, for one thing is for sure: if they don't form an opinion, someone will form it for them.

The importance of cultivating self-esteem.

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82. Love can be a bad guide and do as much harm as good, but respect can only do good.

The two aspects of love.

83. It fragments race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer! We must not let that happen here.

Our differences should not separate us. Rather, they must be the pride of our identity.

84. We don't need more vacations, we need more vocation.

Crying out for people with goals.

85. There are no “have to”, only decisions.

We can be influenced, but the decisions will always be our responsibility.

86. As for the achievements, I did what I had to do taking things as they came.

Do the best you can with the tools you have.

87. Hatred and force cannot be in one part of the world without having an effect on the rest.

Hatred has harmed humanity more than any other disease.

88. In times of change, those who are open to learning will own the future, while those who think they know everything will be well equipped for a world that no longer exists.

The difference between those who succeed and those who do not.

89. Courage is needed for love, but pain through love is the purifying fire known to those who love generously.

Reflections on the pain within love.

90. It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

She uses that same energy for both of them.

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