Psychologist NCBpsicologia (Barcelona)
I am Natalia, a young woman with a passion for psychology and learning. The 5 whys of the meaning of my life are 1) Enjoy the opportunity that life is, 2) contribute to the well-being of my environment and the global 3) contribute knowledge and resources that are useful to those around me and to society, 4) leave the world better than I have found for future and not so future generations and 5) understand and learn from the world, people, nature and myself, be resilient. I am an integrative professional trained with a cognitive-behavioral basis. I have done a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, and in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. I have also completed a postgraduate degree in clinical child and adolescent psychology, as well as several courses in psychological first aid in crisis and emergencies. Finally, I have been highly involved as a trainer in the world of leisure monitoring, mentoring and sexuality.
I am dedicated to helping people to enhance or develop their resources, to solve together problems, concerns, desire to learn or motivation to improve, at the vital moment in which they find each other. Why put your own information and resources in order and so that you can use it to get to know yourself better, empower yourself and acquire well-being. Because it is vital to understand, accept and learn about your own emotions and synchronize them with body and mind to have well-being with yourself, your own history and the environment.
I emphasize that I have a lot of sensitivity and I balance it with assertiveness and empathy. I try to do things professionally and with dynamism, facilitating the process for the people with whom I interact. I act by leading by example and getting to know myself better, training myself and working on critical thinking.