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Neutralization and opsonization reactions

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Neutralization and opsonization reactions". Neutralization and opsonization reactions. We continue with this second video in relation to a previous video, in which we have seen in a more specific way how are the Antibody antigen reactions. How are they produced? And we have seen that there are 4 types of reactions. In a first video we have talked about the agglutination and precipitation reaction And now we are going to talk about the neutralization and opsonization reaction. These two types of reactions unlike the other two that we have seen, what they are going to do is stop the pathogenic action, the harmful action, directly attacking that antigen in a way that stops its effect. They are not going to make, as we have seen in the other video, a conglomerate that facilitates the elimination... no. Here what we do is stop the enemy, direct blocking. There are two different ways to do it. If you want to know more about the subject "Neutralization and opsonization reactions

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