Endangered amphibians

According to a study conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 30% of amphibians of our planet is seriously Danger of extinction. The data provided by the IUCN show that within the group of vertebrate animals, amphibians are the most threatened species. In a PROFESSOR we are going to analyze this situation to get to know it better and understand what is happening.
The current situation of the extinction of amphibians It is a much more worrisome reality than what was initially thought and that can have different causes:
- Destruction of their habitat
- Climate change
- A fungus called chytrid
These could be the main culprits for the survival of these animals, although scientists do not rule out other possibilities.
The experts studied the geographical distribution of these species throughout the planet, and made a forecast of the evolution of amphibians and their situation in the year 2080. According to these data, one of the main causes of disappearance of amphibians could be the
climate change, which is the one that most destroys the habitat of these animals. Africa, South America and the Andes are the most affected territories.In Spain, amphibians are also in serious danger of extinction, since of 30 species of amphibians that inhabit this country, half are infected by the chytrid fungus.
The future of these animals is not very promising, so the researchers consider it necessary to establish new conservation strategies.
The forecast that climate change will continue unstoppable means that the extinction of this species is much closer than what scientists initially assumed. The optimistic expectations raised so far by biologists have been totally truncated by different realities, each time more worrying.
This demonstrates that a series of key actions remains to be established that acts against the threat of each specific area.