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The 60 best Andalusian phrases and expressions

Spain has several autonomous communities and Andalusia is the largest of all, it has a population that differs from the rest of the country due to its very peculiar customs and traditions. Andalusians have a very particular way of speaking due to their way of being.

In the vocabulary of Andalusians, there are many words and expressions that come from the culture Andalusi and Moorish and that, with the passage of time, have been modified to be better understood manner. Andalusian is a different way of speaking Spanish since it is loaded with nuances originated by the presence of Arabs in comparison with the rest of the country and its phonetics is representative of all the immigrations that occurred throughout the region after the conquest.

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Great phrases and expressions of Andalusia

To learn a little more about the way they are expressed in this region, we leave these 60 very representative Andalusian phrases and expressions.

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1. There are those who, to look for an ochavillo, spend a real on cerrillos.

It is a phrase that indicates that at some point we all make mistakes and that is why we are not perfect.

2. Ancalabuela.

Andalusians have the facility to join up to six words in the same sentence and this expression is a clear example of this and means at the grandmother's house.

3. Noniná, I'm very pretty.

For Andalusians nominá is a word that means: It is true that or not.

4. Spoon

Andalusians are experts in making adaptations of other words, such as listening, so we have that which is a diminutive of listening.

5. Apollardao.

This is how it is said to a person who does not know what to do in a situation or with her life.

6. Add a pinch of salt to the salad.

This phrase means that you have to add a little more flavor to life.

7. Disappointed.

Indicates disappointment, disappointment, and disappointment.

8. Do the longuis.

This means playing crazy or clueless in a given situation.

9. Yuyu.

It is an expression that is used to say that something is scary or scary.

10. Send to hell.

It is a way of getting someone out of somewhere or telling them to go away.

11. The luck of the ugly, the beautiful it want to.

An ungraceful woman can also be lucky in love and usually takes the most handsome man with her.

12. Make an mandaillo.

Expression that refers to going to buy something.

13. Farfollas.

Said of a careless, unkempt, disheveled person, who has neglected the physical appearance of her.

14. The bell does not go to mass, but it warns.

It translates as that we must always be aware of the warnings that come to us in life.

15. Acarajotao or Acarajota.

Word used to refer to a person who is distracted, withdrawn, self-absorbed and who is absorbed all the time.

16. The woman and the earth, brunette.

This expression is used to indicate that brown women are more fertile as is the earth.

17. I had a taja last night.

This is a very common expression to say that someone had a big drunk or drank too much.

18. Take a disappointment.

This phrase is used to indicate that something did not go as expected or when something bad happens unexpectedly, when a good result was wanted.

19. What do you want, my Miarma?

Expression that is said to a loved one when he wants something. Miarma is a diminutive of my soul.

20. Expert.

It is a way of saying that something is fantastic or extraordinary, it is also used to say that a person is nice, for example: “María is an expert”.

21. Molla.

Usual term in Huelva to designate the head, “my molla hurts”.

22. To japo he tended.

An expression that is said when a person falls asleep or has a very deep sleep and does not know anything.

23. Pillapelos.

Very picturesque word that Andalusians have to call the pins that are used in the hair.

24. But what are you doing, pitcher soul!

Very common expression that Andalusians say to indicate that a person is very innocent.

25. Quillo.

Term with many meanings, it is an abbreviation of kid, it is also used in case of danger or to get someone's attention.

26. Boss, arfavo and give me some olives.

It is an expression that is used when you are in a bar and you ask the waiter or waiter for something to eat.

27. Did they give you a very big row for being late? Yes, what a bastion

This statement is used in Cádiz to say that something that happened is gigantic, enormous.

28. Cuchi.

It is a word that is used as a synonym for caramba, for example: cuchi what grace my child has.

29. Follaicovivo.

Word that indicates that a person is in a hurry.

30. Give me a very cool milnos that I'm dry.

This is how you order a beer in Andalusia.

31. I hit.

Phrase that indicates that a person is saying something silly or stupid.

32. La vin compae.

Expression that indicates amazement and admiration.

33. Foh.

It is an exclamation of apathy that expresses negativity.

34. Malafollá.

In Andalusia this word does not mean an insult, but rather it is a way of saying to a person who gives a bad answer or does not have the tact to say things in a good way.

35. You are singing.

It refers to a very muscular and good-looking person.

36. By the way.

It is used to affirm something with great confidence, especially to say that you are from Seville. "I'm from Seville on the run."

37. Motherfucker

It is not a derogatory or disrespectful phrase, but is used when a friend or relative does something that, despite the fact that he dislikes us, makes us laugh.

38. Nanai.

Its use occurs when something is categorically denied so that there is no doubt about it.

39. I fried it warm.

It refers to the fact that all food that is fried has to be served hot, because otherwise, it tastes very bad.

40. Chapel.

This is how you tell someone that you really like Holy Week and its processions.

41. The commandments of La Carraca: that each one smoke from his flask.

This means that each person is responsible for his own future and has to move forward through his means.

42. Anchovy.

Word that denotes that a person is from Malaga.

43. That waiter is a Malaje.

This is how it is called when a person is very unpleasant and unbearable.

44. Do not see that flame, we are at 38ºC.

Very typical expression to say that it is very hot.

45. Noise.

Word that means in a hurry or quickly, in the same way it means that there are many people, for example: Do not make me more noise, please.

46. What the father achieves, the son spoils.

With this expression, Andalusians express that, in general, children waste the inheritance that their father obtained with so much sacrifice.

47. The three wonders of Jerez: wine, horse and woman.

It refers to how beautiful Jerez is and is an invitation to go and see it.

48. Nike has been queao.

This means that something is very clean. In the same way it is used to indicate that everything is perfect.

49. Chavea.

Term that is used to say boy, young person or lad.

50. The best in the world is Matarredonda, followed by Sevilla, Osuna and Ronda.

This expression is a demonstration of the love that Andalusians have for their land and customs.

51. Give courage.

It means that you are angry at someone or something.

52. Top car.

This is what Andalusians call the carts that crash and that are found at fairs.

53. To be in the age of the choco.

It means that someone is very young, that he is in the age of the turkey, for example: "My nephews are in the age of the choco".

54. Go big to eat it hurt me.

With these words it is clear that a person has eaten too much and cannot taste anything else.

55. Taco.

Word that means a lot, too much. I like a taco.

56. Fried potato.

It refers to a person who is worth nothing or is not worth knowing.

57. Be straighter than a choco.

Person who is not funny, who is apathetic and indifferent to any situation.

58. I'm going to give you what fell in the Conquero.

It refers to an individual who does not want to give something because he is very stingy.

59. Dirty.

It means that a person was hit hard by falling.

60. Justice and Lent are made for the poor.

It means that the poor always have the need to lose.

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