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Cyberdizziness: characteristics, symptoms, causes and how to combat it

Have you ever felt dizzy, nauseous, vomiting, disoriented, or dizzy after using an electronic device for a long time? If so, it is very likely that you have experienced cyberdizziness.

Cyberdizziness is a term that began to be used to refer to the symptoms of discomfort that appeared in the subjects who used virtual reality techniques, although currently, given the advancement of technology, this concept also serves to refer to the feeling dizzy that other devices such as mobile phones or computers produce after browsing them for a long time period.

Despite not being a serious affectation, we must remedy it, since it can become chronic, and in case of feeling dizzy it is convenient that we take a rest time and we do not immediately continue with our functions since, for example, using the car in these circumstances can be dangerous.

In this article we will see what cyberdizziness is, its meaning, its main symptoms, why it appears, which subjects it is most likely to affect and how to avoid it or reduce its effect.

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What is cyberdizziness?

Cyberdizziness is a term that has been in use for years, from more to less than 1990, associated with the feeling of dizziness that appeared when the subject used virtual reality techniques or machines. The feeling of discomfort is those of motion sickness, that is, the symptoms when we get dizzy in the car or on the boat.

Virtual reality is a technique that allows the individual to face the real situation in a similar way; In other words, sensually the subject perceives that he is in a situation but in reality this situation is not taking place. This procedure has not only recreational utility, since it has also been used in the professional and therapy environment, for example for simulators of driving or piloting an airplane or in psychotherapy to treat phobias to different feared stimuli.

Currently, with the advancement of technologies, the definition of the concept has been broadened, now also understanding by cyberdizziness the state of discomfort that It involves spending a lot of time, almost all day, using the mobile phone or the computer, such as using social networks or playing a video game.

Thus, the use of virtual reality is not inappropriate, since it facilitates the training of some skills and improvement of some behaviors, but we will see that depending on the person or the time that the technique is used, negative consequences could arise in the subject.

Symptoms of cyberdizziness
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Cyberdizziness generates a feeling of discomfort similar to that of normative dizziness or to which we are more accustomed. Thus, a feeling of general malaise will appear in the subject. Typical symptoms of dizziness are nausea, pale face, vomiting or sweating.Although two sensations also appear that deserve a separate explanation: general disorientation and oculomotor disorders.

General disorientation is primarily related to the feeling of dizziness and vertigo, assuming one of the symptoms that causes the greatest discomfort. In the case of oculomotor disorders, it is associated with the third cranial nerve, also known as the oculomotor nerve, which is the one that is active and functioning when we are using virtual reality or different technologies. In this way, the symptoms that an alteration of this nerve involves is visual fatigue and headache.

Given the feelings of discomfort that it entails and the unpleasant symptoms that appear in some subjects having the need to stop, Sometimes it is difficult to use the virtual reality technique as a training or therapeutic tool, since the individual himself refuses.

We see, then, that it does not seem a serious affectation, but this is not a reason to ignore it and not pay attention to it, since it has been proven that if we do nothing to remedy it will continue to appear, chronifying and may affect the functionality of the subject, since as we currently know the different technologies are commonly used, not only for recreational purposes but also in the workplace.

In the same way, it has been observed that although symptoms usually tend to decrease or alleviate in a short period, in minutes or hours, in some cases they have persisted for a whole day, affecting the normal life of the individual and being dangerous if he does some actions, such as driving, since it increases the possibility of having a accident.

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We have seen that cyberdizziness shares many of the symptoms with common dizziness, but in the case of the former, discomfort appears without real movement; the subject is not really moving, contrary to what happens in common dizziness where the individual does move (for example, it is common to appear when traveling by car or boat).

So why does dizziness appear if the subject does not move? Well this feeling of discomfort it is due to contradictory information captured by our senses. Thus, the perception of movement is influenced by vision, which is what allows us to see that we are moving; the vestibular system that is the one that controls the balance of the subject; and proprioception, linked to the individual's body posture. What happens in cyber seasickness is that the information that comes to us from these systems is not consistent with one another.

As we know, in virtual reality or with the use of technologies, the movement that we perceive is not real. This means that visually we do perceive that we are moving, since it is the aim that is sought, to have the sensation of movement, but our visual and proprioceptive systems will not give us the same type of sensation, since they are only activated when there is a real displacement, thus reaching contradictory stimuli to our brain and this being the reason for the appearance of discomfort or dizziness given the disparity of information.

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Who is affected the most by cyberdizziness?

As with other affectations, not all subjects will be affected by cyberdizziness or will do it in the same way.

Thus, we see that of all the individuals exposed to virtual reality, the majority, between 60% and 90% present weak symptoms that did not prevent them from continuing with the activity; On the other hand, in the extremes, in people who either did not have any symptoms or who were affected excessively by having to stop the activity, lower percentages were observed. Between 5% and 20% of the subjects did not express any discomfort and 5% of the participants asked to stop with the test. because they couldn't continue.

It has been seen that the appearance of discomfort includes both biological and environmental factors or the type of situation. Regarding the internal or individual factors, it has been observed that affects more females, younger subjects, between 2 and 12 years old and those who are prone to migraine headaches or dizziness. Regarding the variables of the activity, it has been seen that the larger movements, where the head and body move, increase the possibility of cyberdizziness appearing.

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How can we prevent or combat it?

Different strategies have been found useful to prevent the symptoms of dizziness. In relation to the virtual reality technique, it is advisable to use a fixed point, static, in the recording, where the subject can focus their eyes and help them not to present symptoms. If we do not have the static element, we can also fix our eyes on the horizon of the image, because it has also been proven that it helps to reduce the effects.

Another technique to prevent the sensation of cyberdizziness is related to the creation of the virtual reality program; Designers should try to ensure that the information coming from the different sensory systems is as disparate as possible. for example, decrease rotational movements, non-gravity sensation or transportation.

Currently, the frequent use of mobile devices increases the appearance of cyberdizziness symptoms. It is common to look at the mobile from bed just before sleeping, when we have the light off, the screen of the device very close to the face and without stopping surfing, being these factors that increase the risk of the appearance of symptoms. It would then be advisable, to prevent damage, to do the same with the light on and with the mobile further away.

Finally, a very useful as well as obvious strategy is to rest when we notice that we begin to have the first symptoms, when they are still weak, to prevent them from getting worse, being then more difficult to treat and decrease. So that, When you notice the first effects of cyber dizziness, you stop looking at the screen of your mobile, computer or virtual reality, to be able to rest your eyes and that your body becomes regular again.

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