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The best 10 Psychologists in Bermeo

The Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist Ibon de la Cruz He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca and a Diploma in Teaching from the Begoñako Andra Mari University.

His intervention is offered through fully individualized online sessions aimed at people of all ages. ages, in which he integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness and Therapy Brief.

Ibon is also a specialist in serving couples or families and some of his main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety, codependency, divorce processes, low self-esteem, stress, emotional difficulties and disorders typical of the old age.

The Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist Diego Duran He has more than 10 years of professional experience and currently serves adults and couples through an online psychological care service.

This professional applies in an integrated way various therapies of proven efficacy such as Family and Couples Therapy or Jungian Therapy, with which he attends to cases of anxiety, depression, couple crises, codependency, family conflicts and transitions vital.

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Diego Durán has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Uruguay, has a Master's degree in Jungian Analytical Psychology and also has another Master's degree in Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy.

The Psychologist and Neuropsychologist Haizea Galvan She is a Graduate in Psychology from the University of Deusto, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the same university and also has a Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology.

Her intervention is offered by video call and in her sessions she attends adolescents, adults and also people older, through the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals around the world. world.

Haizea is an expert in treating Alzheimer's cases, as well as anxiety, depression, codependency, traumatic brain damage, stress, and deficits in coping skills coping.

The Psychologist and Psychotherapist Marc Ruiz de Minteguía She has more than a decade of experience and is currently part of the team of therapists at the center of Psychology and Psychotherapy Miguel Ángel, where she serves children, adolescents and adults online.

Her intervention is adapted at all times to the needs of each client and some of her specialties more prominent are stress, trauma, low self-esteem, eating disorders, anxiety, depression and sexual abuse.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and has Master's degrees in Mental Health and Psychological Therapies, in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy, a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice in Mental Health and another Master's Degree in Health Psychology Infantojuvenil.

The psychologist Ana Isabel Martinez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, she has a Master's Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology, a Diploma in Criminology and a Training Course in Child Psychology.

Her intervention is individualized and comprehensive and is offered online with all possible comforts for children, adolescents, adults and families who may be going through a period of difficulties or discomfort.

Some of the main alterations that Ana Isabel attends in her consultation are family conflicts, gender violence, stress, anxiety, couple crises and psychological care for victims of all kinds of crimes

The Health Psychologist Amaia amalur She has a degree from the University of Deusto, she has a Master's Degree in Intervention Update Psychological and Mental Health and has an Expert Training Course in Behavioral Disorders Alimentary.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach and is offered through the online modality to people of all ages and also couples who may present cases of addictions, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, stress, school difficulties or low self esteem.

The Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Idoia Castro Ugalde She offers her professional services since 1997 and currently attends children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and families by video call.

Her intervention integrates Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy along with other effective therapies such as Mindfulness or Behavioral Analysis Applied, with which she treats learning disorders, ADHD, relationship crises, sexual difficulties, autism and addictions

Idoia graduated in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto, she has a Master in Legal and Forensic Psychology, a Master in Mental Health and Psychotherapeutic Techniques and has a Training Course in Brief Psychotherapy Cognitive-Analytical.

The psychologist Iratxe López She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto, she has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology from the same university and also has a Doctorate in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Equal Opportunities between Men and Women.

Her intervention is offered online to people of all ages and also to couples who can present cases of anxiety, depression, school difficulties, relationship crisis, stress and emotional difficulties or relational.

The Clinical Psychologist Nuria Minteguía Casadellá She has more than 20 years of experience and in her consultation she attends online to children, adolescents and adults who may have developmental disorders, school difficulties, sexual abuse, ADHD or autism.

This professional has a Health Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology from the AEPCCC and is an Expert in intervention with Time-Limited Psychotherapy of Childhood Disorders and Adolescence.

The psychologist Miguel Angel Ruiz González has more than 30 years of professional experience, is a specialist in Psychotherapy by the EFPA, has a Master in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy and is an expert in Reciprocal Interaction Therapy and Hypnosis Clinic.

Their intervention is offered by video call to adults and also couples who may present cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, trauma, relationship crisis, low self-esteem or disorder obsessive compulsive.

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