The 110 best phrases of William Blake
William Blake was one of the most important exponents of English philosophy and art in the 1800s.
Although unfortunately the recognition of him would remain hidden for most of his life, in current times he enjoys very popular and it is common to analyze his works to extract from them reflections on his way of seeing the world and the society.
Therefore, in the following lines you will find a selection of the best phrases of William Blake, commented.
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The most memorable William Blake quotes
In this article you will find a list of the most interesting and inspiring William Blake quotes.
1. Progress makes the right paths; but the crooked ways, without progress, are the ways of genius.
When we overcome various problems, we grow.
2. I don't have a name, but I was born two days ago. What will i call you I'm happy. My name is joy.
You are how you feel.
3. To see a world in a grain of sand and the sky in a wild flower, embrace infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in one hour.
To see the beauty of the world, you have to have an open mind.
4. Souls of sweet delight can never be defiled.
You cannot be corrupted if you find satisfaction in simple things.
5. The weak in courage are strong in cunning.
Our strength can be in any aptitude.
6. Within the universe there are things that are known and there are things that are unknown. In the middle of those things are doors.
We always have the opportunity to learn something new.
7. The bird has its nest, the spider its web, the man friendship.
Friendship is necessary for the social development of any person.
8. A truth that is told with bad intentions surpasses all the lies you can make up.
There is a big difference between being honest and being cruel.
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9. Where mercy, love and pity dwell, God is also dwelling.
Talking about God is everywhere.
10. I love fun, but having too much fun is the most disgusting thing.
All things in excess are harmful.
11. The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
From all our mistakes we can find very beneficial knowledge.
12. If the doors of perception were purified, everything would appear to men as it really is: infinite.
To understand something, it is necessary not to get carried away by our personal beliefs.

13. He who is chained to a joy, destroys a free life; but he who kisses the joy in his flight, lives the dawn of eternity.
Joy can be a punishment for other people.
14. A dead body does not avenge injuries.
Crimes should be prevented as much as possible.
15. Let the man wear the lion's skin and the woman the sheep's fleece.
Each person can be what they want to be.
16. In what distant depths, in what skies did the fire in your eyes burn?
About the intensity that a person's gaze projects.
17. Eternity is in love with time creations.
Songs have the power to be ethereal.
18. If a thing loves, that thing is infinite.
Love can last forever.
19. He who wishes but does not act, breeds the plague.
There is no use dreaming if you don't take actions to make your dreams come true.
20. Prisons are built with stones of the Law, brothels with stones of Religion.
A critique of things that move in religion.
21. The man who does not change his mind is like stagnant water, and he breeds the reptiles of the mind.
The people who don't change their minds are the ones who are lost.
22. The lion would be cunning if he took advice from the fox.
Being strong means having the ability to deal with all kinds of problems.
23. I am in you and you are in me, mutual divine love.
The love that endures is the one that is committed to its advancement.
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24. Imagination is not a state: it is human existence itself.
Imagination is part of human nature.
25. Without opposites there is no progression.
If we do not correct our failures, we cannot move forward.
26. If the madman persisted in his madness, he would become wise.
Wisdom and madness, do they go hand in hand?
27. If you are to do good, you must do it at the right time.
There is no use acting when it is too late.
28. Can I see someone else's grief, and not be in pain too? Can I see another's grief and not seek kind relief?
Sometimes we find relief in the sorrows of others.
29. Standing water waiting poison.
Corrupt things never bring good.
30. The fox condemns the trap, not himself.
Talking about people blaming situations, instead of acknowledging their mistakes.
31. The worm forgives the plow that cuts it.
Forgiveness may be necessary to have inner peace.
32. He whose face does not radiate light will never be a star.
Who does not love what he does will never go far.
33. To generalize is to be an idiot.
A truth that can be applied today.
34. The busy bee has no time for sadness.
A reflection on the relationship between emotions and our attention focus.
35. The best wine is the oldest, the best water is the newest.
Things have their proper time.
36. The same law for the lion and for the ox means oppression.
Unfortunately, there are laws that benefit some and harm others.
37. The only healthy foods are those that do not take the net or the stocks.
On appreciating more natural and green foods.
38. Angry tigers are wiser than horses of instruction.
When we manage our emotions they can lead us to a good place.
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39. The truth can never be told in a way that can be understood without being believed.
The truth does not need many explanations.
40. Tiger, tiger, blazing fire in the jungles of the night, what immortal hand, what eye could trace your terrible symmetry?
One of his most recognized poems.
41. Chained poetry, chains the human race.
Poetry is a form of expression.
42. The egotistical and smiling fool and the sad, scowling fool will be regarded as wise and serve as the norm.
Foolish people stand out the most in society.
43. Immerse those who love water in the river.
Fill yourself with the things that make you feel good.
44. The glory of Christianity is conquering through forgiveness.
Forgiveness as the most important message of Christianity.
45. You will never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.
It is enough when you feel that there is nothing more to do.
46. Just as the caterpillar chooses the most beautiful leaves to lay its eggs, the priest places his curse on the best joys.
A critique of the unhealthy pleasures that some representatives of the church have.
47. Active evil is better than passive goodness.
The things that are done effectively are those that are done actively.
48. When the green forests laugh with a voice of great joy and the stream of dimples passes laughing, we learn once more that with a good attitude towards life, you are capable of achieving things awesome.
Talking about the magic of nature and the importance of taking care of it.
49. He who has allowed you to abuse him knows you.
Those who abuse others have their enemies well earned.
50. Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
A reflection on the work of man and nature.
51. The difference between a bad artist and a good artist is this: a bad artist seems to copy a great thing, while a good artist actually does.
Big differences that sooner or later come to the fore.
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52. Creating a single flower is centuries of work.
Nature develops slowly.
53. The apple tree never asks the beech tree how to grow, nor the lion the horse how to catch its prey.
Learn from people who have more experience than you.
54. And for all eternity, I forgive you, and you forgive me.
Through forgiveness a new opportunity can be given.
55. The hours of madness are measured by the clock, but the hours of wisdom cannot be measured by any clock.
Wisdom comes with the experience and reflection of each person.
56. A starving dog at the door of his owner predicts the ruin of the state.
The way we treat animals shows a lot of us as people.
57. Some see nature as ridiculous and misshapen, while others hardly see nature. But in the eyes of a man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.
Not all people appreciate the value of nature.
58. I see the past, present and future that have existed before me.
You always have to learn from history.
59. The most sublime act is to place another in front of you.
If you are willing to help, do so.
60. The tree that moves some tears of joy to the eyes, is for others just a green thing that gets in the way.
There are people who see trees as a hindrance.
61. Poetry is one of the main means of talking to God.
A relationship that shows the size of your faith.
62. Do what you want, this world is a fiction and is made up of contradiction.
Do the things that make you happy, not what others think is the right thing to do.
63. The curse fortifies; the blessing relaxes.
There are things that give you power but do not give you the peace of mind that you want so much.
64. There is no use mocking. Remember that when you blow the sand, it is very likely that the wind will cause it to return.
We never know when the things we do turn against us.
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65. Prudence is a rich and ugly old spinster wooed by Disability.
It is okay to be cautious, but we must be careful to lock ourselves into conformism.
66. What is great is necessarily dark for weak men. What can be made explicit to the idiot is not worth my care.
On many occasions, it is the weak people who pay the consequences for the actions of the powerful.
67. As air to the bird or water to the fish, so contempt for the despicable.
People who do wrong and do nothing to remedy it, do not deserve any compassion.
68. All deities live in the human chest.
God lives in our soul.
69. Time is the mercy of eternity; without the speed of time, which is the fastest of all things, they would all be an eternal torment.
Time is what puts all things in their place.
70. Art cannot exist without the naked beauty displayed.
Art is the way to reflect true beauty.
71. He who is grateful for what he receives brings forth an abundant harvest.
Being grateful leads us to have more blessings.
72. Sleep, sleep, lucky child, all creation sleeps and smiles.
Sleep is important to our health and development.
73. Always be ready to speak frankly and you will avoid the company of mean men.
Honesty scares off malicious people.
74. Nations are destroyed or prosper as poetry, painting and music are destroyed or flourish.
Art is necessary for the development of the culture of a nation.
75. He celebrates your existence!
When we celebrate all of our accomplishments, we gain more confidence in ourselves.
76. Goddess Fortune is the servant of the devil, ready to kiss anyone's butt.
There are fortunes that only end up damaging the person.
77. No bird gets too high if it flies on its own wings.
We need someone else's support to grow.
78. The figure of a naked woman represents a fragment of eternity too large for the eye of man.
Appreciating the natural beauty of women.
79. Essential to happiness is something to love, something to do, and something to hope for.
Ingredients for happiness.
80. Wisdom is offered in the most desolate market, because no one dares to buy.
It takes good and bad experiences to achieve wisdom.
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81. What is the cost of the experience? Do men buy it for a song or a dance in the street? No. It is bought with the price of everything a man has: his wife, children and his home.
There are people who prefer to lose all the people they love just to get the power they want.
82. The true method of knowledge is experiment.
You cannot gain knowledge if you do not learn through experience.
83. He never lost the eagle more time than when he listened to the advice of the raven.
You never waste time when you listen to advice from people who know more than you.
84. Everyone should love the human form regardless of whether they are sinners, Turkish or Jewish.
People are more than our culture, race or sex.
85. Where peace, mercy, mercy and love dwell, God will always be walking.
God as a synonym for tranquility.
86. In sowing time he learns, in harvest he teaches, in winter he enjoys.
What we should do with the knowledge gained.
87. Generally, the good is the pretext of the hypocrite, the flatterer and the scoundrel.
Many people do dishonest things in the name of good
88. I will not reason, nor will I compare; my task is to create.
Focus on improving your own talent and not on imitating others.
89. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary for human existence
We need both good things and bad experiences to learn.
90. I was angry with my friend: I verbalized my anger, my anger ended. I was angry with my enemy: I did not verbalize it, my anger grew.
We must never shut up the annoyances, because they consume us from the inside out.
91. If any person can desire anything that he is incapable of possessing, despair will become his eternal destiny.
That is why you always have to create goals that we can achieve.
92. Angels are not angels because they are more sacred than men or demons, they are more sacred because they do not expect holiness from anyone else, only from God.
An interesting reflection on angels.
93. Excess of grief, laughs. Excess of joy, cries.
You always have to keep a balance.
94. Every individual on the planet is spellbound until his humanity is ready to awaken.
Staying in a bubble of illusion makes us unable to cope with real life.
95. Those who restrict a desire do so because it is weak enough to be restricted.
There are desires that we long to fulfill until we understand that they are whims.
96. The moon, like a flower in the high arch of the sky, with silent delight, settles down and smiles at night.
A beautiful way to talk about the beauty of the moon
97. I must create a system or be enslaved by someone else's.
A fight to survive or be eaten.
98. Where man is not, nature is a desert.
Nature also needs the hand of man to be cared for.
99. A thought fulls the inmensity.
Great things can come out of a thought.
100. When I tell you the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who don't know, but for the sake of defending those who do.
The truth is what saves the actions of society.
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101. Man has closed in on himself until he sees all things through the narrow slits of his cave.
When looking to see only what is convenient.
102. He who feeds on repressed desires eventually rots away.
Because you get carried away by ambition.
103. Joy is better than fun, and happiness is better than joy.
Happiness brings us peace.
104. The beasts of the deepest and darkest caves always look at the beautiful princesses.
When the possession of beauty is coveted.
105. It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.
This is because the betrayal of a friend hurts us much more.
106. Life in waterfalls is characterized by its great cliffs.
All the successes come from great struggles.
107. The nakedness of the woman is the work of God.
Praising the naked woman's body.
108. What has now been tried was once imagined.
The things we have now, were once just a thought.
109. Anguish is only capable of dividing and dividing.
That is why it is better to face them than to let them grow.
110. Think in the morning, work at noon, eat in the afternoon, and sleep at night.
The way in which we must act in our day to day.
Reflections that help us analyze our life and especially why we see the world the way we do.