Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Mindfulness Courses in New York

The psychologist and instructor Lorena Irribarra, at the head of Mente Feliz, offers a Mindfulness course that has a duration of 8 weeks and whose main objective is to apply the method created by Joan Kaba-Zinn (University of Massachusetts), discovering the best tools to achieve greater well-being between body and mind.

The course is completely online, so that each person can do it with total flexibility, and have all the resources necessary to improve their quality of life and reduce the situations of discomfort, anxiety and stress that affect us so much in the day to day.

Psikonet offers a very complete Mindfulness course, aimed at people who want to improve the management of their emotions, offering proven effective tools to reduce the effects of anxiety and stress, among other pathologies.

Thanks to the course, students will be able to distinguish between primary and secondary suffering, and they will learn the techniques to eliminate all those negative habits in order to improve our quality of life.

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Despertar is a center for psychotherapy and meditation that offers interesting Mindfulness courses and has extensive experience in the field of training and improving the quality of life for his patients.

People who take this course will be able to learn from the best professionals, in addition to being able to apply all these techniques in the course itself, since it offers both theoretical and practice.

Lidia Dols, in charge of Gurumind, offers the course "Mental Mastery: Mindfulness", aimed at all those people, whether or not they are mental health professionals, to learn about all those demonstrably effective techniques that allow them to improve their quality of life.

The course is completely online, so you can do it wherever you are. The duration is 8 hours, and you will find quality material where theory and practice, and you can access the Telegram channel where you can interact with a wide community.

Crehana is a course platform where you can find this course related to personal well-being and mindfulness, so that you can deepen your emotional and psychological management, and also improve your intelligence emotional.

The excellent teaching team of the course will accompany you throughout the entire process so that you become an expert in the field, so you can apply everything you have learned both personally, and to your patients.

CSEU La Salle is a well-known psychological center that offers a course in emotional management and mindfulness totally online, to that you can take it from anywhere in the world, and offering a training program of more than 3 months of duration.

It is focused on psychology professionals, and is supported by an extensive team of teachers who They also have their private consultations, offering a very useful practical approach for students of the course.

In Udemy, one of the most popular training platforms, you can also find this mindfulness course which is intended for all those who want to improve their relaxation techniques and self-knowledge.

It is also focused on health professionals in the field of psychology who consult with his patients, offering the most effective techniques to be able to apply them depending on each situation.

The "Master in Coaching, Emotional Management and Mindfulness" of the European Business School is one of the most ambitious training programs in the field of coaching and mindfulness, focused both on health personnel who are specialized in business psychology, as middle managers and managers who want to learn new techniques for motivation and management of Equipements.

This training offers both theoretical and practical content to enhance motivation among workers, offering a totally online course, which can also be used for people in stressful situations labor.

IASE Institute is a center with more than 20 years of experience, and offers a very complete course where you can work on care full, mindfulness and meditation, during more than 30 hours of classes, with an excellent group of health experts mental.

This course is mainly focused on people who work as psychologists and in the field of mental health, Although it is also intended for people who practice advanced meditation and want to learn new techniques specific.

European Institute of Positive Psychology, known as IEPP, also offers an excellent 3-month course where you can learn the best techniques related to emotional management and mindfulness to be able to control your emotions.

The course is completely online and the content extends over more than 80 hours. In addition, the teaching team that teaches the course has extensive experience in this field, with 50 experts at your disposal, and with more than 10 years of experience in this area.

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