Education, study and knowledge

Contingency contract: what it is and how it is used

Sometimes we behave in ways that not everyone likes. Although most of the students can control this, children and adolescents do not find it so easy.

Either because they don't understand the harm they could be doing or because they simply like to cause chaos, many young people do not behave appropriately and both teachers and parents end up desperate trying to make them change.

But change does not happen by itself. It is necessary to intervene and, for this, one of the best techniques to change the behavior of children and adolescents is the contingency contract. If you want to know more about this useful tool, we invite you to continue reading.

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What is a contingency contract?

A contingency contract is an agreement that is carried out by several parties and in which a conduct is specified to be fulfilled. Normally, these parties are usually a boy or girl and an adult, either a parent, a legal guardian or a teacher, although if It is true that there are cases in which this type of contract can be used with adults, such as, for example, in therapy of couple.

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In this agreement, behavioral expectations are set which, if met, will imply some type of reward. Contingency contracts, which can also be called behavioral contracts, They are within the techniques of behavior modification, coming from classical and operant conditioning.. The objective of this tool is that, whether it is a child, an adolescent or an adult, it changes his behavior by applying positive reinforcement.

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What is meant by positive reinforcement?

One of the keys to operant conditioning is positive reinforcement. This consists of offering the subject a positive stimulus each time he carries out a desirable behavior. In this way, the person, be it a child or an adolescent, will see as a positive consequence of his behavior being rewarded with some kind of benefit. This reward can be something material, such as being able to use a favorite toy, or something more experiential, such as being able to go out with friends.

Positive reinforcement is a fundamental element of the contingency contract, given that if it is not used, it will be very difficult for the child or adolescent to carry out the behavior that we want them to do. That is why, when trying to establish this type of agreement, it is very important to take into account which are those objects or experiences that could motivate the subject to whom you want to apply this type of contract. Not everyone is motivated by the same thing.

It should also be understood that reinforcers must be administered appropriately, taking into account the notion of time of the subject to whom it is applied. For example, a young child needs to be rewarded immediately after performing the behavior we want him to do. Instead, a teenager can be a bit delayed in the reward. The important thing is that the individual manages to see that the reward is the positive consequence of her actions.

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How should it be applied?

Once you have seen the definition of the contingency contract and what is meant by positive reinforcement, it may seem very easy to apply this type of behavior modification technique. However, not everything is so simple. When using this type of technique it is very important to try to meet a series of requirements, otherwise the contingency contract will fail miserably.

First of all, The contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.. This may seem excessive for small children, but the truth is that it will give them the feeling that they are doing something really serious and they will try to work hard to achieve it. Also, by leaving it in writing, it is recorded what both parties have reached. It is very important that the contract has been agreed upon by all the people involved, so that it feels fair and that everyone's opinion has been taken into account.

The behaviors that are to be achieved through this contract must be understood by all parties, written in a simple and direct style, even for adolescents and adults. Behaviors in abstract terms should be avoided at all costs. The idea is do not give free interpretations. For example, a very clear behavior would be 'do homework after eating', while it would not be appropriate to put something like 'be up to date'.

Attainable behaviors must also be established in the short term, which can be organized in such a way that they are steps to achieve a greater goal. For example, it would not be right to put something like 'get good grades on all tests' if the child is failing basic. The appropriate thing would be to start with something like 'study a week in advance for this term's exams'.

As has already been commented, All behavior must have some kind of consequence.. Ideally, the desired behaviors should always have some kind of positive reinforcement, whether they are pleasant situations or desired objects. These reinforcements must be proportionate to the steps and advances that are being taken. If the child or adolescent advances, but little, it is better to give moderate reinforcement.

As in any contract, it is very important that both parties comply with what has been agreed. This, which may seem obvious, is a somewhat complicated point not for children or adolescents, but for their parents. that, sometimes, afraid of being too strict, they go too far with tolerance and award prizes without progress real. For this to work, you must be constant, in order to make the other party see that you are serious.

Advantages of the contingency contract

As we were already suggesting throughout this article, the contingency contract is not just for children. It is also applicable in adults who, for one reason or another, are carrying out behaviors that they want to change or omit. This means that this tool can be applied in contexts of all kinds, ranging from centers educational, passing through the home, even ending up in prisons, companies, groups therapeutic…

What there is no doubt about is that, applied in childhood and adolescence, it can become a great ally for desperate teachers and parents with the education of their students and children. This reward system, as long as it has been planned based on the rules mentioned in the previous section, It can become a powerful tool that ensures a healthy development of the youngest.

On a personal level, this technique improves communication and understanding between the parties involved, as well as putting their empathy into practice. It also contributes to increasing their motivation to behave well, since they know that in one way or another they are going to be rewarded with something that they do like.

Bibliographic references:

  • Cantrell, R. P., Cantrell, M. L., Huddleston, C. M., & Wooldridge, R. L. (1969). Contingency contracting with school problems. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 2(3), 215–220. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1969.2-215
  • Mann R. TO. (1972). The behavior-therapeutic use of contingency contracting to control an adult behavior problem: weight control. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 5(2), 99–109. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1972.5-99.

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