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How to reject a job offer cordially? 8 tips

Many of us study, do internships... until we enter the world of work. When we begin to delve into it, this world seems to us as interesting as it is unknown.

We all imagine ourselves happily saying “Yes!” to a job offer, but... what happens when we decide to reject one of them? It often happens that we do not know very well how to do it so as not to look "bad" with the company. Therefore, in this article we will see different key ideas on how to politely decline a job offer.

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How to politely decline a job offer

Many of us think about how happy we will be if they call us from that interview that we have done to tell us that they have selected us for the vacancy in question, but... What happens when we decide to reject a job offer instead?

First of all, it should be clear that It is imperative that we take the selection process seriously, that we value the work of recruiters (human resources professionals who are dedicated to interview and select candidates) and that we be honest and sincere throughout the process.

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Without further ado, we are going to know some of the best tips on how to reject a job offer in a cordial way:

1. Be transparent throughout the process

The first advice in relation to how to reject a job offer in a cordial way has to do with sincerity during the entire selection process. So, really, to leave a good image of us when we reject an offer, it is convenient show a positive attitude from the beginning of the process, not only at the end.

By this we mean that, if you are in more than one selection process, you must say so from the beginning during the interviews you carry out; this does not subtract points from you as a candidate, on the contrary, recruiters already know that when you are in job search (and even if you are not actively looking) it is very likely that the applicant is in more than one process.

Knowing this data will help them to know your situation, as well as your profile, and it will make things easier in the event that you ultimately decline the offer (since they already knew that you were in more processes, it will not catch them so off guard, and they will be able to organize themselves better).

2. Communicate immediately

Once you know that the offer does not interest you, whether you have already been told that you had been selected or not (and especially in this second case), it is important that you communicate your decision to reject the offer as soon as possible possible.

Thus, You show that you value the work of those responsible for the process, since it will be great for them to know as soon as possible to organize themselves and not count on you, call other candidates, etc.

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3. Make a call (avoid email)

Imagine that you have already opted for another offer, or you simply want to reject a certain offer for "X" reasons (there are many).

So, if you have already advanced in the different phases of the selection process and you have been informed that you are the selected one, but you wish to reject the offer, It is best to communicate by phone..

As a general rule, it is better to avoid emails, since more information can be provided through a call, and it is a much closer act that the recruiter will appreciate.

However, if you ultimately choose to communicate your decision via email, at least make sure you don't make spelling or grammatical mistakes (pass the proofreader!) and to use clear, concise and respectful.

4. be honest

Another tip regarding how to cordially decline a job offer is in line with the first one, since has to do once again with sincerity and directness.

These two values ​​should also prevail when you communicate that you finally reject the offer. Logically, we should not always explain everything to those responsible for the process, but we do, in summary, what are your reasons for rejecting the offer.

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5. Expose your reasons

In line with the previous section, it is recommended that you share the reasons that have pushed you to make the decision to reject the offer in question. Thus, this constitutes another of the key ideas on how to reject a job offer in a cordial way.

In addition, this can serve as feedback for interviewers, and learn more about the sector of the job offer (for example that there is a lot of mobility in this sector, that salaries fluctuate "X" range, that candidates prefer to travel -or not to do so-, etc.).

6. Value the work of the recruiters

At this point, the importance of assess the work of the recruiter and/or of the people with whom we have had contact throughout the selection process.

We can express this with phrases such as: "I thank you for the good communication you have maintained with me during the whole process”, “It has been a pleasure that you have contacted me”, “Thank you for the feedback after the interview”, etc

7. show yourself grateful

There is a phrase that says: "Being talented opens many doors, being grateful keeps them open." Who knows if, in the future, you will not want to knock on the door that you decide to close today?

This is more frequent than we think, and although perhaps today we are not interested in a certain job offer, perhaps in the future our plans, expectations, desires or needs change.

Being grateful at the end of the process, when we decide to reject the offer, in addition to making a good impression, allows us to keep the doors open in that company for the future. In addition, it is a way of thanking the work of the recruiters, which they surely value.

8. Don't close the doors

In relation to the previous point on how to reject a job offer cordially, One piece of advice is that you do not completely close the doors to said company (in the event that you have really been interested and/or the offer is minimally attractive to you).

We can express this with a sentence at the end of the conversation, of the type: "I hope we can be in contact with a view to future offers, since your company/offer really seems to me interesting…"

Bibliographic references:

  • Blasco, R.D. (2004). Recruitment and selection of personnel: old and new role of the psychologist. Psychology Magazine: Organizações e Trabalho, 4(1): 91-122.
  • Vertex Team. (2007). Staff pick. Editorial Vertice. Spain.
  • Jimenez, D.P. (2016). Human resources manual. (3rd ed.). ESIC, Business & Marketing School. Professional business books.

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